Summary: Gaining and maintaining a confidence in the ability of Christ in our daily lives.

“ You Can Do All Things Through Christ ”

Philippians 4:13

’I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.’

Introduction : We need to leave here today with a renewed confidence in our divine call from God!

Confident that God has called us to this time for a divine purpose.

Mordicaia had to convince Esther that she had a divine appointment from God Himself!

Her attitude was “ I Can Not Do it”!

She knew the decree of the king that said no one – not even the Queen - was allowed to go before the kings throne uninvited.

BUT she had a divine invitation – And-

Divine appointment OVERRIDES Human government !

The Call and Purpose of God overrides the laws of men!

The disciples knew that when the Magistrates ( who were the law of the land) said “ You can not preach anymore in the name of Jesus”

They that the divine call of God overrides the law of men!

They said it is better to ‘Obey God than Men’

That does NOT gives us license to:

‘disobey the laws of the Land’

– It means when the Laws of men – are contrary to the divine call of God and His laws : We Obey God and His Laws!

Mordicah said in essense “ I know what the decree of the king says,


You have a been called (by) a HIGHER king to stand between your people and their demise.

As long as she felt like she could not do it – Her people were in danger of being destroyed.

It was only when she was CONFIDENT that she could do it!

That her people were spared.

When you think you can –

it will propel you to do what you think you can !

(If) you don’t think you can – chances are you never will!

(If) you don’t think you can have revival – you more than

likely never will!

(If) you don’t think you can have victory – it is unlikely that

you will.

(If) you think you will never be set free – chances are you will

always be bound!


If you ever get the “ I think I can” attitude –

You will be propelled into that which you think you can!

The “ I think I can” attitude will cause you to try even though reasoning and circumstances say it is not possible!

II – There was a little railroad train with loads and loads of toys

All starting out to find a home for little girls and boys

And as that little railroad train began to chug along

The little train went racing on so fast it almost seemed to fly

Until it reached a mountain that went almost to the sky

The little engine moaned and groaned and huffed and puffed away

But halfway to the top it just gave up and seemed to say

I cant go

I cant go

I’m weary as can be

I cant go

I cant go

This job is too big for me

The toys got out to push but all in vain

And then a great big engine came a whistling down the track

They asked if it would kindly pull them up the mountain side

But with a high and mighty sneer it scornfully replied

Don’t bother me

To pull the likes of you

Don’t bother me

I have better things to do

The toys all started crying because that engine was so mean

And then there came another one,

The Smallest Engine many had ever seen

And though it seemed that she could hardly pull herself along

She hitched on to the train and as she pulled she began to say

I think I can

I think I can

I think I have a plan

And I can do almost anything

If I only think I can

Then up that great big mountain with the cars all full of toys

And soon they reached the waiting arms of little girls and boys

And though that ends the story it will do you lots of good

To take a lesson from the little engine that could

Just think you can

Just think you can

Just have that confidence

And very soon you’ll start to say

I always knew I could

I knew I could

I knew I could

I knew I could

I knew I could

I knew I could

I knew I could,

If only one person can leave here today with a strong Confidence In the Lord – I have accomplished my mission today!

It is amazing what one person can do if they have an attitude that says ‘I can do it’:

12 spies went in to spy out the promise land, but only 2 of the twelve said “I can do it”

They all saw the SAME ‘Promise Land’ – but only two said

‘ We can do it ’

They all saw the SAME ‘ adversities ’ But only two said REGARDLESS – of the adversitiy we can still do it!

Here is the key:

You have to look at both the promises of God

and the adversity that will try to stop you from possessing it !

And say regardless of the adversity –

We can still possess what God has promised.

If you have the ‘ I can do it’ attitude you are not going to be in the majority.

It is the minority that will say ‘there maybe giants in the land, but we CAN still possess it’ This land is our land!

You know you have the “I can do it ‘ Attitude when you can

look at your worse case scenario and yet you can still say:

‘I Can Do It’

The I can do it attitude is NOT just for the young – there is no age limit when it comes to possessing the promises of God.

Caleb NEVER lost the “ I can do it attitude’

At 90 years of age he said I can still possess my mountain!

It is more than just saying I Can

You must say I will !

I can be victorious and I will be victoriuous

I can have revival and I will have revival!

I not only Can… I will !!

If you THINK you CAN & you SAY you WILL


‘ I AM Victrorious

I AM an Overcomer


Peter first had the confidence int he Lord that he could walk on the water.

He then got out of the boat and said I WILL walk on the water

He then said ‘ I am walking on the water ’

He went from I CAN - to I WILL - To I AM !

No it was not PETER – it was his confidence in his God

( If you bid me come – I think I can walk on the water)

In other words ‘ Lord if you think I can, I know I can’

’ Lord if you help me, I will’

It was Peter’s willingness to step into another realm!

And the Lord’s CONFIDENCE that he could!

You will never get out of the boat – or- out of your comfort zone if you are lack the confidence and willingness.

It is useless to tell you that you can.

If you are not willing to do what you think you can!

You may think you can be used of God –

That is good –BUT

Are you willing to get out of the boat ??

To think you can win a soul for the Lord in 2008 is good


Are you willing to teach a bible study

Are you willing to use your car to bring someone to church!

Are you willing to go out of your way to help someone who needs God!

To think the church can have revival is good


Are you willing to come to prayer meeting and pray for it!

Are you willing to sacrifice your time to work for it!

If you think you can

And have a determination and willingness to do it

You can say: I Can do all Things through Christ~


Paul had great confidence in what he knew that he could do THROUGH Christ!

Victory comes through Christ

Revival comes through Christ

Deliverance comes through Christ

Soulwinning comes through Chirist

Everything we do must come through Christ!

If we have that understanding

He will wil give us the strength to do what ever it is that we desire to do!