Summary: Pride the source of our stress (Acknowledgments - Rick Warrens series on this topic). This sermon looks at the devastation of pride, both personally and as a faith community - and gives practical solutions to recognize and overcome this sin.

We’re in week two of our Breaking Free Series. Last week we looked at Breaking Free from Persistent Temptations. This week were looking at breaking free from pride. I did a Bible word search – the word pride comes up 388 times, so God has a lot to say about it.

Pride affects all of us. It is a sin that is not always evident, but it is there. It blocks us from growing in our faith and becoming all God wants us to be.

It ultimately says ‘I do not need God to solve this.’ It says ‘God is not big enough to solve this.’ So instead of facing issues we withdraw, becoming stressed and unhappy in our lives

Pride prevents us from fulfilling the number one purpose of this church and our lives ‘to love the Lord with all our heart, soul, mind and strength.’

Pride is the source of our stress. Pride is a ruthless enemy and the enemy is in us.”

Now that I am a little older I realize something. I am the biggest problem. I cause myself far more problems than anybody else does. And you do too. The more you grow and mature you realize that you have an “I” problem. The middle letter of “sin” is “I”. The middle letter of “pride” is “I.” When I go my way instead of God’s way that is sin and pride in my life.

The first question I have is ‘Is all pride bad.’

The Bible talks about two kinds of pride. There’s good pride and there’s bad pride. There’s godly pride, which is a good thing. And there is ungodly pride.

What is the difference?

The good kind of pride is self-respect, dignity – the Bible says, “Love your neighbor as yourself.” If you don’t love yourself how can you love your neighbor as yourself? Good pride is satisfaction in a job well done. I am proud of everyone who serves in the church. I am proud of those who pray, serve in Children and Youth ministries, help with administration, women’s studies, deacons – I have joy in seeing you succeed.’ I am proud of the young men who take the time to meet with me every week for an hour as we study ‘The Man God Uses’ by Henry Blackaby.

The Apostle Paul repeatedly says, “I’m proud how you’re growing. When I look at Calvary church, when I look at what God is doing in your life, I’m proud of what God is doing in your life. You are making a difference in this community and around the world. That is a good kind of pride.

But then there’s selfish and stubborn pride that won’t admit it when we’re wrong. That holds on to a grudge. That gossips. That says I have a hurt and God is not big enough to solve it. That causes all kinds of conflict. The kind of pride that judges other people and puts them down. It’s conceit. It’s egotism. It’s arrogance. God says that is damaging and destructive.

Pride is the root of every other sin in our lives. Do you want to know what the worst sin is? It’s pride. Because pride says “I want to be God… I want to choose my own way…” pride is at the root of everything else.

Here is the problem. God does not show Himself great in any life or church with a root of pride. Prideful lives bring no glory to God. As Beth Moore says in her excellent book “Breaking Free’ we all need to adopt a God glorifying attitude. Ask yourself this ‘are my attitudes helping or hurting the advancement of God’s kingdom?’

Today we will look at two things. First I want to look at how pride damages our lives. Then how do we root it out? How do we break free from that bad kind of pride so that we can fulfill God’s purpose for our lives and have a joyful life.

First let’s look at the damage pride does.

1. The first thing pride does is pride causes conflict.

It is at the root of every single human conflict. Do you have conflicts at home? Pride is rearing its ugly head. Do you have conflicts at work or church? Pride is rearing its ugly head. Are you too proud to even come and pray with your other brothers and sisters in Christ? Are your problems bigger than your God today? Then that is pride.

The Bible says in Proverbs 13:10 “Pride only breeds quarrels. Only by pride comes contention.”

When Evy and I were younger we had conflict in our marriage. It was pride. Once I realized what it was and how vastly different we are we got victory.

Were exactly the opposites in personality. I say go to the left, she says go to the right. I say yes and she says no. We love each other but were so different. We got a good Christian counselor to help us in the earlier years. We were not that prideful to admit we needed help. Secondly we made a commitment – we are going to make this marriage work if it kills us! It nearly did.

But the truth is if you’re having marriage problems, if you’re having conflict with a husband or wife or relative, with a brother or sister in Christ we can save a whole lot of time. Here it is: Grow up! It is not just about you. We all need to grow up.

The root problem in our marriages and church is pure and simple, selfishness. Self-centeredness is the root of our church issues. You want it your way and you butt heads with those who don’t see it your way. And that’s the problem. We all have to grow up. It takes unselfish people to make a marriage or any relationship work. The heart of our struggles is an issue of pride.

Pride is the root of all other sins. Pride causes us to put pressure on other people. I wonder how many kids are being pressured by their parents to take hockey or swimming classes when they don’t care about that. But the parents want them to take it. We need to ask ‘do my kids really want this or am I trying to live my life through them because of my own pride?’

One of the issues pastors kids face is everyone else’s expectations. People pressure our kids to behave in a certain way. Is it more about you or about the kids? That is pride and it causes conflict.

Pride causes us to hold grudges and keep score in our marriage. Do you do that? “You did this!” Yeah but you did that. Or we hold onto something someone did in the church two years ago. We won’t let it go; were not very graceful.

Jesus calls us to love one another in the church. Are you willing to bury the hatchet of pride, reach out and forgive? Isn’t it time to do that?

If not your being a prideful person. Pride won’t let go. Pride won’t forgive. Pride holds on to hurt. Pride keeps the score. Are you keeping score in your marriage or some other relationship? If you are, you’re killing it. You’re killing it by keeping score. You’ve got to let it go. The Apostle Paul wrote ‘love keeps no record of wrongs.’

Pride causes us to gossip. The reason we gossip is it makes us feel better about ourselves by saying dirt about other people. Any time you gossip you are acting like a prideful person. The Bible says this in Proverbs 28:25 “He that is of a proud heart, stirs up strife.” Gossip stirs up; talking behind someone’s back. Remember Jesus said ‘blessed are the peacemakers, not the gossipers.’

Pride makes us rude. When we think we are better than somebody else we become obnoxious, arrogant. We take people who are serving us for granted. Don’t be rude to the person who helps you at the airport or the grocery store. The entire world is not here to serve you. That’s pride.

Here is a great way to evaluate a potential deacon or pastor. Take them out for lunch and watch how they treat the waitress. If they’re demanding, if they’re rude, impolite, inconsiderate, then they have a spirit of pride and they are the wrong person for the ministry.

I want ministry leaders who treat waitresses well. And clerks well. And represent Jesus Christ well. By being kind and considerate to people. If you’re rude pride is behind it.

Pride makes us judgmental. When I think I’m better than you, I look down on you. When you stumble it makes me less willing to forgive. It makes me unmerciful.

Illustration: The Bible says this in Matthew 7:5 “Take the log out of your own eye first and then you’ll be able to see and take the speck out of your brother’s eye.” Jesus is talking here. This is from the Sermon on the Mount. What most people don’t understand is this is a joke. This is called Hyperbole, a type of Hebrew speech – an exaggeration to make the point. Jesus is a funny guy – they laughed when he spoke. We don’t understand nor use this humor much today. Jesus had them splitting a gut laughing. “Guys! Before you get the little sawdust speck out of your neighbor’s eye, get the log out of your eye.”

And later when Jesus said, “It’s easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than a rich man to get into heaven.”

Jesus is using humor to pop our pride. ‘Before you get the speck of sawdust out of somebody else’s eye, take the logjam out of your own eye.”

Pride points out everyone else’s errors and refuse to admit our mistakes.

Let me talk to the men. Why can’t we just admit were wrong. Husbands, when was the last time you apologized to your wife? Have you ever apologized to your wife? Dads, have you ever apologized to your kids? Have you learned the three most difficult words, “I am sorry… I was wrong…Please forgive me.”

I don’t want to be like a politician who says “If I have offended anyone…” If?! That’s not an apology. That’s an excuse. An apology is this, “I was wrong. I am sorry. Please forgive me.”

Husbands and dads don’t like to do this is because we think if we admit our sins people will think less of us. But actually the exact opposite is true. The more authentic, honest, and humble you are, the more people respect you. When you say to your kids, “I am sorry. I was wrong. Please forgive me,” you go up in their eyes, not down. Why? Because so few dads do it.

Rick Warren gives the story of a friend of his who was a grade school principal. He made a mistake. A royal mistake! He got on the speaker to the entire school and he said to the students – “I was wrong. I am sorry. Please forgive me.” He became the most popular principal in that school’s history. They all said, I wish I had a dad like that.

At Calvary I do not expect anyone to be perfect. But I do want you to be real. I do want you to have grace for one another. I want you to act in a Christ like way at our business meetings, and every time we get together.

Here is the secret of reconciliation at home and in the local church. I don’t expect you to be perfect. Just be honest. Just be real. If were not it is It is pride.

Here is the secret of reconciliation. Swallow your pride and say, “I was wrong. I am sorry. Please forgive me.” Please pray with me.

2. Pride not only causes conflict, the second thing it does is it prevents personal growth.

We can’t grow with pride in our heart. Pride makes you un-teachable. If the only person I can learn from is me, I am not going to learn very much. I’d rather not know it all and admit it and learn than pretend that I know it all and be ignorant.

If you’re not willing to let someone into your life you’re not going to learn. The moment my head puffs up I stop growing. You can learn from the person next to you. You can learn from anyone. Who do I learn from? I learn from anyone and everyone. I learn from critics, I learn from people who don’t like me, I learn from people I don’t even agree with. All it takes is humility. Pride prevents personal growth.

Proverbs 11:2 “Pride leads to disgrace but with humility comes wisdom.” The only way you’re ever going to be a wise person of God is to humble yourself. We will never learn through pride.

Proverbs 10:17 “Anyone willing to be corrected is on the pathway to life. But anyone refusing has lost his chance.” How willing are you to be corrected? Are you teachable? I have seen this all through life. Pride keeps us stuck in a rut. Pride that keeps us from getting help on our marriage. Only weak people go for counseling. Really now, that is nothing but pride. Pride keeps us from getting help in our finances. Pride keeps us from getting into recovery from an addiction. Pride keeps us away from the church. Pride keeps us from getting help in any area of life. At work – parenting – whatever.

We can learn how to be more effective as a church, if were willing to listen to other churches ahead of us. It’s no problem to get help. When my knee went out I went to a knee doctor. When we had struggles we went to a counselor. For three years I met with a counselor once a week to help me to be a better husband and dad.

3. Pride produces anxiety.

In fact, the greatest source of stress in our life is your own self pre-occupation. It’s because you’ve got your eyes on you and that makes you nervous, and that makes you worried. And that makes you stressed. Were always thinking about ourselves – how we look, how we act, how others perceive us, how we sound, how we dress. The more I focus on myself the more anxious I become. It’s not about you! That is the greatest stress reliever in life. It’s not about you!

Everything in our culture is opposite to the Bible. Everything in society says I am number one. Every commercial is saying, “It’s all about you. We do it all for you… Have it your way… You deserve it… You’re the best…” Everything says focus on your image. Sadly being a politician is all about image. This week Stephen Harper had to fire his Foreign Affairs Minister Max Bernier. Here is what the Globe and Mail wrote ‘he left secret classified documents in the apartment of his former girlfriend Julie Couillard who was previously linked to crime and biker gangs.’

They said Mr. Bernier was the best dressed and brightest of the bunch. But he had character flaws in his life. Image is what the world says you are. Character is what you are in the dark. Image is worth nothing. Character lasts forever. Are your kids seeing image or character?

Proverbs 29:25 says this “It is dangerous to be concerned with what others think of you.” The Bible says, “The fear of man is a trap.” It’s deadly to be worried about what other people think of you. Why?

First, if you’re focus is on image you will be easy to manipulate. In my office situation I ran into people who would appeal to your vanity. People come and gossip to you and tell you certain things that build you up and tear other people down. Anybody who gossips to you is also gossiping about you. Count on it. They are not your friends.

If someone gossips to my wife she hates it. She always says I wonder what they are saying about me. She is right, if they gossip to her they are also gossiping about her to somebody else.

Secondly worrying about what other people think keeps you from being real and authentic. Then you feel like an imposter. You fake it.

We put on this image, we wear this mask. That creates enormous stress between the image and the real you.

What if I’m found out? In fact, pride is often a cover up for guilt. The guiltiest people are often the most prideful people. But the Bible says this, “The Lord gave us a mind and a conscious. We cannot hide from ourselves.”

Pride causes conflict, it prevents growth, and it produces anxiety. But here’s the greatest reason of all why you want to deal a deathblow to this thing.

4. Pride angers God.

God hates pride. He doesn’t just put up with it. He hates it. Pride is the sin that got Satan kicked out of heaven. It can keep you out of heaven. Pride is saying “I’m God. I’m going to do my own thing. I’m going to be my own God. I’m going to run my own life. God you made the church but I don’t need it. God you’re wrong and I am right.” That is pride.

Some churches give pastors performance evaluations based on attendance. If attendance is up you get a good rating. Why don’t they evaluate them on the fruit of the Spirit? Are they prideful or humble?

This is the quality I desire – humility. And I’m so far from it.

Why? Because humility is the hallmark of emotional maturity. Groucho Marks said ‘I wouldn’t want to belong to any club that would accept me as a member.’

The more secure you are in your love for God and His love for you, the more humble you are. Humility brings emotional stability to our lives. Humility is the secret of God’s power in my life. This church needs God’s power; we need the power of the Holy Spirit.

The Bible does teach you to pray and ask for God to humble you. You re never to pray, “God, please humble me.” Humility is something you do to yourself. The Bible says, “1 Peter 3:8 (NRSV) ‘Finally, all of you, have unity of spirit, sympathy, love for one another, a tender heart, and a humble mind.’

Humble yourself.” It is a choice. I choose to humble myself. Other people may humiliate me, but I choose to humble myself.

I humble myself by expressing my dependence on God. I pray. I bow my head and say, “God, I humble myself before You. I humble myself before you!”

I talked to my friend Laurie McAllister this week. I said Laurie what should I say to these dear people. His advice to you ‘put have to put yourself in the place of blessing.’

To pastor a church is a scary, awesome responsibility. Just this week I met with a depressed person, an alcoholic young man, a guy whose wife left him, two new Christians, a couple for marriage counseling, a sick woman, a discouraged Christian, somebody running from God, a discouraged pastor, a woman in tears whose relationships are torn; and it was only Wednesday morning at 11 AM. Besides that I have all my own struggles. I don’t know about you but I need God’s power in my life. I’m not smart enough to lead this church. I also know that God will hold me accountable for how well I helped you grow spiritually. In private I say to God, “God, I cannot do this. You have to do this through me.” And I humble myself before Him.

Jesus said, “Happy are the humble.” He said “Blessed are the poor in spirit.” That means those who are humble, spiritually bankrupt without God. The secret of power in life starts with a humble attitude that says, “God, I need You! I need You in my life to do what You’ve called me to do.”

That’s how we break free from all these other things. It starts with dealing with pride.

How do I learn to live a pride free or a reduced pride life? How do I learn to live more humbly? How can I learn to get that stubborn ego out of the way that causes so many problems in my life?

Five initial steps.

1. I admit my sins honestly.

I love the children’s song that says ‘that’s me that’s me that’s me O Lord standing in the need or prayer…………………………………………..The starting point is to admit my sins honestly. You’ve got to know the difference between what a sin is and what’s not.

There was a teenaged boy who told his sister “I have to admit to the sin of vanity.” His older sister said, Why? He said, “Because every time I look in the mirror I see this gorgeous hunk of burning love.” She said, “That’s not vanity. That’s ignorance.” You don’t have to confess ignorance. You confess your sin.

The Bible says this. “A man who refuses to admit his mistakes can never be successful. [You want to be successful? A man who refuses to admit his mistakes can never be successful.] But if he confesses and forsakes them, he gets another chance.” I would not be here if we did not serve our God of second chances. God will give you the third chance, a fourth chance, a twentieth chance. That’s called grace. But if you’re full of pride you get no chance. God says I give second chances to the humble. But if you’re prideful and won’t even admit it you don’t get a second chance. “A man who refuses to admit his mistakes can never be successful. But if he confesses and forsakes them, he gets another chance.”

Don’t pray Dear Lord, if I’ve sinned today… “ Trust me. You don’t have to say “if.” You say I can’t think of anything to confess. Just start reading the Bible. I guarantee you God will reveal your sins through the Bible. You’ll eventually hit it! The Bible judges the thoughts and intentions of the heart.

So I admit my sins honestly.

2. I evaluate my strengths realistically.

I have said this but I think is wrong. I have said ‘You can become anything you want to be.’ It sounds good but it’s just not true. You can only be what God wired you to be.

Somebody needs to tell that to those people who make those videos for U Tube to stop humiliating themselves.”

I’m never going to be a brain surgeon. I’m never going to be a professional hockey player. There are a lot of things I’m never going to be because I don’t have the skill on the innate talent.

Every time I travel I am humbled. Even with a map I find it confusing. I couldn’t be a pilot. I have a horrible sense of direction.

Every time I play golf I am humbled. Golfers are so polite. Nice straight shot. Right, who are you kidding? It only went thirty feet.

Everybody needs one thing in their life that they’re a total failure at. We have successes in a lot of areas. We need areas of failure. Golf? I’m pathetic, really. It makes everyone around me feel so much better when they play with me. It is a tough sport. They say you lose a point if the ball goes in the ditch. I think you should gain a point, a mercy point. I don’t get that game.

The Bible says this. “Don’t cherish exaggerated ideas of yourself or your importance, but try to have a sane estimate [not insane, but a sane estimate] of your capabilities.” Pride is based on a false image of yourself. Humility is based on a true and realistic factor.

Preaching is a problem these days. People can look on a PODCAST and hear a great message. I have to be honest and say I can get better but I am no Rick Warren, no James MacDonald, no Andy Stanley., You are a bundle of strengths and weaknesses. We have some great strengths and some things were good at it. Where did they come from? From God. You also have some great weaknesses. We are a bundle of both.

Humility is not going around, “I’m no good. I’m nothing. I’m terrible.” That’s not humility. That’s false humility which is pride. When you go out and cook a great meal and you say, “It’s not really that good.” That’s really false humility. That’s pride. It’s saying, “I need you to reinforce me.” Humility is being honest about our strengths and your weaknesses, both personally and as a faith community. Sometimes I need to say “I think I did a good job on our new flooring. This is the best I could do.” Be honest with ourselves and others.

Paul says evaluate yourself realistically.

Pride is when you appear bigger on the outside than you are on the inside. God says have a sane estimate.

“Each man should test his own actions. Then he can take pride in himself without comparing himself to somebody else.” This verse is about the good kind of pride. What am I good at? What am I not good at? Then you can take pride in the things that God gave you. “I’m glad God gave me this ability. I’m glad God gave me this skill. I’m glad God gave me this interest.” You take pride in that. That’s ok.

Then it says “without comparing yourself to somebody else.” When does good pride turn to bad pride? The moment I start comparing myself with others. Then I think I got to preach like Rick Warren or Andy Stanley. It’s now gone into bad pride. God says repeatedly over and over there’s nobody like you in the world. I am only hurting myself when I compare myself to those guys. Can I learn from them? Of course. Can I be like them? No.

Don’t compare your kids to other kids. Here is the problem; you come to church with your kids and start looking around. Bill’s kids are better behaved than mine.

What happens is then you will become discouraged if you compare. So you think I cannot come to church anymore and pride has snared you.

We will always find somebody that is doing a better job than us and we become full of pride. Pride and discouragement puts us on the bench of life and take us out of the game. You are benched. You are sidelined. You are out of the action.

So God says, ‘Randy I am not going to ask you why you were not more like Rick Warren.’ I am going to ask you why you were not more like you. I made you to be you and I take pleasure in you being you.” So don’t compare.

“You are not an accident. God loves you right now. God wanted you here. God wants to use you to help this church grow; you’re not here by accident. Your parents may not have planned you but God did and He wanted you alive. He has a plan and a purpose for your life.

God has made you and He’s shaped you.” So do not compare yourself to anybody else. Happiness is a choice. You are as happy as you choose to be. The truth is we whine. My marriage isn’t good. My kids are off the wall. My church has problems. The truth is most of the world would love to have our problems. Happiness is a choice.

It’s not about what happens in your life. It’s about how you respond to it. When you understand that, you just treat people with more grace, more mercy. You’re not so judgmental. You’re not so uncaring. You’re not so “That’s their problem!” If you were in that situation it would be your problem.

I admit my sins honestly. I evaluate my strengths realistically. Then the third thing I do…

3. I enjoy my successes gratefully.

If God is blessing you be humble and thank God. The person who gets too big for his britches will inevitably be exposed in the end.

Be very careful. One minute you’re a hero. The next minute you’re a zero. Max Bernier found out that fame does not last. That is why Jesus said seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness.

Everything I have is a gift from God. My wife, my children, my health, the friends in this church family, our ministry together, the talents God has given me, the freedoms I have. It is all a gift. I would nave nothing if it weren’t for God. The few abilities that I have are from God. We would not be taking our next breath if it were not for God. That breath you just took was a gift from God. That ought to make you humble.

In fact the Bible says this in 1 Corinthians 4:7 “What are you so puffed up about? What do you have that God hasn’t given you? If all you have is from God, why do you act as though you’ve accomplished something on your own?” It’s all a gift of God.

One day each of us will give an account to God for what we did with what He gave us. That’ll keep us humble. “The day will surely come when God by Jesus Christ, will judge everyone’s secret life.” That’ll humble you. Knowing that one day every secret in your life will be exposed. You may as well get it out now and be forgiven and get on with life and restoration. I don’t want that piled up at the end.

Enjoy your successes gratefully.

4. Serve others unselfishly.

You say pastor I hear you, how do I really become humble? Give yourself away to help others. The happiest Christians are serving Christians. When you’re helping others you can’t think about yourself. You want to be happy? Give your life away for Jesus. Serve others unselfishly.

I give depression counseling. One of the cures for a depressed person is to get out and help someone else. Your thinking ‘I am too down in the dumps. God cannot use me. That is the lie of the devil. God works through our weaknesses, not our strengths. Pray this prayer, ‘God show me who is waiting in the wings? Show me who is discouraged?’ That person will be right in front of you.

If your down about life of the church get your eyes focused on somebody less fortunate than you and start helping them and you’ll find your discouragement lifting.

The Bible says this in Philippians 2 “Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves." Look not only to your own interests but, also to the interests of others. Your attitude should be the same as that of Jesus Christ.” What was Jesus Christ’s attitude? He focused on the needs of others. Jesus equipped leaders, assisted the poor, cared for the sick, he taught the Bible. He helped the helpless. He delivered the oppressed. He encouraged the discouraged. He helped other people.

My prayer is that our people are so focused on serving God and others that we don’t have time to think about our little complaints.

Lose your life to find it. If you want to be great, be the servant of all. Only in giving your lives away will you find true happiness. Because happiness comes from humility and until you learn humility then you’re never going to be happy.

Happiness does not come from pride. Find a place to serve.

Here on your outline are some areas to serve in this church.

o Serve in worship, arts and technology

o Serve at Vacation Bible School this summer

o Serve as a door greeter

o Open your home for a Bible study group

o Join the Sunday 9:00 AM prayer time

o Serve in children’s ministries

o Help with the bulletin

o Help organize the volunteer appreciation banquet

o Help organize a church breakfast

o Organize a spaghetti dinner to raise funds for people in Burma nailed by the cyclone

o Make a meal for someone who is ill

o Write a letter of encouragement to one of our missionairies

o Print and fill binders for our membership classes

o Weed the lawn

o Follow Jesus and get baptized

If your willing to say “Yeah, I want to do something humble.” Fine, Serve. We need you on the team.

5. Depend on Jesus continually.

That’s the fifth key. This is the heart of humility. Humility in essence is expressing dependence on the Holy Spirit. Psalm 10:4 “Wicked people are proud. They do not look for God; there is no room for God in their thoughts.” Prideful people say, I don’t need God in my life.

In contrast Jesus promises you and our church great blessings if we live with humility. “True humility and fear of the Lord [that means respect for God.] lead to riches, honor and long life.” How many of you would like to have that? Riches, honor and long life. He says there – humility. That’s the key.

Let me say it again. Pride is the sin that got Satan kicked out of heaven. It can keep you out of heaven too. Some of you, you’ve heard about Jesus Christ. You’ve listened to my messages. What has kept you from stepping across the line is your pride and your pride will keep you out of heaven. Do you know what is keeping you from having joy in your life? It is pride. Do you know what is keeping you from serving in this church? It is pride.

Some of you have heard these messages and still are not serving and giving to support the ministry. That is pride and sin. Joy comes from serving Jesus.

And remember this you can’t earn your way into heaven by serving. Salvation is a gift from God. The Bible says it is by grace you are saved, not by anything you do. Not of works. “It is by grace you are saved through faith not of works so no man can boast.” So nobody can brag about it. So nobody can be proud of it.

No. You can’t earn your way into heaven. You have to swallow your pride and humbly submit yourself to God’s grace. “God, I realize I need a savior. If I didn’t need one You wouldn’t have sent Jesus.” That is humbling. Do not let your pride keep you out of heaven. Today is the day.

Every time someone becomes a Christian, gets baptized, follows Jesus I want to dance and celebrate. Another one in the family! Tears are coming down my cheeks.

Some of you think too much about your problems. You need to stop thinking and start doing. You need to humble yourself.

The cure for pride which causes so many problems is the grace of God. Why? Remember I said the reason you’re prideful is because underneath that you’re insecure. Pride is evidence of insecurity. The more insecure and insignificant you feel the more prideful you act. Prideful people are scared people.

How do you get rid of that insecurity? Accept the grace of God. When I realize that God loves me, He made me. He will never stop loving me. I can’t make Him stop loving me. In the security of that love I stop having to pretend.


Would you pray this prayer? Dear God, all my life I’ve been taught to depend on myself. God, I realize that a lot of times I’ve done things I’ve wanted to do and I’ve been my own God. There have been times I didn’t want You in my life or think I needed You in my life. I’m sorry. Today, I humble myself before You. I humbly say You are God and I’m not. You sent Jesus to be my savior. That means I need one. So I’m asking You today to save me, Jesus Christ. Not by my works or because I deserve it. But just because of Your greatness and goodness and love. Today, I’m saying Jesus Christ I’m humbling myself to follow You from this day forward. To be the person You want me to be. I humbly ask You to accept me into heaven. In Your name I pray. Amen.