Summary: In Peter’s life story we have the record of three times when he was off guard, relaxed, asleep. On each occasion there was something that he did not know.

I Lay Me Down To Sleep

Acts 12:6

Sleeping at the wheel is a good way to keep from growing old.

The amount of sleep required by the average person is about five minutes more.

Laugh and the world laughs with you, snore and you sleep alone.

People who say they sleep like a baby usually don’t have one.

A large portion of the of Christ’s ministry as recorded in the Gospels had to do with the training of the Twelve Apostles. Of these dozen men, three - Peter, James, and John, were admitted to special intimacy and were often dealt with by their Master as though members of an inner circle. They were in a circle of privilege. They alone got to were with the Lord on the Mount of Transfiguration. They were with him in the Garden of Gethsemane.

Of this small group of three, Peter was the most prominent, not so much for merit as for the faults that often accompanied him.

In Peter’s life story we have the record of three times when he was off guard, relaxed, asleep. On each occasion there was something that he did not know.

I. The Sleep of An Unripe Acquaintance (Luke 9:32)

Peter had recently made his great confession (vs. 20), but here he is opens his mouth and says the wrong thing.

Peter made many blunders until he grew in it no wonder that he wrote “grow in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.”

Just a few days later on the mount of transfiguration, Christ doubtless intended to reveal much more of Himself and His program; but Peter and companions went to sleep.

When they awoke they saw Moses and Elijah standing with Jesus. Peter now knowing what he said (33) suggested that they should build three tabernacles.

In Peter’s words, he blunders. “Not knowing what to say.” While Peter stumbles on with his irresponsible nonsense, the mountain was suddenly wrapped with a bright cloud. Then came the Father’s voice putting an end to Peter’s blundering remarks, "This is my beloved son: hear ye him."

Man’s greatest need is to hear God.

What are you listening for? What is it that causes you to stop and take notice? We all have that trigger in our brain that kicks in when certain voices are heard or when certain things are said. People have a tendency to hear only to what they want to hear. We often only hear what we want. It is not that we cannot hear but that we have selective hearing.

A man once noticed that every time he ate his favorite food, pork rinds, his foot pained him immensely that evening. The family physician confirmed his suspicion of pork-induced gout, and when the uncle returned home from the doctor’s office, his wife asked him how the appointment had gone. His uncle plopped off his shoes and replied, "The doctor says there is not much he can do. I’m going to have to put up with gout about 3 times a week."

Now, hearing God all begins in the heart. Your ear listens for what your heart is set on. Develop an ear for God’s voice.

President Franklin D. Roosevelt got tired of smiling that big smile and saying the usual things at all those White House receptions. So, one evening he decided to find out whether anybody was paying attention to what he was saying. As each person came up to him with extended hand, he flashed that big smile and said, "I murdered my grandmother this morning."

People would automatically respond with comments such as "How lovely!"

Nobody listened to what he was saying, except one foreign diplomat. When the president said, "I murdered my grandmother this morning," the diplomat responded softly, "I’m sure she had it coming to her."

The problem today is not that God is not speaking but rather we are not listening for Him. It’s not the Lord who is not speaking, but it’s us who are not hearing.

A. Hear Him reverently

We need to recognize that He does not waste any words.

B. Hear Him believingly

God says what he means and means

what He not need to try to look for loopholes.

C. Hear Him obediently

D. Hear Him immediately

As we hear God speak, we will grow.

II. The Sleep Of An Untried Allegiance (Mark 14:37)

Peter has just been warned of weakness (v. 30); between his two vigorous boast of strength (vs. 29, 31).

A. Observe his haughtiness (Mark 14:27-31)

There is arrogance in his words. His words are filled with pride. He who sings his own praise is usually off-key.

1. He thought he knew more than Christ

The Lord’s predictions were not going to come true. It is gross pride to argue with the Word of the Divine. He who knows everything has a lot to learn.

2. He thought he was too strong to fail

Peter is over-confident. One of the great perils of an overconfident attitude is that the person is not as cautious as they ought to be. 3. He thought he was superior to others

It is not a mark of spiritual growth to view oneself as the chief of saints. Spiritual growth is evidenced more so when one views himself as the chief of sinners.

Be humble or you will stumble. Solomon said, "Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall."

Pride is the only poison that is good for you when swallowed.

B. Observe his slothfulness (Mark 14:32-42)

Instead of praying, Peter was sleeping.

You and I are prone to be unfaithful when we take lightly our spiritual privileges.

I have never met a an unfaithful praying Christian. If you get slothful in your spiritual privileges you will become unfaithful. If you get slothful in your Bible reading, you will become unfaithful. If you get slothful in your church attendance, you will become unfaithful.

Notice verse 40. This second time Jesus spoke to them as before, but they wist not what to answer him; they were ashamed of their drowsiness, and had nothing to say in excuse for it.

III. The sleep of An Unquestioning Assurance (Acts 12:6)

In this situation, there is a different kind of sleep. This is the most commendable of the three times we find Peter sleeping.

This is the sleep of complete confidence. This a sleep cause by complete confidence. This is a peace that comes through a knowledge of God – “Peace be multiplied unot thrugh the knowledge of God.”

I have heard a lot of explanations as to why Peter slept peacefully during what for him might have been his last night on earth.

However, may I suggest to you, that Peter slept like a child because knew he would not die the next day. The Lord had plainly told him (in John 21:18) that he could did a martyr’s death till he was an old man; and since he is not old yet on this occasion, he could not die yet. I think Peter slept peacefully because he was resting confidently on the precious promises of God.

Peter simply laid hold of the promise of God and committed the entire situation to the Lord. He did not how or when God would deliver him, but he did know that deliverance was coming. He was not DOUBTING IN THE DARK WHAT GOD HAS PROMISED HIM THE LIGHT.


A. His promises are true.

No man has ever found a promise of God untrue; and no man will ever find a promise of God untrue.

God cannot lie. He will fulfill what He has promised.

B. His promises are trustworthy.

They are trustworthy because they are as eternal as God is.

His promises are forever settle. THEY ARE NOT GOING TO CHANGE.

C. His promises are treasures.

Here Peter manifest mature faith. Mature faith rest on the promises of God.

Peter was resting the precious promise of God.

1. His promises can guard in the storm.

2. His promises can gladden in the storm.

3. His promises can guide through the storm.

a. His Promises We Can LEAN ON PERSONALLY!

b. His Promises We Can LIVE BY PERPETUALLY!

Acts 27:25 “Wherefore, sirs, be of good cheer: for I believe God, that it shall be even as it was told me.”

The promises of God are for all saints.

The promises of God are for all seasons.

The promises of God are for all situations.

Peter is not anxious nor alarmed for he was completely resting in the promise of God.


The sleep of an unripe acquaintance

The sleep of an untried allegaince

The sleep of an unquestioning assurance