Summary: There is much talk from advocates of gay rights and homosexuality, how does their rhetoric measure up against the true teaching of the Bible?



Text: Romans 1:24-27

Scripture Reading: Genesis 2:18-26


1. Let me share with you some insight into the mind of gay rights advocates:

a. “The main thing is to talk about gayness until the issue becomes thoroughly tiresome…”

b. “Seek desensitization and nothing more, if you can get them (straights) to think homosexuality is just another thing meriting no more than a shrug of the shoulders your battle is virtually won”

c. “Our effect is achieved without reference to facts, logic, or proof”

2. Another tactic they use, affiliated with the lack of proof is to claim that historical figures may have been gay

a. They choose the iconic-positive symbols of America and associate them with homosexuality

b. In turn they give us names like religious fanatic and homophobe

c. Alfred Kinsey, a respected researcher of sexual practices in America wrote an article in which he claims 10% of Americans claim to have practiced homosexuality for 3 years or more

d. In fact, a survey sponsored by the US Department of Health and Human Services found that a maximum of 4% of the population was practicing homosexuals

e. And according to only about 1.6% of the couples in the US are same-sex couples

f. Contrary to what these agenda-minded people will tell you with lies and stretches of the truth, there is not a majority of the population of the US who is homosexual, but a very minute portion of our population

3. Do not be deceived by efforts to twist the truth and mask the sin of homosexuality

4. Read Text

5. Three things we learn about Homosexuality when we get a God’s eye view of it:

a. Goes against creation

b. Goes against nature

c. Goes against God’s law

6. Homosexuality is an abomination in the sight of God, just as any other sin, but it is forgivable just as in any other sin, as long as the violator repents

TRANSITION: First of all notice that homosexuality:

I. Goes against creation

A. Consider the scene in the Garden of Eden, especially from Genesis 2

1. Adam is there all alone with the animals, this is not good

a. Until this point everything has been good

b. Now things are not so good

2. Adam needs a help-meet

a. For Mr. Buffalo there is a Mrs. Buffalo and so-on

b. For Adam there is no one

c. So God created for Adam a Mrs. Adam

d. A Mrs. Adam not another Mr. Adam

3. Creation was Adam and Eve NOT Adam and Steve

a. Woman was created to fulfill and complete man

b. Creation saw a man and woman made for one another and that for life

B. Matthew 19:4-5, “…Have you not read that He who created them from the beginning made them male and female, and said, ‘For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh?’”

1. Through creative force and unimaginable wisdom and logic God made man and woman to be joined together

2. Creation saw a man and woman made for each other, not a man and a man or a woman and a woman

3. God’s intent when creating woman was for man to be joined to woman and not to man

TRANSITION: Along those lines notice that homosexuality:

II. Goes against nature

A. This just stands to reason with creation being the control of nature

1. Nature by creation of God has male and female for each creature

2. When man intercedes with God’s nature he often invents some animals that may be mostly sterile, but even mules can rarely produce offspring

B. Romans 1:26-27, “For this reason God gave them over to degrading passions; for their women exchanged the natural function for what which is unnatural, and in the same way also the men abandoned the natural function of the woman and burned in their desire toward one another, men with men committing indecent acts and receiving in their own persons the due penalty of their error.”

1. Paul calls homosexuality an exchange of the natural for what is unnatural

2. This means it is a departure from all that nature needs, demands, and desires

3. He calls it also an indecent act

C. Homosexuality is not a natural act

1. The word Paul chose for nature in Romans 1:26 is a very interesting choice

a. It means literally the characteristics attributed to one at birth

b. It includes dispositions, inclinations, and order

c. Things you are going to do and be

2. Homosexuality is a violation of those in-born traits God gave us in the womb

a. Some claim they were born gay

b. They point to certain brain characteristics found in a population of people who died with AIDS

c. The weakness of such information is two-fold

i. They died with a specific disease that may have attributed to the brain abnormalities

ii. They do not account for the homosexuality of the person that may have attributed to the abnormalities

iii. There is absolutely no proof that these brains were born with this defect

iv. And there is no record, to my knowledge, of this characteristic being found in any infant

v. Science has not proven that homosexuals are born that way even though they try

vi. And this passage in Romans refutes the claim

3. Homosexuality is against God’s nature

TRANSITION: Bring against God’s nature and creation, homosexuality is also:

III. Against God’s law

A. Romans 1:27 says they received “due penalty of their error”

1. As such they are listed in verse 31 with the wicked, greedy, evil, envious, murderer, strivers, deceitful, malicious, gossips, slanderers, and the list goes on and on including those who hate God

2. Verse 32 says that these are worthy of death

a. That does not mean we ought to take that matter into our own hands

b. Remember that the wages of all sin is death and that each of us has sinned

3. But homosexuality is clearly noted in this passage as sinful despite what others may say about a loving God not condemning people for loving others

4. I Corinthians 6:9-10 lists practicing homosexuals among those who will not inherit the kingdom of God

B. Remember Genesis 19

1. Sodom and Gomorrah were two cities completely destroyed

2. They were destroyed so completely by God that archaeologists cannot locate their positions

3. For what were they destroyed

4. They were so depraved in their homosexual appetite that they refused to take one of Lot’s daughters wanting instead the male visitors who were with Lot that evening

5. They did not know they were angels just that they were men and they wanted to have relations with them

6. So God destroyed their cities with these depraved men in, and with all who would not leave

7. Including Lot’s sons-in-law and maybe two of his daughters

C. Homosexuality is against God’s law and is therefore a sinful act

D. A very interesting statement is made at the end of Romans 1:32 in discussing the penalty of these sins listed, including homosexuality

1. “But also give hearty approval to those who practice them”

2. The ones who may not practice these sins but support those who do are set to receive the same penalty as those who perform these sinful acts

3. Make a stand for God whenever you can, use your voice to show that you do not support the practice of any sin, including the sin of homosexuality


1. Proponents of gay rights will try to spin information to make their case

2. By their own admission they are not interested in facts but in their own agenda

3. They tell us that 10% or more of the population is practicing homosexuality when the government census numbers show the number to be 4% or less

4. They tell you they were born gay when science cannot support this claim and the Bible refutes it

5. They tell you that God does not condemn their behavior because they are just expressing love but Paul clearly says that homosexuals will not inherit the kingdom of God and they receive their due penalty

6. Homosexuality is clearly a sinful practice which must be avoided as any sin

7. But it can also be repented of and is not any more devious or sinful than my sin, so we must not cast a disparaging eye on the homosexual

8. Just as in any sin, we hate the sin, but love the sinner

9. And we do not vote for, or support in any way those who support or encourage the practice of such sin