“A Walk Worthy Of Our Calling”
Ephesians 5:1-8,15
Chris Nerreau
TITLE: Your Walk
SCRIPTURE: Ephesians 5:1-8,15
DATE: 04/06/08
May the words of our lips and the meditation’s of our heart be always acceptable in thy sight, giving praise glory and honor to Your name our Rock and our Redeemer. Amen.
Read Ephesians 5:1-8,15
ILLUSTRATION: Often times I will walk to help keep in shape (obviously I need to walk a bit further) . When I walk, I typically do the same journey over and over again, a total of (2) miles from my house to the end an adjoining street and back. I leave in order that I may return.
Throughout this walk there are several flat area’s where my mind wanders and I just enjoy the sound of the birds around me, but then there are also hills that challenge me and my mind is solely focused on getting over them. But whether walking on flat or elevated terrain, I am always moving forward toward home.
Often time’s I hear people describe the Christian faith as a “walk”. They ask questions like – “how is your walk going?” or “have you ever considered making this or that change to your walk.” I always found it interesting that Christians described their life in God as a walk because it seems to imply an intrinsic knowledge that we are on a journey and not static, that the goal is to progress. This idea of walking also seemed to imply that the journey was slow and steady and just like my physical walk included moments of peace and moments requiring effort.
INTRODUCTION: As I began to look, I found that this term – “walk” is used often in the scriptures (Gen. 6:9 Noah – “Walked with God”; (Gen. 5:22 Enoch – “walked with God”; (Gen. 17:1) Abraham was to “walk before [God] and be blameless”. In Leviticus we see that there are (2) way’s we can walk – toward or away from God.
But in the New Testament this term was predominately used by the Apostle Paul (walk by faith, walk by the Spirit ect...) In Paul’s epistle to the Ephesians, (2:10) the apostle say’s we were “created in Christ Jesus for good works [and] that we should walk in them.” And later (4:1) Paul “begs” us to “walk worthy of the calling”. Over and over again, we see the scriptures imploring us to move toward God through the flat parts of life and the hills, in a slow, steady progression . Not a sprint, just a walk.
PROPOSITION: In our sermon today I am going to suggest that all of us are walking either toward or away from God.
ORIENTATION: and so in order to discern the direction your heading, you will need to better understand the three themes found in our passage.
1. Walk In Love – v. 2
2. Walk In Light – v. 8
3. Walk In Wisdom – v. 15
Let’s take a look at each theme beginning with …
I. WALKING IN LOVE (v. 1) “walk in love, as Christ has also loved us and given Himself for us, an offering and a sacrifice to God…”
It is no secret that at the pinnacle of Christianity is LOVE and the perfect expression of LOVE is Christ. This is why Paul calls us to “walk in love, as Christ has also loved us…”
So the question remains – “How did Christ love us?” Paul say’s the answer is - “HE GAVE!” v.2
• There can be no true love without sacrifice, as a matter of fact true love cannot even begin until we are giving more than we want to give. In other words, true love starts
• when the cost is more than we want to pay.
• True love is to put others before yourself – their wants OVER yours, their needs OVER yours. For example: Jesus pleaded with God to – “remove this cup” (Mt. 26:39) but then proceeded to the cross. This is true love, the cost was more than Christ wanted to pay, but pay it He did.
• True love does not begin until it hurts, until it costs, until it requires you to do something you do not want to do. It is action at the expense of contentment. It is work when you want rest, it is pain when you want comfort and it is lack when you desire abundance.
• True love forfeits it’s right of anger, desire, comfort and in many cases justice in order to demonstrate the love of God and to be set free from the burden of self desire.
• True love actually listens to what others are saying, (Stop typing on the computer, stop thinking about what you’re going to say in response, stop being RIGHT all the time.)
1. Jesus said (Lk 9:23) - If any man would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me.
a. Jesus also said – Love your neighbor as yourself (This means become as selfless as you currently are selfish.)
2. St. Jerome: “Who is it that truly walks in love? The one who, for the salvation of others, contends against sin to the point of shedding blood, so as even to give up his soul for them. That is the one who walks in love, imitating Christ.”
Have you ever been in a situation where God has called you to love at a very inconvenient time?
I can remember driving down the highway in the pouring rain and passing a woman stranded with a flat tire. I said to myself – “I can’t help her, I already passed her and it’s 2 miles to the next exit.” ; “besides someone else will help her I’m sure” ; “I don’t even have the proper tools…” All the while I tried to put her out of my mind until my mind drifted off to another place.
True love rejects the hardship on self, it turns the car around, it offers if nothing else it’s presence. And True love does not begin until there is cost associated with it.
As we walk out our journey’s, remember that the first theme that will clearly allow you to measure your progress is that of Love.
• So let me ask you, does your life reflect the “giving” love of Christ?
• Do you simply love those who love you, what about those who treat you poorly?
• Do you only do the things you want to do and call it love? ( I remember buying my wife a digital camera, the one I wanted, for her birthday, she hated it! Was that love? No, true love would have set aside my desires, gone to stores that I did not like and to spent money on something that I cant stand. )
• Here is a challenge for you, the next time you disagree with your spouse, don’t fight back, but rather take their side and agree with them. It will cost you, but it will show you how wonderful it true love feels.
• Today I want you to begin to consider your walk with Christ and ask yourself – Where has God called me to sacrifice for others, where is God providing me opportunity to demonstrate true love? and then ask, am I willing to do it.
TRANSITION: Secondly, we can measure our progress in terms of …
II. WALKING IN LIGHT – v.8 “Walk as children of Light”
I can remember dating my wife, when I would drop her off, if the light on the porch was light we were on time and safe. If the light was out, the darkness would haunt us! Light is good!
I like the add concept of the Motel 6, they say they will “well leave the light on for you”. It gives us this image of a safe place in a dark world.
• This is almost exactly what Paul means as well – “Walk as children of light”
o Jesus said – You are the light of the world (Mt. 5:14)
o Jesus said – We should not hide our light under a bowl (Mt. 5:15)
• Rather we are to let our light shine.
• This means we are to live righteous and obedient lives before God. To walk as Children of light is simply to live a life of Character and obey the commandments of God.
• We are, like the motel to be a safe place in a dark world.
• This does not mean we will always be good, obedient and righteous (ya right!) It does however mean that to the degree we are we shine and we walk as children of light.
• While God’s grace is available to us when we fail, remember that falling short is a very different thing than not trying at all.
About (2) years ago, I was standing on the shoreline of our local town beach praying. It was about 10:00 in the evening and very dark. As I looked around the lake I noticed that there was great darkness but every few hundred yards, there would be a light. Maybe a house light or street light, but scattered throughout the darkness were little lights. Then I realized that I was not far away from a lamppost myself, and that if someone was looking from the other side of the lake they would see my light. My point is we are called collectively to live differently than the darkness and to be the scattered light of Christ throughout the world.
Remember what we are discussing today, how do I know which direction I am walking. The first way is to ask yourself – “Am I walking in Love” and now we have seen that the second way is to ask yourself – “Am I walking as Light”.
Today – “Are you trying to be obedient?” Now I know it’s difficult, I know you will never be perfect (not even close) but are you even trying?
Do you give up on obedience before you begin? Do you tell yourself – “I am not going sustain it so why start?”
Paul demonstrates that to walk toward God is to walk as children of light, character and obedience.
If you are struggling (As I am) try to being with the low hanging fruit. Pick off some of the things you can overcome easily and then go for the more difficult ones…
TRANSITION: Lastly, I want us to see that walking toward God means we …
III.WALKING IN WISDOM – “Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise men but as wise”
What does it mean to be wise? To hold great wisdom? Wisdom is not knowledge, it’s judgment! And this judgment comes through a deep reverence of God and life.
• Wisdom is reverent and teaches reverence for God, Others and Life…
o For God: Job – 28:28 “Behold, the fear of the Lord, that is wisdom; and to depart from evil is understanding.”
o And Others: Doug Larson once said – “Wisdom is the reward you get for a lifetime of listening when you would have preferred to talk.”
o And Time – St. Chrysostom said – “do not seek honors. Do not seek glory, authority or retribution. Bear all things. Only by patience will you redeem the time.
Just like love – Wisdom flows out of self denial, it is has the ability to look beyond itself and the effect of consistence. It shapes us. Wisdom originates in the reverence of God.
Automaker Henry Ford asked electrical genius Charlie Steinmetz to build the generators for his factory. One day the generators ground to a halt, and the repairmen couldn’t find the problem. So Ford called Steinmetz, who tinkered with the machines for a few hours and then threw the switch. The generators whirred to life--but Ford got a bill for $10,000 from Steinmetz. Flabbergasted, the rather tightfisted car maker inquired why the bill was so high.
Steinmetz’s reply: For tinkering with the generators, $10. For knowing where to tinker, $9,990. Ford paid the bill.
To walk in wisdom is to tinker in the realm of reverence for God, others and life. For that we receive a payment of eternal life.
Remember what we are talking about today – How we know we are walking toward the Father and not away from Him. The third and final way, as we have seen is to walk in wisdom.
Today are you walking in wisdom? To reverence God, Life and Others above yourself? This is wisdom.
As we conclude today, I want you to take a moment to think about what was just said:
We are all walking either toward or away from God
To walk toward God is to:
Walk as Children of Love – Sacrificial
Walk as Children of Light – Character
Walk as Children of Wisdom – Reverence
How’s your walk? Amen