Summary: John introduces the Lord Jesus Christ with three awesome statements.

The Word

John 1:1 Monte T. Brown

July 13, 2008 Sunday Morning

Heart O’ the Hills


As we begin our journey through the book of John we start by taking a long hard look at verse 1.

In fact we will be looking at verse 1 for the next two weeks.

There is so much in verse 1 it would not do it justice if we only look at it in one message.

In verse 1, we see this opening statement; "In the beginning was the Word.

John introduces the Lord Jesus Christ with three awesome statements:

In the beginning was the Word,

And the Word was with God,

And the Word was God.

Three times we see The Word this is the subject of the message this morning.

The Word is a divine expression of Christ. Here is where we begin our journey through the book of John.

Word in the original Greek is Logos = meaning The Word.

The three awesome statements about The Word in verse 1 will be the three points to the message.


1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.


In the beginning was the Word,

The Word this is one of the most profound titles of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

It is not an easy thing to determine the exact meaning of the title The Word.

In the beginning refers to the beginning found in Genesis 1:1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth, here in Genesis 1:1 The Word already existed.

As we ponder on the word beginning our minds come to the conclusion that there must be a beginning and an end.

We try to date the beginning, however in doing so we try to elevate ourselves above God, presuming we can place a time table on God.

When it comes to God, He was before the beginning.

Where did God come from and how did all of this get here?

God came from nowhere and told something that was nothing to stay there and He stood on it.

He took the hammer of righteousness and struck the anvil of justice and sparks flew from the anvil of justice and God caught them on His finger tips and slung them into nothing and called it the universe and the stars.

We cannot measure the existence of God and determine a beginning and an end.

For God is from ever to ever with no end Amen!

For God does not measure time.

God created time for us, for God is forever and forever does not need time.

God came out of eternity and created all things known to us. Then out of eternity

He came to meet creation and to have fellowship with us.

And the Word was with God,

There was God the Father, Jesus Christ the only begotten Son and the one and only Holy Spirit.

Because God is a triune God, that is to say the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, they all three in one.

This triune God is all everlasting, all existing, all enduring and we find that in Genesis 1:26 when mankind and all living things were created we find the triune God for God said;

Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over the cattle, over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.

God said Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness;

We see God is the Father the master creator and His Son is God in the flesh and His Holy Spirit is God living in us.

The Word was with God, because The Word was Jesus Christ the only begotten son of God.

And the Word was God.

Jesus Christ played a part in creation. Being part of the triune Godhead, he can say that he created all things.

Because our God is three in one, God the father, Jesus Christ the son, or God that manifested himself into the image of man and the Holy Spirit, which is God living in us.

The Word is forever existing, because The Word was Jesus Christ the only begotten son of God and The Word was God.


In conclusion we see that there is no doubt that Christ is the Word because words on a piece of paper cannot be the beginning, but the one who is the Word that became flesh. The Word was God and dwelled with God.

In the beginning was the Word,

And the Word was with God,

And the Word was God.

In closing I have three questions for you this morning.

1. Do you know The Word?

2. Do you have The Word in your life?

3. Does you fellowship with The Word daily?