Erma Bombeck – “You have to love a nation that celebrates its independence every July 4, not with a parade of guns, tanks, and soldiers who file by the White House in a show of strength and muscle, but with family picnics where kids throw Frisbees, the potato salad gets iffy, and the flies die from happiness. You may think you have overeaten, but that’s patriotism.”
The liberty Bell is one of the most recognized symbols of freedom in the entire world. The echo carried throughout Philadelphia in 1774 as it summoned the first Continental Congress together, then again it rang after the Battle of Lexington and Concord in 1775 and then again in it’s most notable ringing on July 8, 1776, when it summoned the citizens for the reading of the most valuable document ever penned next the Bible - the Declaration of Independence!
That old bell of freedom rang its last note on February 26, 1846. The Philadelphia Public Ledger picks up the story of that day, “The old Independence Bell rang its last clear note on Monday, in honor of the birthday of Washington…It gave out clear notes and loud, and appeared to be in excellent condition until noon, when it received a compound fracture in a zig-zag direction through one of its sides which put it completely out of tune and left it a mere wreck of what it was.”
Could that be said of today’s freedom – voiceless and broken?
“Let freedom ring” one of the most widely known phrases ever uttered by man! Certainly we know that Marin Luther King J.R. applied this phrase to his “I have a dream” speech. It has been used in political speeches all across this country. It is plastered on banners waving in protest marches - border to border. “Let freedom ring” - we love to spout it, shout it and tout it – but does freedom still have that brilliant ring that helped set a nation free 232 years ago? Has the aging ring gone dead, has the ancient ring been silenced in this great nation?
President George W. Bush said, “… When the Declaration of Independence was first read in public, the Liberty Bell was sounded in celebration, and a witness said: “It rang as if it meant something.”
It was March 20, 1775 in Saint John’s Church in Richmond Virginia when a 39 year old fiery Christian Senator stood up in the midst of other great Founding Fathers and boldly proclaimed, “Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!”
He was saying – we best keep freedom ringing!!
Patrick Henry would light the passion to the Revolutionary War with that blazing speech, in order to keep the fires of freedom alive for generations to come! He reminded the states that they had to be brave!
Elmer Davis said, “This nation will remain the land of the free only so long as it is the home of the brave.”
Robert J. McCracken wrote, “We on this continent should never forget that men first crossed the Atlantic not to find soil for their ploughs but to secure liberty for their souls.”
I ask - how did our Founding Father’s understand freedom? What was their concept of freedom? What was their original intent for freedom, liberty and rights in America?
What I want to do today it to look at their roll of government, rule of law and see something very interesting – it all lines up perfectly with what the Bible has to say about freedom!
Folks, let no one fool you – our Founding Fathers understood that there is a powerful connection between faith and freedom, and there is a direct connection between government and God!
What we are going to see in Paul’s writings in Galatians is how our Founding Fathers established as the boundaries for freedom, are right in line with the Bible! Why is this so important? Because we have raised 2 whole generations that do not know what real freedom is!
3 Freedom Facts:
1. Real Freedom Is Given By God. 5:13a
Have you ever thought about that? Real freedom is a calling! God does the calling and we do the responding! Folks, where do we get the idea that we should live free lives? Where do we get the basic principles that man is gifted with freedom? Where do we get the freedom of worship and the freedom to speak out? Every ounce of it comes from God! Without God we have no freedom, no liberty and no rights! Our Founding Fathers understood that our freedoms go all the way back to of all places – the Garden of Eden!
The very first gift that God gave to Adam and Eve was life, the second gift he gave them was liberty and freedom! Who has ever had as much freedom then Adam and Eve? God placed them into one of the most liberated environments!
For example: they were totally free from disease, no cancer, no migraines, no heart illness, not even the common cold! You could eat corn dogs until they came out your ears! They were totally free from disasters, death, no funeral homes, no caskets and no gravesites!!
Genesis 2:15, 16 “Then the Lord God took the man and put him into the Garden of Eden to cultivate it and keep it. And the Lord God commanded the man, saying, "From any tree of the garden you may eat freely.” NASB
God place Adam in the Garden and says, “Adam, let freedom ring!”
“Go for it!” But Adam, never forget where your freedom comes from! And folks - from that moment in time to this moment in time, freedom have always been a divine call of God to humanity!
In case you are thinking, this is just not true! Please think again! Let’s go the Declaration of Independence and look for ourselves.
“When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them…”
“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”
Now, with these 2 important phrases, we have a 232 year old document that states that its authority is derived from “Nature’s God”. No other document is as powerful about rights and liberty as the Declaration of Independence! America has forgotten this freedom fact!
Our Founding Fathers did their homework before signing their names to that document. For example, Benjamin Franklin said, “We have gone back to ancient history for models of government, and examined the different forms of Republics…and we have viewed modern states all around Europe.”
You maybe saying, “Pastor you need to prove to me that is what the Founding Fathers meant.” I will…
I call John Quincy Adams, a signer of that declaration of Independence, he said, “The law of nature and of nature’s God…of course presupposes the existence of a God, the moral ruler of the universe, and a rule of right and wrong, of just and unjust, binding upon man, preceding all institutions of human society and of government.”
James Madison, another signer of the Declaration of Independence said, “The law of nature which is dictated by God Himself, is, of course, superior in obligation to any other. It is binding over all the globe, in all countries, and at all times. No human laws are of any validity, if contrary to this.”
Now be honest – who knows what “unalienable” means? When was the last time you used this word? Why did our Founding Fathers put that word in this document? What I’ve learn is that that word, really juices up this document – because these words “unalienable rights” have a very specific and unique point of origination for the Declaration of Independence and here’s why. Unalienable rights are not the graces of government but gifts from God!
Do you know who insisted in using the word, “Unalienable”?
James Madison. Jefferson wanted to use “Inalienable” instead. Folks – there is a big difference between the two words.
“Unalienable” = non transferable to one another, but something that can only come from above.
James Madison was saying by using this word, that freedom is not humanly designed by evolution – it’s divinely designed by our Creator! James Madison was also saying the key to maintaining freedom is to trust only in Almighty God – there’s no other way! Folks – do you see the picture – this document (The Declaration of Independence) is not just a simple secular statement of rebellion from a king but rather a spectacular spiritual statement of dependence on God!
Thomas Jefferson - the one who wrote most of this document - helps us to understand this better, I quote, “The God who gave us life, gave us liberty at the same time.”
Life and liberty cannot be separated or you no longer have freedom!
Then Jefferson went on to say this, “Can the liberties of a nation be thought secure, when we have removed their only firm basis - a conviction in the minds of the people that these liberties are the gift of God.”
Now we have a better insight to what John Adams said, “We have no government armed with power capable of contending with human passions unbridled by morality and religion...Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people.”
James Wilson spoke more times than any other Founding Father on the floor of the Convention (168 times) then later he was appointed as a Justice on the original Supreme Court by George Washington, he said, “Far from being rivals or enemies, religion and law are twin sisters, friends, and mutual assistants.”
That’s why this country is not set up to be an atheistic country – our constitution is not set up that way – we ought to welcome agnostics, Buddhist, Muslims and Hindus into this county, but the moment we think we can be governed by any other God – our Constitution will fail the people! You see - our two most powerful documents are great only because they are a beautiful reflection of an awesome God!
That’s why Dwight D. Eisenhower said, “Without God, there can be no American form of government, nor an American way of life.”
Folks, mark it down, with the backing of those I’ve just quoted, when God is gone from America – our freedoms are gone too! As Americans we should be so careful of any public official, political party or philosophical revisionist who wants to remove God from the public arena – because when you take God out - we have nothing left!
2. Real Freedom Is Governed By Love. 5:13b
Realize what Paul is saying - real freedom is when you love others more than yourself! And this was greatly understood by our Founding Fathers! They also knew that liberty is limited by love. So you can say that love is what keeps liberty from going off to extremes.
Did you know that there are 2 extremes that you can take liberty: there are some people; we’ll call them “liberals”, who say, “I can do with liberty whatever I want to do, wherever I want to do it, and it’s no one’s business, I have the right!”
As you know this country was bombarded by this mentality starting in the 60’s and 70’s.
Then the other extreme is what we’ll call “Legalists”, who say, “Don’t do this and don’t do that. I’m God’s watchdog!” They will rant about you going to see a movie; they will throw charges into your face if you don’t do it their way!
A legalist: When you condemn others for not following your convictions – you are a card carrying legalist!
For the legalist, love does not cover a multitude of sins!
So Paul reminds us in the 21st century that the remedy for liberalism and legalism is one thing – love!
Verse 14
With love, why could all the world’s problems be solved over night? Because only with love can you love others more than self! So when you love others that way, you begin to live your freedom out with this thought – what’s best for other! This is so simple, it’s profound – if I love my wife, I won’t cheat on her. If I love my employer, I won’t steal from him. If I love a friend I won’t gossip about him. If I love you I won’t rob your house. If I love someone I won’t kill. Now, do you see how my liberties are checked by love and my freedoms are limited by love?
FACT: Our Founding Fathers knew a society must be guarded by laws but ultimately they knew a society must be governed by love!
LifePoint: Law without love is legalism and love without law is liberalism!
Verse 15: is the negative result of this principle!
Freedom is always enjoyed the most when it stays within the proper boundaries!
Remember that 232 years ago there was no law, no constitution, and no courts; the only force within the colonies was love! Those brilliant Founding Fathers knew that the only thing holding them together was their last thought on the bottom of the Declaration of Independence when they all agreed, “We pledge to each other, our lives, our fortunes and our sacred honor.” And then they signed on the dotted line for the sake of freedom, liberty and love - I believe they trusted that generations would follow with the same convictions!
And do we realize that this statement was the glue that connected them together for a long 8 years!
3. Real Freedom Is Guided By Wisdom.
Remember freedom is not doing what you want to do; freedom is doing what you ought to do – got it! Let’s get practical – how many of you have played Basketball – what fun would basketball be if you had no lines drawn on the court. How about Football – what fun would football be if there was no side lines? How about Baseball – what fun would baseball be if there was no foul line? What would you have – chaos! And that’s true about life!
Get this: real freedom always follows guidelines and the Bible gives us the guidelines that work best! Our Founding Fathers knew this!
So here’s a practical way to see how freedom is exercised in your life on a daily basis. In the Book of Corinthians Paul address serious problems that almost broke the church!
1 Corinthians 8:1
“Meat sacrificed to idols” = in Bible days if you wanted to go buy meat for your dinner, you had only 2 choices. You could go to the local market and pay really high prices! Or you could go down to the local pagan temple and buy meat cheaply that was perfectly good to eat still, but there’s only one problem – it was sacrificed to a false god.
Now the bigger problem within the church in Corinth was some Christians were offended by another member in the church going and buying the meat offered to an idol. The Christian offended hated the fact that money was given to the pagan temple, hated the fact that this meat was going to be used for a Potluck at church! WOW!
Verse 7:
Verse 12:
Verse 13: “Food” replace with “Freedom”
That’s why real freedom always asks this question – before I do what I’m about to do, what is the right thing to do and what is the loving thing to do, and what is the wise thing to do?
Now: let’s get real practice – there are a lot of areas we can apply this to. Before you turn me off, please listen. I’m going to apply this to the area of alcohol. I would never condemn you if you drink alcohol. Yes, it’s true there is no verse in the Bible that says “Thou shall not drink alcohol.” Now I have been tempted to get a Bible and have it printed in there somewhere!
I understand that there is no law that says drinking is wrong, and I understand that as a Christian you have the freedom to do that. However, if you are a follower of Christ there are principles about your freedom to drink.
a. Since freedom is given by God, it should be used to glorify God.
b. Freedom is always governed by love; always do what is best for others.
c. Real liberty is guided by God’s wisdom; always seek His Word first.
True or false: Jesus Christ had to die on the cross? False. He voluntarily died on our behalf. Listen, if Jesus had the freedom not to die on that cross, why didn’t He exercise that freedom? Because His freedom was consumed with us in mind! You see - it wasn’t best for Him to die on that cross – it was best for us that He died on that cross!