Summary: As we come into the fullness of being seated with Christ the view from heaven changes our mindsets and is a trigger for revival in our hearts and those we speak to.

We are seated with Christ in Heavenly places; the word of God tells us this truth,

As we come into the fullness of being seated with Christ the view from heaven changes our mindsets and is a trigger for revival in our hearts and those we speak to.

Eph 2:6; For he raised us from the dead along with Christ, and we are seated with him in the heavenly realms—all because we are one with Christ Jesus.

We are the carriers of His glory because of the presence of God in our lives

John14:19-20: In just a little while the world will not see me again, but you will. For I will live again, and you will, too. When I am raised to life again, you will know that I am in my Father, and you are in me, and I am in you.

His life was laid down that we might gain access to the very portals of heaven, that glory might reign again in the very creation of God. His blood brings release from sin & shame to bring the fullness of all that God has and had for his creation. The blood of Jesus removes our sins as far as the east is from the west so that we might boldly enter into the very throne of God

Hebrews 4:16: So let us come boldly to the throne of our gracious God. There we will receive his mercy, and we will find grace to help us when we need it.

Eph 3:12; Because of Christ and our faith in him, we can now come fearlessly into God’s presence, assured of his glad welcome.

As His people we have chosen to sit, not in heavenly places but in the dust of worldly thinking. We are called to enter into his presence. Not just to experience a tingly feeling down our spine as he passes by, or goose bumps as we catch a glimpse of Him through the veil. But we are called to enter into the realm of the Spirit and to see from a heavenly perspective

When we speak we are called to speak out of the atmosphere of heaven, when we pray for the sick we are called to pray out of heaven, not from the earthly perspective.

When we worship we are called to worship in Spirit, our whole lives are meant to be a reflection of where we are seated.

The Lord has shown me how to preach in recent times, to see myself as an ambassador of heaven. To see myself standing on the threshold of heaven With Christ in his glory, and from there speak the atmosphere of heaven into the earthly realm. I tell you that when heaven invades earth as it does through our link with Christ, then transformation comes. Our words change, the power we see released changes, Glory is manifest on earth through signs & wonders and unusual miracles, because we are speaking out of heaven and not from the position of those who are earthly bound.

Jesus walked in this way and remember

Jesus said “These things shall you do, and greater than these because I go to my Father” (John14:12)

Jesus was operating from a heavenly perspective all the time; for instance when he called Nathaniel; (John 2:47-51) Jesus said “I saw you under a fig tree.” He was seeing Nathaniel and his heart not as men see from an earthly perspective, but from a heavenly perspective. The same with the story of Lazarus (John11) Jesus wasn’t hurried or fazed by the circumstance, because he was seeing the event from heavens perspective. In verse 40 he says “Did I not say to you that if you would believe you would see the glory of God?” All the miracles he saw from heavens perspective and when he spoke He only spoke what He heard from heaven.

You see when we see from heavenly places, time is irrelevant because we are seeing from the eternal realm. You have the ability to see things as they are called to be in the eternal, to see as God sees! And the miraculous is just a release of heavens glory into this realm.

Isa 48:3 “I have declared the former things from the beginning; They went forth from My mouth, and I caused them to hear it. Suddenly I did them, and they came to pass.”

By faith we need to see ourselves in heavenly places, and when you do you will be there. You will hear what the father says, you will see the end and the beginning of an issue and your prayer life will change forever.

Creative miracles, Financial Miracles, Restorative miracles are all waiting in the eternal realm, waiting for us to enter into that realm and see them as God sees them.

To speak them out as we stand in the heavenly portal, to release the glory of God from our position with Christ in heaven. It truly is heaven coming down and transforming the natural realm.

Hebrews 11:1 Faith means being sure of the things we hope for and knowing that something is real even if we do not see it.

We can only understand what’s happening around us if, by faith we enter the realms of glory, we can only understand the earthly realm if we view it from a higher realm, we cannot understand the fallen world by viewing it through fallen eyes, we have to go to a higher vantage point, to the place where Jesus is, and where we are called to dwell. The natural realm is given to the sons of men, but we who are in Christ are the sons of God (John 1:12) We are called to live in another realm, the realm of glory, so we have to learn to operate from where we come from. We are Eagles not turkeys!

The plan of the enemy is to keep the people of God earth bound through religious mindsets and arguments. It so saddens me to hear people say that they don’t want to enter into the realms of the Spirit, into that place of standing in heaven with Jesus, of seeing the earth from the perspective of heaven, because they are afraid of the spiritual. If you are in Christ, then your home is in the supernatural realm of heaven with Christ. You are in the world, but not of the world.

Every move of God releases revelation, why? Because heaven invades the mindsets of the people of God, and they see from the position of glory where we are all called to be seated. Why does revival tarry? It’s simple really; our mind sets have not been invaded by heaven, we are too earth bound! This contradicts the statement made by many earth bound saints that says “Oh he’s too heavenly minded to be of any earthly good” Every breakthrough in science, every literary breakthrough, every social break through has come as people see from a heavenly perspective.

Martin Luther saw a release of Justification. The Anabaptists released Baptism by immersion. Wesley saw a move of Holiness in the streets. The Welsh revival & Azusa Street saw baptism of the Holy Spirit. The healing revival saw the miracles of God released. The Charismatic move saw grace and acceptance released, Toronto saw the Fathers heart and a new wave of Glory brings with it fresh Manna from heaven. Don’t limit God or put Him in a doctrinal box but seek to stand with Christ in heavenly places.

One thing all these moves of God have in common is that they were all opposed by those who had a religious mindset. When your vision exceeds what others are seeing from an earthly perspective, religion says “it’s not of God” But history tells us that someone saw from a heavenly perspective and mindsets were changed.

This week I have been involved in a conference in a Korean Church that has said “We don’t want to see from an earthly perspective, we want to see from heaven” The glory of God has been manifest in this place. The Church has set themselves apart for 700 days of Prayer and seeking the Glory, they are now 104 days into this. As a result the Lord has transformed their lives and is beginning to show them harvest from a heavenly perspective. Many Young people perhaps as many as 40 were carried away into heaven and then in to hell, they began to weep as they saw flesh burning off the bones, the smell of burning flesh was experienced by many in the room including members of our ministry team, many were coughing with the chocking smoke, some vomiting with the smell of burning flesh. Some experienced ciders and ash from the fires in the meeting, The Pastor smelt the burning flesh. Although this might seem unusual the theme of the meetings was “harvest” and the Lord was certainly activating the hearts of these people for the lost and demonstrating what its like to see from a heavenly perspective. The young people will never be the same again; there was an activation of Harvest in their lives. Heaven has invaded their mid sets and their hearts are revived. Our desire is to see heaven released in this way in many Church groups, this was no ordinary conference but an activation of the heavenly realm, all we did was act as ushers to the purpose of God and speak out of the portals of heaven.

You can change your world today as you choose to rise into heavenly places and let the Glory invade your thinking. God is raising up a people to tear down religion and tradition. The challenge for us today is, are we trying to contain God in our earthly box, or are we going to see ourselves seated with Christ. Are we going to scoff at the seers & prophets who begin to call us into heavenly places or are we going to rise up with Christ. As the Apostles begin to call us into a heavenly mindset, are we going to dig our toes in and remain earth bound or are we going to walk into our heavenly inheritance?

God is doing something fresh in your spirit, you can feel the life surge through you as you read this, its time to shake off your old mindsets, and cross the line into heavenly places, to breath in the atmosphere of Heaven which is Glory and then standing in it, proclaim what you see into this realm. If you desire transformation in your Church or ministry, then you need to see that there is no other way to achieve your dreams; only as you live in the glory will your dreams become a reality. I finish with the wonderful scripture we started with.

Eph 2:6; For he raised us from the dead along with Christ, and we are seated with him in the heavenly realms—all because we are one with Christ Jesus.