8th Grade Graduation 2008
Pastor Jeff Williams
Recently, I’v enjoyed telling this joke, or variations of it, to Mr. Marley’s class:
Two penguins are sitting in a bath tub. One says to the other one, “Could you please pass the marmalaide jelly.” The other one replies, “What do I look like, a toaster?!”
This joke has confounded the class. Several students are convinced it’s a geo-political metaphor. Others just think I’m a little weird.
Students, do you want to know the truth? The meaning of the joke is...
There is no meaning! It’s complete random nonsense!
There are many people who would tell you that this joke is very much like life.
I’m here to tell you differently.
I’m honored to be here to help you celebrate your next step in life. I have enjoyed spending Tuesdays eating lunch and playing basketball. The girls were undefeated again this year. I’d like to give you some advice and I’m going to encourage your parents, families, friends, and teachers to eavesdrop.
The Apostle John records an event that doesn’t seem to have much to do with 8th grade graduation. The Passover meal had been prepared, and Jesus and the disciples sat down to eat what would be their last meal together. It was time for a living parable:
I will begin reading in the book of John.
“ Jesus knew that the Father had put all things under his power, and that he had come from God and was returning to God; so he got up from the meal, took off his outer clothing, and wrapped a towel around his waist. After that, he poured water into a basin and began to wash his disciples’ feet, drying them with the towel that was wrapped around him.
Jesus knew His purpose so He could take up the towel
You are living in what the philosophers are calling a “post-modern” world. Truth is relative, integrity out-dated, and the notion of the purposefulness of life is relegated to the “foolish, out-of-touch” theologians. I make no apologies for being such a believer. We live in a day where “reality” has become little more that an edited television show that seeks ratings based on outrageous stunts or lifestyles. Let me share with you what is real.
You were born on purpose, with a purpose, and for a purpose.
You are not the result of random chaos, a big bang, time +chance, or the mutation of primordial ooze.
You are a masterpiece created by Almighty God to change the world!
He had you be born at just the right time, in just the right place...for such a time as this. You are not a mistake, you are not expendable.
You were fashioned by a Master Artist for His good pleasure. Listen to how David puts it in Psalm 139:13-16:
Ps 139:13-16: “For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.”
God ordained your days before you were ever born. Paul says in 2 Corinthians 2:9 that God has plans and purposes for you that are far beyond your wildest imaginations. Jeremiah, writing to people far away from home and losing hope, writes,
Jer 29:11: “For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. “
Jesus could take up the towel because He understood who He was and what His ultimate purpose was. The Savior of the world washed dirty feet. While his disciples argued over who of them were the greatest, Jesus gave them a stunning word-picture of what it means to be a servant-leader. Less than twenty-four hours later, these same hands would be nailed to a wooden cross beam on a hill outside the city in the ultimate act of servant hood and sacrifice.
What is God’s main purpose for you? Is it to make you happy, healthy, and self-confident? Is it to make you rich, popular, or famous? No! God’s main purpose in your lives is for you to radiate the love of Jesus Christ to a lost and dying world.
The Apostle Paul said it this way:
Rom 8:29: For those God foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the likeness of his Son…”
God is working on you even now to make you more and more into the image of His Son. He chisels, sands, breaks, and chops off anything in your life that does not look like the Servant-Savior. Submit yourself to this process.
As you go to high school, there will be those who will seek to define you. Do not let anyone define except for Jesus. There will be those who will tell you that you are not enough - pretty, thin, smart enough. That is a lie straight from the pit of hell. If you are a Christian, then you are more than enough. You are a child of the King. So act like the princes and princesses you are.
On a mission trip to New Orleans years ago, I was serving with a high school student in a soup kitchen line. As we greeted each of the people in line, one of the ladies grabbed this student’s hand and said, “O child, I’m so blessed. You came all the way from MS to give me a bowl of soup? I’m so blessed.”
Later that night, Bryant said through tears, “I have more than most of my friends and I’m not content. That lady has nothing and she’s blessed? I just don’t get that.”
I told him that she had figured out something he had yet to learn - when you have Jesus, that all you really need!
You are about to enter a brand new world of high school. You have an opportunity to change the world, one life at a time! You will have more opportunity to live out your faith in high school than any other time in your life.
Plant your flag. Remember who and whose you are. Show your friends what grace looks like lived out in a teenager’s life. Remember it’s not about what you don’t do (I don’t drink, don’t chew, don’t go with girl’s who do). It’s much about surrendering your heart to God’s plans and then watching Him work miracles through you.
Once you know that you have been put here on purpose, with a purpose, and for a purpose, we are free to serve people with humility and grace. Learn the law of servant hood: the more you pour your life into others the more God will pour into you. Jesus said “I have set you an example now go and do the same...you’ll be blessed if you do.”
For these past years, your parents, teachers, and your churches have washed your feet now we pass the towel to you. This is your time to take up the towel.
It is your choice.
There are actually two basins in the Gospel story. During the trial of Jesus, Pilate is confused by the Jewish ruler’s pleas to crucify Him. When Pilate told the leaders that he found no basis for execution, they plays their trump card. They threaten his political future if he does not give in to their demands. Pilate caves in does a very interesting thing.
Matt 27:24: “When Pilate saw that he was getting nowhere, but that instead an uproar was starting, he took water and washed his hands in front of the crowd. "I am innocent of this man’s blood," he said. "It is your responsibility!"
Pilate literally washed his hands of Jesus. You can choose this route. Research shows that most of your classmates will completely check out of church once they graduate high school. Even those of you who have gone to PCS are not immune. You can chose to play it safe, not make waves, and live in fear of not being what everyone wants you to be. You can choose power, position, or popularity. Or you can choose to stand up for Jesus and change your world.
Small things done with great love can change hearts. I recently heard about one of our high school students who started praying every morning this prayer, “Lord, help me to see needs.” She was walking down the hall and saw
a guy drop all his books and papers. Some people laughed at him. Others ignored him. She stopped and helped him pick up everything. Because of her kindness, she was late for class. The teacher asked her why she was late, and as she explained, he began to smile. He said if you going to do things like that, you can be late every day!”
I forgot your age though. I need to record this talk and let you hear it ten years from now. Your obviously too young to really make a difference. Your just the future of the church...
We are the Church!
Then act like it in second period when that guy wants to cheat off you, and study hall when you see the girl crying, and on the baseball diamond when the call goes against you, and in the locker rooms when everyone is talking, and at lunch when you see that guy or that girl sitting alone, and and in the hall when everyone is gossiping, and in the halls when you notice that teacher who looks sad.
The local church is the hope of the world. And you are the church!
I beg you to make it your mission to love extravagantly, serve intentionally, and share the hope you have in Jesus without fear or shame. Teenagers are hungry for purpose and they’re tired of jokes that have no meaning. Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young but set the believers an example in your life, love, faith, speech, and purity.
I want to end with a quote from a friend of Todd Beamer. Todd was part of the group of guys that foiled the hijacker’s plans of flying Flight 93 into the While House. His famous last words, “Let’s roll” now serve as a rallying point for America pride. One of his best friends said this about Todd: “It does not surprise me that Todd died a sacrificial death because he lived a sacrificial life.” May that be said of all of us who claim the name of Jesus Christ!
It really comes down to two things - Love God with al your heart, soul, mind, and strength and love others through service. That’s the mash potatoes, everything else is just gravy!
It is a choice that must be made. Tonight, chose the towel.