Open with Prayer For Garcia Family… Getting back to Character Studies… Today is Cornelius……….
Acts 10:1-4 = read & pray
Life Lessons From The Life of Cornelius:
Acts 10:1-2, 22-27
Cornelius was a man well loved and respected by his community. the book of acts sheds light on the esteem held for this man among his contemporaries, both Jew and Gentile.
We are told that he possessed leadership skills as evidenced by his position in the Roman Army as a centurion. A centurion was a commander over one hundred soldiers, therefore it was required that he possess the ability to lead.
As leaders in the Kingdom we must understand the importance of living out a good reputation… when a leader in the church falls so do many of the people that are following them… (Jim Baker/Hagart= pres. of Evangelical church countless others) when they fell the world pounced on them and thousands walked away… we have a responsibility that we MUST LIVE UP TO…
Cop-out is to say after you have been caught… well I am only human…
“Moreover he must have a good testimony among those who are outside, lest he fall into reproach and the snare of the devil.” 1Tim. 3:7
What about the believers who are not leading… well we are at some point or another leading or at the lest “demonstrating” our faith lived out or not lived out… Cornelius demonstrated great faith not only as a leader but most importantly as a believer…
We was well spoken of by the entire nation of the Jews, which was no small accomplishment considering the hostilities between these two groups
He had influence over his family and friends, as he invited them to attend a Bible study taught by Peter in his home.
It is no wonder that God choose this vessel to bring the Christian faith to the Gentile world. He was a man respected and trusted in his city… there is something to be said for obtaining and maintaining a good reputation before out communities…
“A good name is better than precious ointment. and the day of death than the day of one’s birth.” Eccl. 7:1
More will be said about your character on the day of your death than on the day of your birth… (time, size, weight…name) but when you leave this earth they will talk about what you did while you were here and the character that you leave behind…
A law- abiding citizen who shows genuine care and compassion for the neighborhood win which he lives is heard more clearly when he shares the Gospel…
“A good name is to be chosen rather than great riches, loving favor rather than silver and gold.” Prov. 22:1
The writer of the book of proverbs tells us that a good name is to be desired more than gold and silver… not for the purpose of self-exaltation, but as a testimony for God before man.
When Cornelius shared his newfound faith with his friends and acquaintances, they listened because of the integrity of his character.
How do you neighbors see you? are you representing Christ to them? if not, repent and submit your testimony to God tonight.
2. KNOWN TO GOD = (RIGHTEOUS) Acts 10:1-4
The Lord searched to and fro upon the earth to find a Gentile who had a searching heart… he found Cornelius. amidst all the polytheism and pagan worship of the Roman world, this man truly sought for the one true God.
As God searches the earth today looking for true believers amongst all the corruption, all the violence, and all the people that cut-corners trying to make it will He find in you a true believer and an honest witness?
The path of least resistance in this biblical culture was to submit to the prevailing mythology and legend that permeated all of society. But Cornelius swam against the current of the religious Roman tide and found God.
Our path of least resistance today is to give into the lies of living for yourself… if you like than do it… you need to explore what is out there in order to find what you like… that morality is based on what each individual feels is morally acceptable and NOT what the Bible says…
Are you willing to swim against the tide of society and find God? call out to Him and seek Him in prayer… we often get discouraged and wonder if God is listening and even taking notice of us… like a child at a game looking for parents…
an angel of God appeared to Cornelius and assured him that his prayers and his generous giving had ascended as a fragrant aroma to the throne in Heaven… we are told that he prayed to God continually. He, as well as his lifestyle, was known to the Lord of all the earth. He was a man who searched and desired a relationship with his creator.
Revelation 8:1-4
As Christians we should know that our love for God and our righteous deeds do not go unnoticed by our Lord. Our prayers ascend daily to His throne, as sweet incense to God, and the works DONE IN LOVE and BY LOVE are seen by His all-seeing eye.
“For God is not unjust. he will not forget how hard you have worked for Him and how you have shown your love to Him by caring for other Christians, as you still do.” Heb. 10:6
We do not perform righteous deeds to obtain salvation, but because of our salvation we perform righteous deeds.
2 Cor. 5:10-13
At the judgment seat of Christ we will receive rewards from His glorious hands…
God searches for a person who is committed to Him and His church and uses them greatly. Will you be a vessel in the Masters hand? Cornelius was known and used by God… are you?
In the Old Testament, the nation of Israel was called to be a witness to God’s everlasting love for ALL OF MANKIND, but they failed this mission, and spent God’s love only on themselves.
God had expressed His love for the Gentiles in His word and illustrated His live for them by saving NINEVEH (Jonah) / Rahab a harlot who hid the 2 spies (Joshua 2) / Naaman commander of Syrian army & a leper… met Elisha the prophet who had him wash 7 times in the Jordan to cure his lepersie / Ruth was a Moabite woman who married an Israelite in the land of Moab and the Lord spared her thru her mother in-law Naomi… “your people my people and your God my God” (Ruth) / Widow of Zarephath who tended to Elijah the prophet rised her son from death… (2Kings 17)
Luke 4:25-27
But now God will make it clear for all the world to see…
“Then Peter began to speak, ‘I now realize how true it is that God does not show favoritism but accepts men from every nation who fear Him and do what is right.” Acts 10:34-35
For God so loved the world, both Jew and Gentile that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall have everlasting life.
God showered His love of the Gentile, Cornelius, and through this one man the whole world would be touched by Heavens loving hand. At the cross Jesus broke down the dividing wall that existed between Jew and Gentile… no longer would they be two people at odds with one another.
Ephesians 2:11-22
Through the blood of the Lamb of God, He would make one new man, one church where every kindred, tongue, tribe and nation could live in agape love and harmony.
Very little is mentioned in today’s church about the faction between Jew and Gentile, but partiality still exists… Now the walls are African-American, and White, Spanish and Anglo, and denominational, just to name a few.
Jesus went to the cross to break down every wall that man has built to separate themselves from each other. We have one Lord, we worship as one faith, and we are corporately baptized into the Body of Christ.
When we get to heaven we will kneel beside Christians from every culture and color under the sun and give glory to Him who sits upon the throne. Let us begin practicing that today…
Ask God that if any partiality exists in your heart and ask Him to remove it from you…
1. What is your reputation among others… God can and will change it…are you Representing Christ to your neighbor (are you a citizen who shows genuine care and compassion for the neighborhood win which he lives is heard more clearly when he shares the Gospel)
2. God desires to see you as Righteous… Will you be a vessel in the Masters hand? Cornelius was known and used by God… are you? At the judgment seat of Christ we will receive rewards from His glorious hands…
3. God shows No- Partiality therefore you are REPRESNTED BEFORE HIM now you must ask God that if any partiality exists in your heart and ask Him to remove it from you…