The New Year has already jumped upon us and time has already begun to fly. Many of us have made New Year resolutions and decided that weight watchers may be our only hope. Many years have passed and many resolutions have failed and passed into obscurity with our over crowded schedules. Don’t you just wish there were a magical key to unlock all of life with? Instead of worrying about finances, you could really enjoy the money you have. Instead of worrying about what and how you will eat, you could just enjoy the flavors of life. Instead of worrying about what you will wear, you could be happy just wearing the clothes you have. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if a magical key existed to unlock a worry free life?
There is one set of words that work as a magical key; “open sesame”. I always thought only kids do that at doors. I still walk up to the Wal-mart doors and say, “Open sesame” and the doors open. It’s incredible. I had tried using the force for so long and it never seemed to open the doors but sure enough the magical words work every time. I am not exactly sure why but I do know that I sometimes get funny looks from people. It’s even more fun to say you’ll open the door for someone and just stand there saying “Open sesame.” At McDonalds you can say, “Open sesame seed buns.”
On a more serious note, I think I have found the “magical” key to living in the 21st century. It simultaneously gives meaning and worth to everyday living, can give a feeling of accomplishment, and may actually be the first New Year’s resolution you’ll ever truly want to keep. You may be thinking, “How is this even possible?” Well, in your Bible God speaks quite a bit not only about fulfillment in how you live your life but also about how to deal with living your life. He speaks about all the many concerns we have about money, housing, clothes, and food among many other areas of our interest. In Luke 12, Jesus directly speaks to our most deep seated physical needs and desperate attachment to them. If you want all those needs to fall into place, you must put God first. Luke 12:31 and Matthew 6:33 say, “Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things will be added to you.” Luke 12 divides easily into three distinguishable sections. The first is a story describing the problem. The second is the set of principles behind the story and the third the prize which is what I call the key. Let’s investigate each of these to help us better understand God’s principle for living.
The Parable: A story of foolishness
You will find this story in Luke 12:16-21. The man is given no name and we only know what is told in this parable. A parable is an earthly story, most likely about a real person or persons, with a heavenly meaning. “And Jesus told them a parable, saying, “The land of a rich man was very productive. And he began reasoning to himself, saying, ‘What shall I do, since I have no place to store my crops?’ Then he said, ‘This is what I will do: I will tear down my barns and build larger ones, and there I will store all my grain and my goods. And I will say to my soul, “Soul, you have many goods laid up for many years to come; take your ease, eat, drink and be merry.” ’ But God said to him, ‘You fool! This very night your soul is required of you; and now who will own what you have prepared?’ So is the man who stores up treasure for himself, and is not rich toward God.’” This may be 2000 years old but it sounds pretty familiar to me.
I’ve never heard anyone who spent their entire life chasing after money say that it was a well spent life. Most of them have incredibly deep regrets and no one to share all their wealth with in the end. Have you ever read the stories about top CEO being asked about how they lived their life? The reporters always ask, “Do you regret the way you’ve lived?” Are you guys familiar with Leona Helmsley a.k.a. “The Queen of Mean?” This woman was born into a poor home with two older sisters and one younger brother. As far as we know, she loved her father and brother very much but had bitter rivalries with the women in her family. She got so bitter that she even refused to attend their funerals. She became a skinflint to the point of defrauding the government. She ended up going to jail for eighteen months out of a 16 year jail sentence. “On Monday, August 20, 2007, Leona’s legal troubles abruptly ended when she suddenly died of heart failure at the age of 87, while at her summer home in Greenwich, Connecticut. At the time of her death, she was considered to be one of America’s wealthiest women, worth around $8 billion. She wouldn’t have wanted it any other way. What she didn’t want was for her reputation as one of America’s meanest women to survive her in death, which is precisely what happened.” She even gave her dog the majority of her money. She was so angry at her own children that she declared they deserved nothing.
She died rich with money but poor on anything of real value. I just wonder if she ever felt loved or did she just not care? She spent her entire life hoarding money just to die and not really have anything to show for it except a reputation for being a hateful and mean person. It’s easy to get caught in the money trap because that’s what this world operates on. This world operates on money, period. If you didn’t have stuff while you were a kid, it can be pretty easy to get yourself caught in the same pattern as Helmsley; I deserve it and I need more! I want you to do something that I doubt Helmsley or the man in the parable did. I want you to weigh out what it will cost you to pursue money. I promise you that if you pursue money you will inevitably hurt your family, lose your friends, and find yourself all alone on an island full of other greedy money mongers. This is the warning behind the parable; don’t chase money, you’ll never fully catch it and you’ll lose everything of value you have.
The Principle: God provides for our needs
The story serves as a very important reminder of what truly matters. The next part of Luke 12 begins with Jesus saying, “For this reason…” You can see that living for money will do you no good in the long run. You can build up money and possessions to your hearts content, which will never become content by the way. However, you have no idea when you will be taken from this earth and have nothing to show for it. So, “For this reason I say to you do not worry about your life, as to what you will eat; nor for your body, as to what you will put on. For life is more than food, and the body more than clothing.” God goes on to say that He provides for animals and plants alike. We are much more valuable than animals and plants. Worrying will do nothing but drain your energy and life. “You men of little faith! And do not seek what you will eat and what you will drink, and do not keep worrying. For all these things the nations of the world eagerly seek; but your Father knows that you need these things.” If the pursuit of money is so pointless and even dangerous, why do we chase after all the things money can buy?
I remember very clearly at least two recent cases in which I worried pointless. The first would have been with Mayah. Every parent has deep concern for their children regardless of age. I don’t care if your child is 50 years old, you still care deeply for them. Most of the pregnancy and birth were pretty normal but there were abnormalities that bugged me. When Mayah was actually being born into this world, her heart rate dropped to the point of almost dead. The nurses tried to turn the machine a little so I couldn’t see and tried to cover it up as much as possible. I knew what the machine showed and I knew exactly what had happened. I said, “Her heart rate dropped to almost dead.” They looked at me with shock because I knew. Yeah, worry happened then. Would she have heart problems? Would she be still-born? Some of the questions I had lasted at least two months after she was born. I couldn’t do anything about a problem if she had one but I know a God who could. Why did I worry and not trust God?
I use that as an example because all of us can relate to worrying about our children and because our children are worth every ounce of energy we have. Let’s be honest now. How much mental and emotional energy do you expend worrying and thinking about your house, clothes, and food? Seriously, in comparison to your child, how much are those things worth to you? What would you do for 10,000,000 dollars? In 1991, a group study was done and placed in a book called The Day America Told the Truth. 25% said they would abandon their family. 23% said they would sell out their bodies as prostitutes. 7% would kill a stranger and 3% of respondents say they would give their child up for adoption. What kind of sick person would give up their precious baby for money? The parable sent us a warning about chasing money. Now Jesus has given us the principles behind the parable. Why concern ourselves with matters we cannot control? Why worry when as long as we serve God, he will provide us with a job or some form of shelter, food, and clothing? The principle in simple terms is this: only God provides and no other.
The Prize: The true key for 21st century living
The story of Leona Helmsley is almost haunting as she squandered her family and friends away just for money. She died bitter and alone with her dog and a bad reputation. “For this reason…” God gives us a very important principle to understand; He provides for our needs. Now, let’s examine the prize of this text. Mt. 6:33 & Luke 12:31-32 say, “Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you. Do not be afraid, little flock, for your Father has chosen gladly to give you the kingdom.” It’s amazing that a 2,000 year old text can contain the very information needed to live in the 21st century. This means that this principle has survived 20 centuries of people attempting to circumvent it and change it. We should seek God’s kingdom and righteousness. What is God’s kingdom? A very broad definition would be something like “God’s purposes on earth and in heaven.” True Biblical Christianity is the very specific kingdom that we live in as Christians. The church is a key example of that kingdom. So, to seek God’s kingdom, would be to become a Christian and do your very best to serve God wherever God is working. Look for what God wants from you and also for His complete righteousness.
You may be thinking, “How does this help me live today?” Honestly, there are two pieces of my answer to that. The first is a look throughout history. Name one point in history where people weren’t obsessed with obtaining something materialistic. Even Adam and Eve desires to have knowledge like God. I cannot come up with a point in history where mankind hasn’t been money-grubbing. You can see it all around you every single day. People are always running around in the rat race trying to find the next piece of cheese. Everyone always seems to be looking for a bigger and better paying job. Sadly enough, even foolish ministers get themselves trapped down that road. They use small churches as launching points for their careers. Ministry is not a career. It is a choice to serve God in a special way. Money should almost never be a priority unless you cannot feed your family. History has shown that trusting in God instead of running around like a chicken with its head cut off is the best way to go.
Secondly, I would like you honestly look at your own life. You need to be brutally honest with yourself and maybe your family about this subject. I go back to my previous question. How much time and energy do you waste worrying about things that won’t matter in eternity? How much time do you not spend with your family just to make an extra buck or two? Have you ever developed stomach and sleep problems because you worry too much? Now, if you worry, that must mean you can do little about your situation. Why not trust the one who can do something? Why not look for God, go to church, and find that He is totally faithful? Look back at your life and see all the good things He has done. I think we could all use a little help living in this crazy, money driven world. God is offering help on a silver platter but we must make Him our number one priority.
You know what it looks like to see someone chase money to obscurity like Leona Helmsley. That money did her a whole lot of good. It didn’t buy her love, happiness, or joy. It couldn’t buy her family even if she wanted it too. I do not know about you but I do not want to end up a bitter old man holding on to a few bucks. I would much rather be the father, husband, Christian, and minister that everyone knew loved them very much and would always rather spend time with them first. I keep and open door policy to my office and to my home. My cell phone is always on in case you need to talk. What good will it do you to amass a small-fortune? None at all to be precise. God provides everything we need. He provided you with the job you have so that you could have a warm home in the 20 degree weather, have food to eat, and even have warm clothes to wear. Why worry when we have no control over what happens?
“How to conquer worry: Get plenty of rest; troubles often look smaller as you get closer; distinguish between those parts of life you can control and those you can’t; check your goals--are you worrying about unrealistic ambitions? Depend on God.” The key to living in the 21st century is trusting God and going after Him. Don’t dig around looking for another check to make you happy? Stop worrying about all this stuff and just look for God. Do your best for him and “all these things will be added to you.” You may not get what you “want” but you will find what you need to have to live.