Text: Acts 11:1-18, Title: Peas and Carrots, Date/Place: NRBC, 2/24/08, AM
A. Opening illustration: Forest Gump, peas and carrots
B. Background to passage: As we mentioned last week, the entrance of the Gentiles into the Christian community through the providentially arranged meeting of Peter and Cornelius would have been a real shock to any Jews. And so as the word spread that the Gentiles, in fact, Romans, had “received the word” the Jewish Christians in Jerusalem nailed Peter about it as soon as he got to town.
C. Main thought: in the text we will see three things that contribute to unity
A. Open and honest dialogue (v. 3)
1. In Nehemiah the other night, we saw where Nehemiah “contended” with the rulers. That word meant to bitterly dispute. This NT word for “contend” simply means to discern or make a distinction. Although from the context, it is clear that the brethren were not happy with Peter, so you could translate the word “criticize” as some of your translations do. The point is that the brethren wanted an explanation, but the root of their concern was held with good intentions. Notice that Peter did not get angry because of their lack of understanding. He simply related to them what had happened in Joppa and Caesarea. He was open and honest and clear about all the details. And they listened.
2. Eph 4:15, 29, Pro 15:1, 15:4, 18:13, 25:11-12, James 1:19, John 13:35,
3. Illustration: “Labor mightily for a healing spirit. Away with all discriminating names whatever that may hinder the applying of balm to heal your wounds...Discord and division become no Christian. For wolves to worry the lambs is no wonder, but for one lamb to worry another, this is unnatural and monstrous.” Unfortunately, that is not very often how it works. The accusatory rhetoric at the United Nations is not all that different in tone from the way Christians argue with each other. Here is an example from the seventeenth century, when the Puritans and the Quakers were engaged in angry debates: The great Puritan preacher Richard Baxter wrote a pamphlet in which he lumped the Quakers with “drunkards, swearers, whoremongers, and sensual wretches” and other “miserable creatures.” And then—just in case he had not yet insulted them enough—he insisted that Quakers are no better than “Papists.” The Quaker leader James Naylor announced that he was compelled “by the Spirit of Jesus Christ” to respond to these harsh accusations. He proceeded to characterize his Puritan opponent as a “Serpent,” a “Liar,” and “Child of the Devil,” a “Cursed Hypocrite,” and a “Dumb Dog.” This is strong stuff. What makes it especially sad is that the angry talk often makes it difficult to get to the real issues. The debate between the Puritans and the Quakers was actually a rather interesting and helpful one. Both parties engaged in some serious biblical exposition; if the heavy rhetoric were removed, the discussion could easily appear to have been a friendly argument between Christians who had some important things to talk about. But I doubt that either group heard the helpful things the other side was saying. Too much angry rhetoric was in the air. “Most conversations are simply monologues delivered in the presence of a witness”
4. Whether you are talking about conflict and unity in a marriage, in a church, in a business, or in another organization, this text offers practical advice. The congregation was concerned about theological matters. Theology is not left up to theologians, we should all be committed to and concerned about proper theology, and the carrying out of that theology. Husbands and wives, proper understanding of marriage and the scripture related to marriage will smooth out much conflict. The congregation and the brethren also did not allow tensions to go undealt with. They didn’t gossip, make late night phone calls, rally support for their position. They just went to the source of the problem and spoke to them about it. What a novel idea! We also should be teachable, willing to accept criticism where valid. You don’t always have to be right, nor do you always have to win. Let your first reaction to criticism be honest evaluation of the concern. Realize that many times a clear explanation of things will help alleviate concern. Don’t jump to conclusions with your spouse or coworker. Learn to listen to what people are saying, instead of thinking about what you are going to say next. And we do all these things because we love Christ, and are committed to demonstrating Him and His love to a watching world.
B. Submission to the head (v. 17)
1. The main thing that Peter communicates is that God is responsible for this. He tells them the story from his perspective about the vision, the angels, their messages, and his actions. He demonstrates that God was clear in preparing and instructing him to give the gospel to the Gentiles. And then as he concludes, “if God gave it to them, who am I to stand in the way.” His understanding of the situation was affixed to the clear intervention of the Lord. Remember, that before the vision on the roof top, he would have thought the same thing. But he has now bowed the knee in humble submission to the head of the church.
2. Col 1:18, Eph 1:22, 2 Peter 1:3,
3. Illustration: “When Esther was a newborn, we could see her eyes wanting to reach for a toy, but her hands and arms were not yet able to cooperate. As she became more mature, her body parts began to do what her "head" wanted her to do. Likewise, when we mature as the church, we individually obey what our "head," Jesus Christ, wants us to do. The Church is not obedient to a set of rules. We are obedient to the Person of Jesus Christ through a trusting relationship and to the truths He has spoken. And our obedience is not just in our head, but in the way we live and serve one another.”
4. And that is the principle that leads to unity within the church, within a marriage, within an occupational setting, or a social setting. We are all commanded to submit our lives to Jesus, as well as other authorities that God has placed over us. Neat thing about the bible is that it is not on your side, or her side, or the deacon’s side, or the preacher’s side; it’s on Jesus’ side. It is an objective arbiter in dispute resolution. And I know that there are different interpretations, and that all issues are not covered, but He has given us all things that pertain to life and godliness. Our attitude should be as Peter’s and the Jerusalem church: we are seeking truth, and God is truth, so if he gives it, we will follow it. So strive in disagreement, tension, and conflict to seek the wisdom of scripture, godly men, and the Spirit. We must get back to truly being people of the book. And when you find it, have a preconceived mindset to follow it, whatever it is. Note both parties have to agree to submission to what standard up front.
C. Commitment to the goal (v. 18)
1. After their silence as they thoughtfully considered what Peter had said, they rejoiced, and glorified God that He had furthered the cause of the gospel. The Jews, (and the bible) viewed repentance as a gift from God. Remember what Jesus had instructed them to do: be witnesses once the Spirit comes to Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and to the uttermost parts of the earth, making disciples, baptizing and teaching them to the glory of Christ. If their heart was in the right place, they would have rejoiced in Christ saving Gentiles too. What an opportunity for this new faith—reach the Gentiles too.
2. Illustration: the rant and rave column in the paper—people got a lot of little things to discuss, even our Task Force at the Mell Baptist Association is struggling with purpose, story about the barn lifting,
3. I would say that this is still a measure of the proper placement of our hearts. Are we focused, and do we rejoice when the family of God increases, when disciples are made? Sometimes as a church, or in a marriage, we get so sidetracked on different issues that are secondary issues. Ever have a fight with your spouse over something that is really dumb to fight about, and somewhere in the middle you both realize it, then pride steps in and wants to be right? But if we truly were committed to the proper goals in a church or in a marriage, we might forgo several arguments, discussions, or committees, so that we might focus valuable time and resources on the most important things. When we are focused on the right things, it eliminates time to focus on the wrong things. Do you know what the purpose of marriage is? How about work, do you know its purpose? In the church, are we about making disciples? Are we about bring glory to Christ in everything? Are we committed to the point that it determines our actions, ministries, even our emotions and affections?
A. Closing illustration: the conference about Calvinism and Non-Calvinism in the SBC
B. About maintaining unity
C. Invitation to commitment
Additional Notes
• Is Christ Exalted, Magnified, Honored, and Glorified?