Summary: James tells his readers how to move from "ho-hum" Christianity to supernatural living.

1. Illus. of phone call

• When my friend asked me what I was doing, I replied, “you know- just the same old same old.”

• When he asked what that meant, I said, “nothing tragic, nothing tremendous, just the same old same old!”

2. You might say, “pastor, you’ve just described my walk with God. I haven’t gone crazy and fallen into some terrible sin, but neither have I experienced any tremendous spiritual victories. It’s just been the same old mediocre same old.”

3. At least some of James’ readers could identify, because they were experiencing the same thing in their walk with God:

 James’s readers were experiencing church fights caused by their innate selfishness. 4:1a

 This selfishness had bled over to their prayer life, resulting in no answered prayer. 4:3

 They had even gotten caught up in the sinful practices and attitudes of the lost society in which they lived. 4:4

4. Look how he begins vs 7- therefore… The word is "dio"and it means “on account of.” Problem- answer. Sickness- cure.

5. In our text James tells them, “Whenever you get tired of (a-c) here is the answer!

• Living self-centered life, want to start living a Christ-centered life

• Wallowing in the mud, and you decide you want to soar with the eagles.

• The same old same old, and you want to experience the life more abundant that Jesus promised in John 10:10.

6. It is possible for a Christian to experience supernatural, Spirit-filled, life more abundant!

7. What do we have to do to experience supernatural Christianity?


1. See vs 7a, therefore submit to God… The word is "hupatassoIt is a military word, and it literally means “to line up under.” It was used to describe the way a private would place himself under the absolute authority of his commanding officer.

2. When James tells us to submit to God, he is telling us to place every part of our life under the absolute authority and Lordship of Jesus!

3. Illus. of F.B. Meyer

• Had a dream in which Christ wanted the keys of his life

• Gave Him most of the keys willingly, but wanted to key three or four keys for himself.

• Jesus began to fade away, saying, “if I am not Lord of all, I am not Lord at all.”

• Woke up and got on his knees, “Father, please take all the keys, and be Lord of all in my life!”

4. What are those keys that you want to keep for yourself? Is it your money? Is it your career? Is it your family life? You cannot experience supernatural Christianity until you place all the keys in the hand of Jesus!


1. See vs 7b- resist the devil, and he will flee from you.

2. I don’t think it is an accident that immediately after telling us to submit to God, James tells us to resist the devil. Half-hearted Christianity is no threat to the devil, so he leaves us alone. But you let someone become totally committed to Christ, and instantly that person becomes a target for Satan!

3. When you learn to truly say yes to Jesus, you have to learn to truly say no to the devil! The problem is that we often say “no” but what we really mean is, “I don’t want to give up without a struggle, so ask me again!”

4. Illus. of Joan and chocolate cake

• We have to stay the same amount apart in weight (its apparently a state law. If she gains a pound, I have to as well).

• She will make me something warm and chocolate, wave it under my nose, and say, “do you want a piece of this?”

• I say, “no,” but what I really mean is, “twist my arm a little and ask me again!”

5. If we are going to experience supernatural Christianity, we must learn to say no and mean it!


1. See vs 8a, Draw near to God, and He will draw near to you.

2. Biblically speaking, to draw near to God is to experience intimate communion with God. The idea is that God will be as intimate with us as we desire Him to be!

3. Illus. of people around Jesus

• Great crowds attracted by desire to see a miracle. Knew Jesus hardly at all.

• The twelve that He called to be His personal students.

• Peter, James, and John who were on Mount of Transfiguration, the raising of Jairus’ daughter, went with Him to Gethesemane.

• One, John, who lay his head on the bosom of Jesus at Last Supper.

4. Who do you want to be like? The crowds, who merely looked at Jesus from afar? Or do you want to lay head on bosom of Jesus? Or is it somewhere in between?

5. If you say, “I want to be like John, and lay my head on the bosom of Jesus.” then you must be willing to pay the price. The only way to draw near to that wall (point) is to remove anything that is between the wall and me. The only way to draw near to Jesus is to remove anything between Jesus and me!

6. What is there that keeps you from laying your head on His bosom? What is it that you love more than Him?


1. See vss 8b-10

2. One of God’s greatest gifts to us is the gift of laughter. Proverbs says, “a merry heart does good like a medicine.” I personally think it’s a good testimony to a lost world when God’s people are filled with happiness and laughter!

3. But there is one time when our laughter is to be turned into mourning, and our joy is to be turned into sorrow. That is when we are on our faces before a Holy God, dealing with our sin!

4. It’s not enough to cleanse the outer sins that everybody can see (cleanse your hands) we must also cleanse the inner part that only God can see (purify your hearts)!

5. Illus. of flying to NC

• Baggage had to pass through x-ray machine. The guard was able to examine every article inside my bag, even though it was hidden from view of others.

• James is asking us to submit our lives to the x-ray scrutiny of God. Lay our souls bare before Him, ask Him to show us anything He finds offensive.

• Once He does, we are to lay it before the cross, asking forgiveness and cleansing.

6. Are you clean before God? If not, cannot experience supernatural Christianity.


1. See vs 11a- Do not speak evil of one another, brethren… The phrase speak evil is one word, and it literally means, “to say against.” Whenever we lie, slander, gossip about another Christian, we are breaking this prohibition.

2. Why does James include this warning in a section about supernatural Christianity? Because when we misuse our tongues toward our brother in Christ, it interferes with our relationship with our Father.

3. Illus. of two kids and father

• Little girl hugged dad before brother did. She stuck out tongue at brother.

• Father saw it in mirror and said, “Can’t love on daddy and be ugly toward brother too. Must be one or the other.”

• Exactly what James is saying to us!

4. Is your tongue keeping you from experiencing supernatural Christianity?


1. You say, “Tim, I’m sick and tired of business as usual in my walk with God. I want to experience spirit-filled, supernatural, abundant life! What must I do?”

2. James says we must give up- stand up- move up- clean up- shut up.

3. Chinese proverb: the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” We are to do what we read in James the rest of our lives- but it has to begin somewhere.

4. Why not begin today by committing before God to practice these spiritual disciplines?