Tonight I want to use for a topic. Don’t worry be happy. We live in a society that dictates. We worry about our jobs, our children, our spouses and so many other things. But, the word of God tells us not to worry. Today we will examine the text to determine what the word of God tells us abut worrying.
The 1st point I want to emphasize is that you can’t serve two masters. That means if we love God we need to worship him only. Tell your neighbor, you can serve two masters. We can’t put anything or anyone above God. Let me explain it this way. Some people worship their cars. They wash it everyday. They put it in the garage. They have a fit if somebody dings it. They take up three parking spaces so no one will park next to it. They put in alarm in it. They won’t let anybody else drive it. God forbid you ask them for a ride, it’s almost as if you committed a crime. They start thinking of all kinds of excuses. You can’t eat in it, or drink in it. That car is their most prize possession. Don’t miss construe what I am saying, nothing wrong with having a nice car and keeping it clean, but I am talking about is obsession. They are devoted to that car, they can’t drive it in the rain. They spend hours on in keeping it clean. But, can’t spend two hours in church on Sunday worshipping God. That’s just not the way it should be. Verse 25 tells us not to worry about our life or what we will drink; or about what to war. That means we shouldn’t spend two hours getting dressed. Some of us worry more about our outer appearance than we should. Yes, we should dress nice and look good. But we shouldn’t let it consume us. We should be more concerned about our spiritual man. The bible says or better yet the words of Christ tells us that we can not add a day to our lives by worrying as a matter of fact worry can cause ulcers, high blood pressure and all kinds of ailments that can detract from your life. God takes care of the birds and he will take care of you also. We as humans are more valuable than the birds. The words of Christ tells us not to worry about clothes. He compares it with the lilies of the filed, they do not labor yet they are beautiful to look upon. The word of God tells us that even though Solomon was a splendid dress, that he couldn’t compare with the lilies. The bible also stresses that we need to have faith. And we all know what faith is. Or at least we should and just in case you don’t Hebrews 11:1 Now faith is the substance of things hope for and the evidence of things unseen. You see faith is being able to wake up in the morning drive your car to work and expect if to still be three when you get off. Faith is knowing your house will still be there at the end of the day. You have to know that God’s got your back.
It’s amazing how God works. If you remember my last sermon. I said that God’s got the power. I also foolishly invited Satan to mess with me, and you know what? He did. But, when he came, I didn’t want to fight, I wanted to run. I was ready to throw in the towel. But guess what? God had a ram in the bush. I called my friend Sheila and she wasn’t around. So I called Pastor. He reminded me of my purpose. So I stayed and did what was right. That’s how I got this sermon title. Because I was worried and all stressed out.
But, I know that God will not put more on us than we can bare, but we have to learn to believe that. We have to stop quoting scriptures, but start living them.
Verse 32 tells us that Pagans the uncharted, the sinners, run after things, but God knows what we need and if we trust in him, he will provide.
That brings me to the meat of the sermon. Point #2 We must seek God first. The word seek means to seek; to go after; to strive; to pursue; to desire; to aim at; to sear for; to endeavor to get. The believer’s life is not to be preoccupied with material things, as necessary as some things are. The believer’s life is first of all to be seeking after the kingdom of God and His righteousness. We are to look to God first an all our needs will be provided for. The reason we have so many worries is because we’re seeking everything but god first. We are too concerned about what does the bank account say, what does the doctor say, what does the horoscope say, what does the boss say. We need to be concerned about what God wants us to do and be an d then, and only then, can we have the right perspective on our lives. This means time for prayer and reading the word. We will put God first in every week, attending the house of God faithfully. It means sincerely desiring to grow in the Lord by making spiritual investments in our lives. We need to put God first. We need to put God first in our choices, making no decisions that would leave God out.
Verse 33 reads But, seek ye first his kingdom and his righteousness and all these things will be given to you as well. In other word, put God 1st. Don’t be one of those people who don’t pay attention to Malachi6:8&9 Which says will a man rob God? Yet you rob me. But you ask how do we rob God? In tithes and offerings. Read it. Because you so worried about what happens to the money. But what you don’t realize. It’s not yours to keep, it’s God’s money. But it’s about obedience. 1st Samuel 15:22 the b portion,To obey is better than sacrifice and to heed is better than the fat of rams. So it’s not about sacrificing. It’s about obeying the word of God. But I don’t want to harp on tithing that’s a whole nother sermon.
Remember when your bills are due. Don’t worry be happy. Tell your neighbor, don’t worry be happy. Again verse 33 says seek ye first his kingdom and his righteousness and all these things will be given to you as well. When we put God first, he will see to it that all our needs are met. We need to develop a perspective on eternity. It is one thing to tell somebody “Just don’t worry about it. But it’s another thing when you help them to realize what to do instead of worrying. What point is it to be a Christian? Why would our friends want to be Christians if all we do is worry? Think about it. Don’t you worry? Yes, all people worry. But, we shouldn’t worry we should be concerned. Now, you want to know the difference. Glad you asked. Concern says this is an issue and I’m gonna deal with it and with God’s help I can get through it. Worry says “I don’t know” I don’t know what’s gonna happen, I don’t know if I’ll get through it. I just don’t know. I want to emphasize that worry is one of the Devils greatest weapons. It will steal your joy, steal your contentment, steal your happiness. We become so worried about tomorrow we can’t live for today. We worry about things that never happen.
I am not sure where these statistics come from but I saw the statistics that relate to worry.40% of the time we worry about thins that will never happen, 305 concern things we can’t change, 12% center in criticism, mostly untrue, 10% relate to health which worsens when you worry, and only 8% are legitimate concerns which we can do something about.
Worry exhibit’s a lack of trust in God. When we worry, we don’t trust God. When we worry it’s like saying, I got a problem and I don’t think God can handle it. Worry affects our relationships with others. I can attest to that. When I feel pressure, like having to complete a sermon in one day. I must say, I got worried. When Sammy called me, I thought she was playing, then I realized she was serious. Yes, I love doing this, but Pastor, I ain’t you and I need more time than just a day. I know you say to always be ready. When I know, I feel I am better prepared. I like to fast and pray and take time to meditate on what I am to tell God’s people. But, thanks for having confidence in me to put me up here on one days notice. Worry damages our heatlh. Did you know that? Anxiety can cause heart attacks. Worry hinders our witness. Titus 2:10 says that in every way we need to make the teachings of Jesus more attractive to people. We don’t do that when we worry. And we get so worried about thins that they consume us and we miss opportunites that God has placed before us to impact people with our faith or we impact them negatively because our worries exhibit a lack of faith. Think about is. What kind of faith does it reveal to someone when we so worried about every little detail of life? Do you ever stop to think, You know I am presenting a picture here that I don’t believe my God can handle this problem.
Instead of worrying we need to know that God is able to do immeasurably more than we ask or imagine.
All things work together for the good of those that love the Lord.
Greater is he that is in me then he that is in the world.
Our present sufferings are not worth comparing to the glory that will be revealed]
God created the heavens and the earth
In my father’s house are many mansions
The Lord is my shepherd I shall not want
I can do all things through Christ Jesus that strengthens me
There is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus, and the list goes on and on and on.
We need to be living for the kingdom. That means we need to give our lives totally to Christ and live for him. We need to put Christ above everything and everyone else, in our life. Above our families, our jobs, our money, our possessions, above everything. God has to be first. Learn to trust God. Birds trust God to supply there needs however God does not come along and drop the worms in their mouths. Trusting God doesn’t mean we are lazy and indifferent, but it does mean we come to the point that we know that God will provide what we really need. As I come to a close.
I want to say when we worry we are calling God a liar. We are saying to God, I know you can keep the sun in orbit, you can sustain life on earth, you can answer prayers, you are omnipotent, you are omnipresent, you are omniscience, but I don’t believe you can take care of the problem I am having right now. God said in Proverbs 3:5&6 Trust the Lord with all your heart, lean not on your own understanding, in all your ways acknowledge him and he will make your paths straight. And worry says I don’t believe he can do that.
Maybe this evening you can make a decision that you will give over that one thing that has really been worrying you. And you’re going to give that over to God and put your trust in him and know that all things work together for the good of those that love him,
Remember we can’t serve two masters, and we need to seek God first.
Let’s bow