I. Introduction
A. When Believers Were of One Accord
1. They prayed with great faith (Acts 1:14)
2. The preached with great power. (Acts 2:1)
3. The enjoyed great fellowship (Acts 2:41-46)
4. They experienced great growth. (Acts 2:47)
B. Paul Challenges the Phillipian Church to Be of One Accord
1. If there is any consolation in Christ
2. If there is any comfort of love
3. If there is any fellowship of the Spirit
4. If you have any affection and mercy
C. How to Have Harmony in the Church
II. Body
A. Let Nothing Be Done Through Strife or Vainglory (Verse 3)
Strife- Conflict of discord
Vainglory- For show
1. Ending strtife gives a church new life
2. Strife keeps bad company
a. Joined with envy, divisions, carnality (1 Cor. 3:3)
b. Named with the works of the flesh (Gal 5:19-21)
c. Comes from Satan (James 3:14-16)
3. Service to glorify the servant is worthless
4. All work in the church should glorify God (Col 3:23)
B. Let Each Esteem Others Better Than Themselves (verse 3)
1. Here is a different dimension to self-esteem
a. The great push for self-esteem
b. Paul calls for higher esteem for others
2. Esteem for others grows out of love
a. Love enables us to forget the faults of others
b. When you build on a fault expect an earthquake
c. Love enables us to look for the eb st in others
3. This esteem causes us to care for the needs of others (verse 4)
a. Our concern for them is greater than for ourselves
b. We want to protect them and what is dear to them
C Let This Mind Be In You, Which Was Also In Christ Jesus (verse 5)
1. Here is the key yo heeding Paul’s call
a. How to put away strife and vainglory
b. How to esteem others better than ourselves
c. How to care more for the things of others than of our own
2. The mind og Christ conquers the Flesh
a. Makes us humble instead of hateful
b. Makes uus giving instead of greedy
c. Makes us selfless instead of selfish
3. We learn about the mind of Christ at the cross
a. He laid aside His glory; how can we seek glory?
b. He humbled Himself; how can we be proud?
c. He became a servant; how can we desire high positions?
d. He was obedient to death; how can we do les?
III. Conclusion
A. Exaltation follows Humility (verses 9-10)
a. God promotes us from the bottom up. (military)
B. A Humble, Caring Church, Will Be a United Church
C. A United Church Will Be Effective in It’s Ministry
When we have harmony in the church, the devil won’t be able to creep in and wreak havoc in our lives. When we have harmony in the church, chains will be broken, shackles will be loosed, and captives will be set free. When we have harmony in the church, God will come in and He will make everything alright. I heard, I heard Oh Lord, The bible says that all things work together for good, to them that love the Lord and are called according to His purpose. If God is in it, it’s gonna work. But the only way, oh Lord, that God is gonna be in the plan. We have to be on one accord, we have to be together. Have I got a witness. We have to be together. And most of all. Oh Lord, we have to have the mind of Christ. Let this mind be in you, that was also in Christ Jesus. In order to be Christlike, we got to think Christlike. Oh yes. We got to forget about ourselves anf focus on the needs of the church. We got to forget sbout our feelings, and focus on caring for our brothers and our sisters. I have a question that I wann aask you. What if Jesus would have though about Himself while hanging up there on that old rugged cross. What ie He had just though about Himself when they pierced Him in His side. When they mocked Him, and laughed at Him. What if he would have though about Himself when they laid Him in Josephs tomb. If He had though about only Himself, you and I would not have a chance to be saved. Oh we need to come together, amen. In the church. We need to care more abotu one another. We need to love one another a little more. Then we can truly understand what it means to have a mind liek Christ. I’m talking to everybody. From the pastor, to the deacons, to the mothers, to the ushers, to the choirs, to the members. It’s time, to make a change. It’s time for the church to come together. Then and only then will we show nuff have church.