Summary: I have seen the difference believing a lie will make upon my life, and I have experienced first hand, the freedom the truth makes when I build my life upon the truth.

We are going to start a new series today, one that will take a look at the relationship between what we believe

and how we live. It is entitled, “Lies we believe.”

1. Crisis of Trutha.

We live in a society that has discarded the concept or notion that there is such a thing as

“absolute truth.”

i. Over the past 30 years, a subtle shift has been taking place in society that has moved

from the belief that there is such a thing as truth to a point of view that says “there are

no universal truths.”

ii. At first it was subtle, with classes being introduced to our public school system that

dealt with “values clarification.”

1. In these classes, the teachers would intentionally introduce what is called a “moral

dilemma” for which there was no right or wrong answer.

2. For example, if 8 people were adrift on a lifeboat that only held 6 people, who

would you allow to drown. And they would list a variety of characteristics of the

eight people to muddy the waters of the children’s decision making process.

3. As the children got older, these values clarification classes would embrace more

and more difficult choices such as abortion, euthanasia, and even religion. The

goal of the liberal educators was to erode the moral base and authority that the

parents had over their child’s life.

4. In the educational curriculum called Quest, the following statement is made:

a. “A value is not a value unless a child has been given the freedom to

choose from among competing values. If the child happens to chose a

selfish, immoral, or even illegal `value,’ it must not be criticized as long as

it is freely chosen. The value must be freely chosen. Anything taught

from another source, such as home or church, is authoritative imposition,

so it cannot be a true value”

b. The use of values clarification techniques results in alienation between

children and parents. The whole process conveys the message that parents

have no right to even attempt to shape the moral development of their


c. Children were taught to believe that parents were wrong to teach them that

there are moral absolutes to guide their behavior. (Eagle Forum, No. 66, pp. 1, 2 and 4; parenthesis

added for clarity).

d. The result: the child is led to the conclusion that truth is subjective.

e. And if truth is subjective, then there can be no ultimate authority, no

ultimate "right" and "wrong," no ultimate ethical system.

f. If everything is subjective, where does the child turn for truth and


g. If all outside sources, such as parents and Christianity have been rejected

as "authoritative impositions" then there is only one choice to which the

child can turn - themselves!

iii. This is the foundation that was given to children through public schools beginning in

the 1980’s and continues today.

iv. It is the same deception that Adam and Eve were given in the garden.

v. It is the same struggle that the early Israelites in the time of the Judges 17:6 “In those

days there was no king in Israel; every man did what was right in his own eyes.”

1. There was no standard of truth, of right and wrong, so everyone did as they felt

right in their own eyes.

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2. The reason that I am doing this sermon series is because I have seen the difference believing a lie will

make upon my life, and I have experienced first hand, the freedom the truth makes when I build my life

upon the truth.

a. Some of you here probably have experienced something like this as well.

b. I will try to show you how deeply the lies we believe sink their roots into our lives and how they

negatively affect our lives.

c. Our culture is filled with deception. And yet we long to believe the lies we are told.

i. We fall for them if they “push the right button” in us.

ii. From weight loss, to health, looking younger, to making money – the deception has a

hook that is sure to snag you if you will listen seriously to their pitch.

iii. How many times have you gone to a sale that says, “Last chance to save!”

1. What a lie! They will have the same sale next month!

2. And its rarely ever a real sale. I recall Jennifer and I going to Sears on our way to

go to Luby’s cafeteria, and we would always stop and look at the furniture

section. Every week there would be a different sale, 10% off all stock, 15% off,

etc. Funny thing though, there were these placards where they slip in the price for

the item. The price at for this one item was $399.00. But inside the placard were

the old cards $299. The next week, there was no sale going on but the $299 price

was now posted. This went on week after week as we watched the store play a

shell game with their prices. The whole concept of a “sale” was nothing but a

mirage to excite shoppers into buying something at a supposed discount.

iv. Deception in advertising appeals to our natural human longings.

v. That is why they do it.

vi. Subtly, sneakily, they ply our desires against our common sense.

3. Let’s examine what mechanisms were at work in the first deception mentioned in the bible.

a. Genesis 3:1-5 1 Now the serpent was more crafty than any beast of the field which the LORD

God had made. And he said to the woman, "Indeed, has God said, `You shall not eat from any

tree of the garden’?" 2 The woman said to the serpent, "From the fruit of the trees of the garden

we may eat; 3 but from the fruit of the tree which is in the middle of the garden, God has said,

`You shall not eat from it or touch it, or you will die.’ " 4 The serpent said to the woman, "You

surely will not die! 5 "For God knows that in the day you eat from it your eyes will be opened,

and you will be like God, knowing good and evil."

b. Genesis 3:6-7 6 When the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was a delight

to the eyes, and that the tree was desirable to make one wise, she took from its fruit and ate; and

she gave also to her husband with her, and he ate. 7 Then the eyes of both of them were opened,

and they knew that they were naked;

c. His Method:

i. Crafty, subtle and sly:

ii. Notice in v 1 it says that the serpent was more crafty than any beast….

iii. He didn’t try to assault God with criticism, but instead he worked to deceive them and

seduce them by making an offer that was reasonable, desirable and not blatantly anti-


1. Had he said, “God is a liar, he is no good and he just wants you to be his slaves”

they probably would have walked away from the temptation to turn away from


iv. But Satan baited the hook and concealed it, and he got them to take it.

1. His method for getting Christians who are walking by the flesh doesn’t even

require covering the hook all the way.

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2. When we walk in the flesh, we see the bait and we grab it because we have

already surrendered our will to the flesh.

3. But when we walk by the Spirit, it is more difficult to get our attention.

a. Like we spoke about last week when we talked about “walking by the


4. When Satan tempts you, he doesn’t’ come right out and say “Hey, turn away from

God.” Rather what he does is to distract you, disarm your guard, and try to your

attention off of God.

d. His Motive:

i. Satan desired to obtain them as his followers.

1. No they didn’t consciously say, “Oh we want to be devil worshippers” but

nonetheless, they became his followers when they believed his lies instead of

God’s truths.

2. You follow who you listen to and believe. They believed Satan and thereby

turned away from God.

ii. Satan wanted to drive a wedge, to separate them from God.

1. He desired to destroy the freedom they had with God an turn them into his own


2. He wants to keep you from experiencing the best that God has for you. He knows

that if he can keep you from experiencing God’s love in its fullest that you will be

luke warm, discouraged, and ineffective.

4. What exactly did Satan do to seduce Eve?

a. He planted doubt in her mind about what God has actually said (Gen 3:1) The serpent planted

doubt in the woman’s mind about God’s motivation as they conversed about the trees in the

garden. Satan was able to entice the woman by suggesting that God did not have their best

interests in mind, that maybe God was trying to keep something from them in order to protect his

power. The serpent simply sowed the seeds of distrust by suggesting that God might be

withholding something very desirable from them.

i. Doubt -

1. the Greek word for doubt is diakrino, which means to discriminate, hesitate, or to

be at variance with oneself.

2. James talks about doubt as being double minded, divided in interests.

3. As you read this passage, she begins to doubt what Adam told her that God had

said about the tree and even about God Himself.

4. She begins to be torn between two interests – what God has said and what the

devil is appealing to.

b. He led her to be careless with God’s word and to imply that God had said something that He had


i. What God actually said: Gen 2:16-17 The LORD God commanded the man, saying,

"From any tree of the garden you may eat freely; but from the tree of the knowledge of

good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat from it you will surely


ii. What Satan said: "Indeed, has God said, `You shall not eat from any tree of the


1. He works his method of doubt, testing her memory.

iii. Eve misquotes God, having gotten her information from Adam, 2nd hand

1. “God has said, `You shall not eat from it or touch it, or you will die.”

2. The misquotation is taking what God said and adds to it. She has not handled the

Word of God well, and now is a target.

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3. If Satan can get you and I to stop holding to God’s word, to diminish its value or

to minimize its importance, to mishandle it, to misunderstand it, to fail to

remember or recall it, he will have disarmed us.

a. It is not a coincidence that the Word of God is called the “Sword of the


b. Satan wants to disarm you because you will be most vulnerable at that


4. Did you know that Southern Baptists are the most heavily and successfully

recruited denomination by cults (such as Jehovah Witnesses, Mormans and The

Way International)?

a. Why? We know just enough bible to be tricked, and not enough to repel


b. Only 55% of our congregation attends bible study any given Sunday

morning…and that is high for most churches! Add in those who call

themselves Baptists but don’t attend a church and you get a picture of

biblical literacy among us. It isn’t good. We are vulnerable!

c. He caused her to question the goodness, love and motives of God.

i. 4 The serpent said to the woman, "You surely will not die! 5 "For God knows that in

the day you eat from it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing

good and evil.

1. He is trying to paint God as a cosmic killjoy.

2. As if God doesn’t want you to be happy. As if God’s purpose is to make His

creation into unhappy, unfulfilled slaves.

ii. One of the enemy’s favorite tools is to get you to believe something untrue about God.

1. He will try to get you to believe that if you lose a loved one, that God isn’t

concerned about you.

2. He will try to get you to conclude that you are a failure because of that habitual

sin, and that God will lose patience with you.

3. He will try to get you to give up trying to pray because God doesn’t care.

iii. The truth was God had said, “You are FREE to eat from any tree in the garden but


1. The truth: God is generous. Only one “Do not” sign existed in the garden.

2. If you believe a lie about God, you will filter everything you read in the bible

through that filter. You will be blind to the verses that describe God’s patience,

loving kindness, mercy and grace.

d. He deceived her about the consequences of choosing to disobey God.

i. God said, “when you eat you shall surely die” 2:17

ii. Satan lied, “you shall not surely die” (he contradicted what God had said).

1. This is his most direct attack.

2. Satan says that to us all the time. He hides the consequences of disobedience.

a. Your spouse will never find out.

b. Your boss will never know.

c. It won’t make any difference.

d. You won’t get pregnant, you won’t get a disease, you won’t suffer…

3. He hides the consequences of the action by holding out a well concealed hook

hidden beneath a blob of pleasure.

e. He seduced her with false promises and benefits if she would eat.

i. He tells her, “You will have a world of knowledge and experience open up to you that

you never had before. (your eyes shall be opened)”

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ii. He tells her “You will be your own god.”

1. 5 "For God knows that in the day you eat from it your eyes will be opened, and

you will be like God, knowing good and evil." (You will be like God)

iii. You get to decide for yourself right and wrong. (know good and evil)

iv. God had already told them what was right and wrong.

v. Satan said, “That’s His opinion, you are entitled to your own. There are lots of truths,

that is just one point of view. Your truth is your truth.”

1. It is this lure that keeps people from coming back to God.

2. It is this lie that keeps people from receiving forgiveness from Jesus.

3. It is the illusion that you get to be god of your own life, that you are the ultimate

authority, and that you will not have to account for your life someday.

4. When I share Jesus with people, the #1 reason people say that they aren’t ready to

receive Christ is that they don’t want to give up “playing god” in their own lives.

5. How about you today?

6. Who really is god in your life?

7. Are you willing to step off the throne?

f. Deceived Eve into making her decisions upon what she thought, saw and felt.

i. Saw in the physical realm

ii. Felt in the emotional plane

iii. Thought in the intellectual arena.

iv. Even though it contradicted what God had said.

1. It feels right. (not waiting until marriage)

2. It looks sooo good. (French silk pie)

3. It made sense.

4. How many times have you said this?

v. Satan promises the best, but pays with the worst, promises honor and pays with

disgrace, promises pleasure and pays with pain, promises profit and pays with loss,

promises life and pays with death. (Puritan pastor Thomas Brooks)

vi. Why do we go for the lure?

1. Because we don’t see Satan as a serpent but he comes disguised as a NY Times

bestseller, a popular magazine, movie or tv show or a hit song. He might even

pose as a relative or friend giving sincere counsel.

vii. What we hear or read can SOUND RIGHT, FEEL RIGHT AND SEEM RIGHT but if

it contradicts God’s word, it is wrong.

viii. The forbidden fruit always looks so good and tastes sweet at the first taste, but turns

sour in our stomach as sin promises pleasure that only lasts a season

g. But Jesus said, “the devil was a murderer from the beginning, not holidng to the truth for there is

no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of

lies.” (Jn 8:44).

5. Lets look at the role lies have in our lives----

a. Our lives are not generally built on truth.

b. Someone treats us a certain way and we make assumptions about ourselves!

i. It starts from our earliest days. If a parent loses patience with us, we assume that there

is something defective about ourselves. We don’t realize that the problem is their

problem not ours.

ii. Abused women fall for this lie, believing that they are defective as their husband hurls

insults and lies at them. “You’re no good” “You always burn the food” etc.

1. The problem is not you. It is with the one who is demanding from you.

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iii. Saw Jane Fonda talking about her mother. She had internalized her mother’s anger

toward her as a teenager as being about her, as if she was somehow so flawed, broken

and useless. But she came to realize that her mother’s anger wasn’t about Jane but

about herself.

iv. I believe that we all have lies we believed from somewhere in our lives that affects the

way that we live and relate to others.

1. Prov 23:7 ‘as a man thinks in his heart, so he is.”

2. We need to unravel the lies.

6. Lets take a quick look at how a lie becomes a part of our lives:

a. James 1:14-16 Each one is tempted when, by his own evil desire, he is dragged away and

enticed. Then, after desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and sin, when it is full-grown,

gives birth to death. Don’t be deceived, my dear brothers.

b. We listen to the lie!

i. When you hear a lie like “you are worthless” don’t let it in the doorway of your mind.

1. Don’t listen. Stop it at the doorway.

2. Resist at the threshold of your mind. .

3. Especially when you know where it is coming from!

4. Turn it off before it accesses your will, emotions and mind.

ii. When I plant a garden, the first thing I do is to cultivate the ground, that is, I break it up

so the seeds I sow will find root.

1. This is what the enemy does when he gets us to LISTEN.

2. He is tilling the soil so that we will receive the lie.

c. We dwell on the lie. – This is where we begin to consider what the enemy has said.

i. You might be struggling with the thought that you are worthless. Someone may have

even said it to you, or perhaps you experienced rejection at work or from a friend. You

FEEL worthless. So now, you are dwelling upon the lie.

ii. You mull it over, engage in conversation, contemplate it.

iii. This is where Eve talked back to the serpent.

1. But in so doing, he is sowing the seeds of doubt, of his lies.

2. The next step is almost automatic.

d. We believe the lie – it takes root and grows.

i. You add up the count…1 plus 1 equals 3. My mom said I was worthless, my boss

reprimanded me, my friends didn’t call me, yup, I am worthless.

ii. A seed only needs to be in the moisture and warmth of the ground for a short time when

it will begin to germinate.

iii. It will grow.

iv. With a lie of the enemy, they grow quite quickly like a weed.

e. We act on the lie –

i. The lie is producing fruit when it becomes action.

1. If you wait until this point to try to resist, you will fail!

ii. Believing things that are untrue produces sinful behavior.

iii. Behavior like depression, beating up on ourselves, taking a drink to numb the pain.

iv. We act on what we believe.

7. Every area of bondage in our lives started with a lie. .

a. Every Addiction started with a lie.

i. Example of bondage: Physical (eating, substance abuse) emotional (anxiety, fear,

depression), sexual (I won’t even mention these), financial (debt, greed, stinginess),

habits – (anger, lying, excessive tv, books or diversions). Do you have a need for

approval, a victim mentality, shyness. The list goes on and on.

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ii. Satan has a field day keeping us from experiencing God’s very best by feeding us lies.

8. Lets become overcomers!

a. If you want to get rid of poisonous berries on your property, you don’t go out and pick all the

berries off the bushes. They will only grow back. It isn’t enough o cut it down, because the roots

are still there and they will grow back. You must pull it out by the roots!

b. 4 Steps to overcoming a lie: (to pulling it out!)

i. Identify the Lie

1. What have you listened to believed and acted upon that led to where you are now?

Roots are beneath the surface so they aren’t obvious.

2. Lies are hidden and deceptive. Ask God to reveal what is unseen to you.

ii. Reach the point where you want change.

1. More than anything else, even above prestige, comfort, respect. As long as you

value other things above freedom, you will remain in bondage.

2. If you aren’t sick of being sick and tired, then you won’t want freedom. You will

be content to be sad, depressed and to get all of the benefits and attention

associated with it.

iii. Replace the lie the with truth

1. John 8:32 you shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free”

2. In the coming weeks, as we address the many areas of our lives where we believe

lies, we will replace the lie with a truth.

iv. Turn it over to Jesus today.

1. He alone can set you free from your past.

2. He can free you from the bondage of the lies you have believed.

Won’t you turn it over to Jesus today?

You don’t have to carry it any longer.

Lay it down. Let Jesus replace the lie with His truth.

God does care. He loves you. Won’t you let Him into your life today?

Let’s pray.