Summary: A sermon that uncovers the heart of a true servant of God

Nehemiah 1:1-11 The Heart of a Servant.

3rd February 2008 Basingstoke

Nehemiah lived in the same era as Ezra and Esther around 450BC

From our recent studies you know how Jews spent 70 years in exile

The city of Jerusalem and the temple had been destroyed by Babylonians

Remember how Daniel served Babylonian King Nebuchadnezzar –faith tested

Then the Persians took over from the Babylonians under King Cyrus

Just as God had promised – many Jews were allowed to return to Israel

50,000 Israelites returned at first building homes and started work on Temple

You’ve probably heard of Zerubbabel who rebuilt the temple from the rubble (Ezra 3)

Unfortunately many old enemies threatened them and their work was badly delayed.

The city remained vulnerable because the walls were all broken down.

Nehemiah was a Jew son of Hacaliah 1:1 We know very little else, a brother Hanani

Probably born in Exile. Cupbearer to the King v11. Not a dishwasher or butler!

But very close to the King, tasting his wine & eating his food first in case of poison.

He knew the king well, he had his ear. Position of Power & Influence.

But more than that - Nehemiah was a cupbearer with a Heart for God...

Here he is living in Susa the Capital of Mede & Persian Empire-

Story begins in month of Chislev = November in 20th year of Artaxerxes 445 BC

We know he’s a man with a servant heart v11. What else do we learn about him?


Hanani and others visited Nehemiah with bad news from Jerusalem.

v3 "Those who survived the exile and are back in the province are in great trouble and disgrace. The wall of Jersualem is broken down and its gates have been burned with fire."

It’s Bitter news – v4 “When I heard these things I sat down and wept”

not weeping over ruins left by Nebuchanezzar that was 142 years ago!

nor over the shame of God’s judgment on Israel. That’s all history now

But worse! He is weeping over their failure to rebuild now! (Ezra 4:4-24)

"great trouble" v3 Hebrew word trouble = sharp, cutting or piercing.

It brings to mind idea of Cutting words. Criticism, Slander by enemies

Picture is of Discouragement their enemies caused- threats & fear – they stirred up

Great trouble that resulted in them all feeling crushed and defeated.

It’d been so exciting hearing of return & Temple, but Temples aren’t City walls!

But its one thing to Worship, and another defeating and keeping out enemies!

Warning for us as worshippers to stand in the full armour of God Eph 6:10ff

We are far too vulnerable without our defences in place!

Minds + hearts need protection. Helmet of Salvation. Breastplate of Righteousness. Know it - So you won’t be defeated by condemnation and accusation and guilt

Put on Belt of truth, Stand upon the Gospel and use the Shield of Faith

Learn to use the Sword of the Spirit God’s Word. Put it all on with Prayer!

If you don’t have spiritual defences in place you’ll be defeated every time!!

The Attacks in Jerusalem had undone months of work in a few days of fire.

Nehemiah’s heart broke because God’s purposes weren’t fulfilled.

He wept because enemies triumphed over God’s people and defeated them.

Nehemiah reminds me of another man who wept over Jerusalem. – Jesus!

Saw them as God wanted them to be and how far short they fell. It broke his heart!

v2 Nehemiah asked questions, and listened.

It can be so dangerous if you don’t know the need or see the problems you’re up against!

Vitally important to know our weaknesses, to see what our enemy is up to!

It’s dangerous to neglect to ask the questions, or enquire what’s wrong,

It’s risky to carry on blissfully unaware of your own carelessness and neglect

Just as much as it is to ignore the deliberate opposition coming against you!

Q? Do you know what ruins are causing problems in your home and family?

Q? Do you ever think about the ruins in your own commitment and walk with God?

Q? Will you ask yourself questions? Will you face the issues?

Nehemiah saw the problem and it broke his heart and he wept over ruins!

i) How are the walls of your Family Life…Are they in ruins?

Contrast Eli (1Sam3) Spiritual leader whose sons lived in disobedience

’Eli knew’ but ’failed to restrain them’ (v13) He did nothing!!

He was the Father and leader at home – but left it for others to straighten them out!

Church often gets blamed for failing children and youth, but as parents we can’t pass the buck we must accept responsibility for how we have so often failed at home

It’s been said "The church can seldom resurrect what the home puts to death!"

It may be painful to acknowledge but we must face it.

Nehemiah doesn’t miss the problem - He weeps fasts and prays v4.

Fasting not twisting God’s arm but zeroing in on God. Saying I’m Serious!

Q? Will you take seriously the ruins in your own family life – Will you pray for your family and get ready to set about rebuild the broken walls?

ii) How are the walls of your Personal Spiritual Life… Are they in ruins?

Is there a Wall to be rebuilt in your own heart?

NB – There’s ’Never any Winning without Warfare. Nor an Opportunity without Opposition!’

When God’s people say arise, build. Satan always says Let’s arise & oppose!

Satan always tries to frustrate God’s purpose in his Church, and in us!

All around us, walls lie in ruins through our neglect and sinful disobedience

And so often we struggle because we’re being exposed to attack from God’s enemy.

Worship may go on but our City is still so vulnerable.

The Holy Spirit’s work is to rebuild our walls to reconstruct us inside!

He wants first to draw attention to the ruin and decay in our hearts-

So take care to listen to what He’s saying to you this morning.

Q? How does any building fall into ruin? Usually it slowly by years of neglect

First a loose stone or mortar- maybe a crack in the wall - neglect God’s Word

Pieces break loose, holes appear. Neglect in prayer or failure to seek fellowship

Weeds of carnality grow up through the walls and soon the enemy gains free access. Temptation given into – that now no longer bothers you!

That’s not how God wants it to be!

The wall of your Spiritual life that should be protecting and defending you is a shambles!

Due to Selfishness, Lack of discipline, Procrastination, Immorality,

Impurity of thought, compromise over truth or honesty

Little time given to God, a half hearted approach to Sunday worship,

Your Christianity has become a spare time hobby,

It’s now full of compromise & rebellion that have sown ugly seeds.

If we’re really concerned for our walk with God, and our service for Him,

we must begin with weeping. Each of us must recognise our own failure,

We must face our own half heartedness, lack of concern and love.

We must face up to our own failure to live a life reflecting Jesus Christ.

The Walls are in ruins & gates burned but God wants walls of Salvation around us!

He wants Salvation to be our Security. He wants Gates of Praise to be in place!

Such Walls will separate us from the world outside of the city and make us different.

Q? Where is the wall of your Prayer life and Bible study? Is it in ruins?

Q? Where are the Gates of Praise? Are they burnt and in ashes?

Q? Where are the Walls of consistent testimony? Is it in piles of rubble?

Q? Where is the Wall of Christ-like holiness? Is it in debris?

Q? Where is the wall of Mission and Outreach? Is it full of gaps?

Q? Where is the Wall of love and fellowship? Is it broken?

I believe God is saying to us it’s time to listen to what’s happening.

It’s time to ask ourselves questions and find out the score - time to Weep-

Time to get serious with God. Not for playing games -

To become Men and Women who weep over the ruins with broken hearts


Nehemiah is 800 miles from the trouble, a 1600 mile round trip. He’s never heard of 70!

He answers to unbelieving King Artaxerses, but he doesn’t rush straight into Kings oval office

He doesn’t react with a demand "3 years leave of absence or I resign!”

Instead he goes to God, He takes the problem there.

Prayer at first resort not last! Gets his eyes off problem and focused on God.

Not following his feelings, but looking at God’s Power and Promises.

Nehemiah fixes his attention on God & lets the Spirit leads him from there.

We too should fix our eyes on God when we’re faced with our ruin and failure.

i) Nehemiah Believes in God’s Power:

v5 "O Lord God of Heaven, the great and awesome God, who keeps his covenant of love with those who love him and obey his commands"

"The great and awesome God" this God who is able to do anything

Jeremiah said “Ah Lord God who made the heavens nothing is too difficult for Thee!”

Remember the throwaway line in Gen 1 “He also made the stars”

This is the God "Who keeps his covenant of love" faithful God keeps his promises

You may perhaps not doubt God’s power but maybe you wonder about God’s willingness??

But look at Nehemiah – He knows God both can and will act!

(ii) Nehemiah Believes in God’s Promises:

v8-9 "Remember the instruction you gave your servant Moses.. If they return to me and obey me I will gather them..."

Reminds me of Pilgrim’s Progress: where Pilgrim and Hopeful are caught by Giant Despair, They’re locked in a dungeon of doubting Castle. Pilgrim remembers round his neck is a key.

It is called ’promises’ It’s a Key that opens every door of the castle and sets them free.

Giant despair has a fit and dies as he sees them escaping.

Nehemiah also knew how to use the key of God’s Promises! He knew Scripture.

He draws from Deut 30:1-4 where God promises to restore his people and bring them back even if they’ve been scattered to the most distant land under heaven!!

God’s promise is his hand extended to us.

When you pray you grasp hold of that mountain moving hand!

It maybe tempting to give in to despair, say I’m powerless, the problems are too great.

But remember God’s promise: Those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength!

Even if you’re hanging on by a thread - God will answer you as you trust his promises!!

Nehemiah fed on God’s word, His prayer is full of scripture.

In v10 he compares God on one side and the king as merely ’this man ’ on the other!

His prayer of faith cuts down the most powerful man in the empire to proper size!!

He fixes on God not the problems – and faith rises in his heart!!

To pray like that puts your problem in perspective.

That’s why worship is important – gets our focus back on God away from us!!

Remember God promises = Give me your burden I’ll bear it. Seek me and I’ll add it!,

Take hold of God’s Word- believe His Promises in prayer!

Not only did Nehemiah have a Broken Heart and a Believing Heart but also


Nehemiah remembered the broken walls- and his nation’s sin reason for it all.

He remembered God’s covenant love- and how they’d broken the covenant.

With his eyes on this awesome God- He senses his own unworthiness pouring out his heart

“I confess the sins we Israelites including myself and my family have committed against you”

Not just their sin but his own sin too - Its national but its also very personal!!

The Holy Spirit often does this. Uncovers reality - Reveals ruined defences,

He shows us the enemy’s damage, and causes us to weep but doesn’t leave us condemned!

We must move on with those tears – We must Confess it to God!!

Not a one off experience but a daily experience- Remember David prayer

Ps 139:24 "Search me and try me see if there is any offensive way in me and lead me in the way everlasting.-

Q? Will you let God’s Spirit speak to you this morning? Search your heart?

Let Him Break your Heart, Give you a believing Heart but also Cleanse your heart!

Note where Nehemiah goes with his sin..

v10 “They’re your servants and your people whom you redeemed”

He Reminds God of His Past Mighty Acts of Redemption-

Redemption = is a price paid in market to free a hostage or slave.

Remembers God redeems, has paid price for sin to let Sinners go free!

Remembers how God in power & strength delivered Israel from Egypt.

Remembers Saving God who brought His people slavery into freedom.

As we face our own sin, whatever the ruins, however great the need or painful the weeping. We too must go back to God’s Past – to the place of redemption

No, not to the Red Sea but go to the Cross of Christ!

To the place where on a cruel wooden cross God stretched out His mighty arms in love surrendering them to nails!

When you remember the ruins you must also remember your Redeemer

Come to the cross where your forgiveness is paid for in His blood!

Come to the cross, look to Jesus his shed blood and past it to His empty tomb

Look to the Risen ascended Glorified Saviour and Lord!

Q? Have you come to the Cross and personally received God’s pardon?

If not you can come this morning- You can be free from guilt and be clean!

Jesus didn’t go to Cross to leave our lives in ruins! He now calls us to co-operate with Him in rebuilding the ruined walls of our lives.


It’s said prayer changes things but here prayer changes people!

When Nehemiah hears news, he starts weeping fasting and praying

“For some days I mourned and fasted and prayed”. (v4) He prays “day and night” (v6)

Then v11 he prays "Give your servant success today by granting him favour in the

presence of this man- the King"

Why does he pray ’today’? News of the ruins came in Kislev (November) he started praying Now months later He speaks to the King in Nisan (March!) (2:1) 4 months have gone by!

So what happened here?

This prayer is his finishing point after months of painful prayer and fasting.

I imagine He started praying.. Lord strengthen them in Jerusalem,

I imagine he moved on to pray God .. Please raise up leaders to help,

And then ends up being called to go himself! Give me success..

Prayer is a two way thing- Focus on God and it shapes the way you pray!!

Don’t leap in when you see a need – talk to God- start praying and intercede.

Make yourself available to the Holy Spirit’s leading. Watch out God may well call you!

You’ll find that as you pray God will change your heart too!

He’ll deepen your concern, and will change the way you pray!

Warning - Praying can be dangerous!!

Are you afraid to pray? Afraid of making needed changes if you’re to be obedient?

Not really available? If you take prayer seriously you must be ready to say yes!

Let me tell you - He changes your will!

God doesn’t say to himself now what gruesome thing can I give that committed believer to do!! Something really awful – Missionary in Angola or Afghanistan!!

He loves you and through prayer will change you and bring you to the point of obedience where you desire deeply to do what he wants too!!

My own testimony in going to ministry – God changed my longings!!

1. God’s Servant must have a Broken heart that weeps over the Ruins

Q? Will you face the facts admit the ruins are there and let Him break you

2. God’s servant must have a Believing heart that lays hold of Gods Power and Promises

Q? Will you get your eyes off the problems and onto God – Let him to lift your faith level in worship? Through reading his word?

3. God’s Servant must have a Cleansed Heart turning to God who redeems us

Q? Will you to turn to Christ at the Cross and receive his forgiveness

4. God’s Servant must have an Obedient and Changed Heart

Q? Are you available to respond to the call of God - Listen Rom 12:1f The Message..

Will you like Nehemiah do that today and commit yourself to be God’s Servant?