Summary: This sermon looks at the problem of indecision, the solution to indecision and the promise of God’s faithfullness. Subtitle: How To Make Wise Decisions

Dealing With Indecision

(How To Make Wise Decisions)

Today we are continuing an in depth series on the book of James. Last week we looked at how we could have power over our problems. This week we are going to discover that God wants you to make wise decisions. Remember God wants us to grow up. God wants us to become mature Christians. He wants us to make wise decisions. As we grow more mature in Chirst we are to make decisions that are pleasing to Him.

As I said last week – the book of James is a very practical book. It could possibly be the most practical book in the Bible. It is a manual for Christian living. James starts out by giving practical advice right from the beginning of the book and continues through to the end. Let’s go ahead and read our text for today. It is found in James chapter one verses five through eight:

“If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him. But let him ask in faith, with no doubting, for he who doubts is like a wave of the sea driven and tossed by the wind. For let not that man suppose that he will receive anything from the Lord; he is a double-minded man, unstable in all his ways.” James 1:5-8 (NKJV)

Life is full of choices and we make decisions every day. A wise man has said, “The decisions that we make – make us!” I believe this to be a true statement. As I look back on my own life – the decisions that I have made have had an immense impact on my life. So have yours. The quality and direction of your life has been determined by the decisions you have made. Some of them you regret – some of them you feel good about.

A young business man went to an older business man and was seeking advice – he asked, “What is the secret of success?” The older man replied, “Making wise decisions.” The young man then asked, “How can I learn to make wise decisions?” The older man replied, “From experience.” The young man then asked, “How do I get experience?” The older man answered, “From making dumb decisions.”

The fact is – we are all human and we have a great potential to make mistakes. In fact – we all make mistakes. We wait too long. We pay too much. We say the wrong thing. We open our mouths and insert our foot. All of us do stupid things. But the wise man learns from the mistakes he makes. I hope and pray that we all learn from our mistakes and that we can make better decisions next time.

In the book of James we have guidance on how to make wise decisions. James shows us the problem, then he gives us the prescription, followed by the promise. Let’s look at the problem first.

I. The Problem – INDECISION

Look at what James says in verse eight:

“…a double-minded man, (is) unstable in all his ways.”

James 1:8 (NKJV)

In the Greek the word for “doubled-minded” literally means to be “two spirited" – being pulled in different directions. When you are doubled-minded you have two loyalties – two priorities. You are being pulled in two directions at the same time. It causes confusion. It causes disorientation. It would be like a man standing next to a compass while having a magnet in his pocket. The compass wants to point to magnetic north – that is what it is designed to do – yet because of the magnet in his pocket the compass is pulled off course. The compass is set off course because it is being pulled in two directions at the same time and ends up someplace in between – not really pointing at either one.

Sometimes you have to make a decision but you’re pulled in different directions. Being double minded makes you unstable. You become confused. You become disoriented. It produces an unstable lifestyle. Eventually all your ways become unstable. That’s what James says:

“…a double-minded man, (is) unstable in all his ways.”

James 1:8 (NKJV)

Let me give you three areas that your ways become unstable. You have:

A. Unstable EMOTIONS

You worry when you can’t decide. You become confused. You can’t eat. You can’t sleep. You ask yourself, “What should I do? If I make this decision is it right – is it wrong?” Indecision creates emotional instability in your life. It’s like the guy who goes to the psychiatrist and the psychiatrist asks, “Are you indecisive?” The person answers, “Yes and no.” The psychiatrist asks, “What do you mean?” The guy answers, “I use to be – but now I can’t decide.” Indecision causes unstable emotions.

It also causes:


Lack of commitment destroys marriages. Do I want in or do I want out. What if I stay in – what if I get out – what if – what if – what if? Indecision causes instability.

Lack of commitment destroys families. When you are the parent and you keep changing the rules it does not create a stable household. It gives mixed messages to your children. What’s the rule today? The kids ask, "Can I do this – can I do that?" They think - mom or dad has said this – but they always change their minds - I might as well do what I want.

Lack of commitment destroys churches. Can you be counted on – are you going to be there – are you going to do what you said you would do? Are you going to keep your word? You see indecision causes unstable relationships.

Indecision also causes:


Look at what James says in verse seven:

“Let not that man suppose that he will receive anything from the Lord.” James 1:7 (NKJV)

Being double-minded blocks your prayers. It blocks your commitment to God. Indecision in your life keeps God from giving His blessing and it keeps you from receiving what God has for you. If you don’t believe God can – why would He? Remember the verse from Hebrews we ended with last week – it applies here also:

“No one can please God without faith. Whoever goes to God must believe that God exists and that he rewards those who seek him.” Hebrews 11:6 (GW)

Circle the word "must" in that verse. You "must" believe in Him if you are going to get a blessing from Him. If you don’t have faith in Him – God will not reward you for your faithfulness. How can He if you have no faith in Him?

Indecision affects your spiritual life. You can sing “Onward Christian Solider” on Sunday but on Monday if you go AWOL you are not a faithful Christian Solider. Double-mindedness produces a double life. It causes instability in all of your ways. It produces an unstable lifestyle.

II. The Solution – WISDOM

What is the solution? James tells us to, “Get wisdom.” He says:

“If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him.” James 1:5 (NKJV)

Then he gives us three practical steps on how to get wisdom.

1. Admit your NEED

The first part of verse five says, “If any of you lacks wisdom” – how would you know if you lack wisdom unless you examine yourself and see if you are lacking in wisdom. If you are lacking something – then you have a need for it. So the first thing you need to do is examine yourself and admit your need.

Let me ask you a question – how many of you have so much wisdom – that you don’t need any more? None of us! We all can use more wisdom. We all should want to be wiser. We all lack wisdom in some areas. We don’t know everything - {even though you may know some people who think they do}. God tells us to admit our need - we need wisdom.

Let me tell you up front. Wisdom is different than knowledge. Wisdom is knowledge put into practice. Wisdom is the practical application of knowledge. Wisdom is seeing life from God’s point of view – from God’s perspective. Do I always see things the way God sees them? No! I need wisdom to do that – we all do. Admit your need.

Number two:

2. Ask for WISDOM

James says, “If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God”.

How do you get wisdom? By listening to Dr. Phil? By reading Time magazine? By watching TV? By taking smart pills? No! The Bible says:

“The Lord gives wisdom. From his mouth come knowledge and understanding.” Proverbs 2:6 (GW)

Since the Lord gives wisdom we need to ask Him for it. We need to pray to Him for it. Wisdom comes from God. Ask Him to give you some. I pray to God all the time asking for wisdom. I don’t have all the answers - but I know One who does. I ask Him to guide me. I ask Him to lead me. I ask Him to show me the way. When you ask for wisdom you also need to:

3. Ask in FAITH

You need to anticipate an answer. James says,

“If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him. But let him ask in faith, with no doubting.”

Circle the words “with no doubting”. If you want wisdom – first ask the right person. Then ask in the right way – believing that God will answer you. Believe – don’t doubt. This means that the key to wisdom is prayer – the condition is faith.

Have you ever prayed for something and not got it because you believed that God wasn’t going to give it to you in the first place. What’s that all about? Why did you ask when you believed God wasn’t going to answer any way? You might as well not have asked in the first place.

How many of you remember the story of Peter walking on the water? Do you remember what happened? Peter asks Jesus if he can walk on the water with Him. Jesus says, "Come on." Peter jumps out of the boat and starts walking on the water. He’s got his eyes on the Lord. He has faith in the Lord. Jesus had told him to get out of the boat. He trusted Jesus’ word. But then he looks down and thinks – "what am I doing?" I’m not supposed to be out here! People are not supposed to be walking on water. The next thing you know - instant baptism! Down he goes into the water. The moment you take your eyes off God – the moment you stop trusting His word – the moment you stop believing in Him - you are in trouble. You need faith to walk faithfully.


Let’s look at verse five again:

“If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him.” James 1:5 (NKJV)

God wants to give you wisdom. He is eager to give you wisdom. He is ready to give you wisdom. He wants to give you the best things He can – but you need to ask.

I want you to notice some words in this text. The words are “liberally” and the second words are, “without reproach”. Let’s look at the word “liberally” first.

Liberally in the Greek can also be translated - openly, frankly, sincerely, bountifully or generously. God gives and gives and gives and then gives some more. “My cup overflows,” – the Bible says. It’s just not full – it’s overflowing. God gives over and above what I deserve.

The next words there are “without reproach”. Literally in the Greek it means without showing teeth. Which means, “without growling at you”. Some people give things to you but they give it to you grudgingly. That’s not God’s character. He gives you wisdom with joy. He is happy to give you wisdom. He is cheerful to give you wisdom. Have you ever wondered why God loves a cheerful giver? I can tell you why – because He is a cheerful giver Himself and when we give cheerfully – we are imitating God. We are becoming Godly.

Aren’t you glad that God loves to give? I know that I am. He gives me grace. He gives me mercy. He gives me forgiveness and James tells us that He will give us wisdom – if we just ask for it in faith.

Where do you need wisdom right now? What’s the big decision in your life? Is it a career decision? Is it a retirement decision? An operation? An investment? How about salvation? God is there to give you wisdom – if you just ask Him in faith.

I want to talk to you right now about the greatest decision you can make in your entire life. The greatest decision you’ll ever make in this life is this: Are you going to follow God or not? Who is going to be number one in my life? Who am I going to live for? Am I going to live for myself or am I going to live my life for God? Let me tell you, following God is the only thing that will produce stability in your life. Following God is the only way you can live in peace with God and with yourself. Here is how you do that - ask Him now to come into your life – to forgive you of your sins – to guide you and direct you through life – and to give you wisdom in the decisions that you need to make.

All you have to do right now is pray a simple prayer. Say something like this. “Lord I am sinner. I need to be forgiven. Come into life and save me. I want to know You. I want to live for You. I want to follow You.” If you say a prayer like that right now with all sincerity - God promises that He will forgive you and He will save you.

Remember James tells us:

“If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him. But let him ask in faith, with no doubting, for he who doubts is like a wave of the sea driven and tossed by the wind. For let not that man suppose that he will receive anything from the Lord; he is a double-minded man, unstable in all his ways.” James 1:5-8 (NKJV)

Ask God - Ask in Faith - Rely on His promises.

(Special thanks to Richard Warren for his sermon “How to Make Wise Decisions.)