Summary: Epiphany 1(B) - At Jesus’ baptism John the Baptist testifies and God the Father is the heavenly witness that Jesus is the Savior of the world.


January 13, 2008 -


Mark 1:4-11

INTRO: John wrote in his Gospel that when the Light of the world came into the world the world did not recognize it. The world loved the darkness more than the light. This was the constant challenge that Je-sus faced his entire lifetime. Jesus came as the Light of the world but the world did not understand. Jesus taught and preached among the people, his people. Jesus performed miracles: healed the sick, calmed the storm, fed the five thousand, and raised the dead. In spite of all this Jesus still had to explain himself. Jesus stood before the Sanhedrin (temple/religious leaders) shortly before his death. At the end of his earthly ministry, the Sanhedrin still did not understand. They were the church leaders of the day. "’If you are the Christ,’ they said, ‘tell us.’ Jesus answered, ‘If I tell you, you will not believe me, and if I asked you, you would not answer’"(LUKE 22:67,68). Our text today takes us to testimony about Jesus as Sav-ior. We consider the theme:


The words in this section of the gospel of Mark reveal I. John’s testimony, and; II. Heavenly witness.


A. John is a main character in our verses for today, verse 4. His work was his title: John the Baptist.

1. John’s work was more than baptizing with water. He also preached a baptism of repentance.

2. This repentance of the sinner was for the forgiveness of sins provided by the Savior.

3. John’s message was the simplest: Law and Gospel. Repent, God’s kingdom is at hand.

B. This vital message was exactly what was (and still is) needed, verse 5. Great crowds came to hear.

1. The crowds kept coming, kept repenting, and John was kept busy preaching and baptizing.

2. There was nothing special about John that attracted the crowd, verse 6.

a. This was a prophet’s clothing.

b. This was food easily found in the desert region.

C. The fame from the crowds did not go to John’s head. Verse 7 the Savior to come is far greater than I.

1. John did not feel worthy enough to unlace his sandals. John pointed to the Christ, Savior.

2. John’s comfort from baptizing would be increased, verse 8. Jesus would add even more.

D. Repent means to turn or to change. It is a change of one’s mind and turning around of one’s life. No one can turn in two directions at the same time. When we turn left we cannot be turning right. It is the same with our spiritual life. When turning away from sin we turn to God. As we turn to our Lord we cannot be turning toward Satan. Peter preached early after Pentecost to the crowd. He told them how they had crucified the Savior. The crowd was shocked and wondered what they could do. "Repent, then, and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped out, that times of refreshing may come from the Lord"(ACTS 3:19). By grace, God provides forgiveness – times of refreshing – through Jesus the Savior.

E. In order to turn away from sin we first need to acknowledge that we are sinful. Sin is a word that our society would love erase from every dictionary. Sin is still alive and well in the hearts of humanity. Sin daily reveals itself in wicked words and evil actions. Sin cannot be denied nor dismissed. BUT sin can be and is forgiven. "If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness"(1 JOHN 1:9). By his blood, Jesus purifies us from all unrighteousness.

F. We can learn from John the Baptist. He was never ashamed to let everyone know that Jesus was the Christ, the Messiah, the Savior. John was very vocal in revealing to others what the Lord had revealed to him. John made sure that Jesus increased while he decreased. Here is one example. "The next day John saw Jesus coming toward him and said, ‘Look, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!’"(JOHN 1:29). John gave this testimony following those asking if he were the Christ or Elijah. All the glory was given to Christ. Jesus was and still is the Lamb of God, what takes away sin. All the sacrifices of lambs in the past only pointed ahead to this time and this Lamb. Now sins were removed.


We have heard John’s testimony. Now we also have


A. Remember the crowds were great. John testified that Jesus, the Savior was far greater than he.

1. Verse 8. John looked beyond – to the very day of Pentecost. The crowds kept coming.

2. Not everyone heard John’s testimony. The crowd was too large for everyone to hear.

B. Even though all could not hear, everyone would be a witness. Verse 9 Jesus of Nazareth comes.

1. In Matthew we are told John tried to stop Jesus but finally consented. John felt unworthy.

2. Jesus’ baptism was his complete and perfect obedience for our total, imperfect disobedience.

C. The visual aids for this event were extraordinary, verse 10. Heaven was ripped open – the crowd saw.

1. Quietly, gently the Holy Spirit descends, like a dove, to land upon Jesus – the Savior.

2. If not all could see they would hear, verse 11. God’s voice, a great voice – You are my Son.

3. Clearly seen here is the trinity: Father (voice), Son (Jesus baptized), and Holy Spirit (dove).

D. All of these events took place for the benefit of the people then and there at that time. Hearing and seeing all these things reminded the crowds of Old testament prophecy now fulfilled. All these things also happened for us here and at this time. We are dramatically reminded that God’s word is the truth. All that the Lord has promised he fulfills. "Here is my servant, whom I uphold, my chosen one in whom I delight; I will put my Spirit on him and he will bring justice to the nations"(ISAIAH 42:1). At his baptism the Spirit of God descended on Jesus. God’s promise through the prophet Isaiah is fulfilled.

E. The world around us grows darker and darker and darker with every passing minute. Sin increases as we quickly approach Judgment Day. Wickedness abounds and the love of most will grow cold. Believers do not despair. We rejoice that our confidence does not depend on our own strength. Our eternal salvation is so very important that our gracious God takes the responsibility of our eternal salvation upon himself. "For he has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son he loves, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins"(COLOSSIANS 1:13,14). Jesus saves.

F. Jesus’ baptism also reminds us of our own baptism. In his letter Peter reminded the believers how the world was destroyed by water at the flood. This water did not only destroy but also saved. Noah and his family were saved by water. Then he writes. "This water symbolizes baptism that now saves you also--not the removal of dirt from the body but the pledge of a good conscience toward God. It saves you by the resurrection of Jesus Christ"(1 PETER 3:21). The water of baptism connected with God’s word washes away our sins. It is much, much more than plain water that only washes away dirt. This is God’s grace.

CONC.: Jesus struggled his entire earthly ministry with the fact that so many never recognized him as the Savior. Many saw him as Jesus of Nazareth or as the son of Mary and Joseph. But to acknowledge, recognize, and believe in Jesus as the Savior took a leap of faith. At his baptism Jesus was revealed to all mankind that he was the very Son of God – the Savior promised now in the flesh. It is only by the grace of God that any believed. It is only by the grace of God that you and I believe today. This grace of God is his undeserved love for us sinners. With divine love that no one deserves God saves us. Salvation is God’s gift that is freely given. It is an utterly awesome thing to be able to see Christ as the Light of the world. There are still thoughtless thousands sitting in the dark who enjoy that darkness. We rejoice and are thankful for what God has done to us. "For God, who said, ‘Let light shine out of darkness,’ made his light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ"(2 CORINTHIANS 4:6). Note that God made his light shine in our hearts. This very Creator God now creates light to overcome the darkness of our sinful hearts. This is God’s grace. JESUS’ BAPTISM REVEALS THE SAVIOR. John the Baptist testified to this truth. Heaven is a witness as God’s grace comes to mankind. This Jesus, the world’s Savior, is our personal Savior. Amen. Pastor Timm O. Meyer

SERVICES: SAT – 1:00pm @ NCF Min.,

+ SUN – 12:00pm @ NCF Medium / 9:30am @ Church

Sunday radio broadcast @ 9:05am on KQNK 106.7FM or 1530AM +

EPIPHANY 1 readings:

ISAIAH 42:1-7;

ACTS 10:34-38;

MATTHEW 3:13-17

(PSALM 45)