Summary: Our true ability to make an impact on the world boils down to leadership

Leading Like Jesus Part 2

Selected Passages


Evening Service


Leadership is the art to of influencing and directing people in such a way that will win their obedience, confidence, respect and loyal cooperation in achieving common objectives. U. S. Air Force

If we are going to make an impact on those around us, we need to influence them for Christ. Every person is a leader in some way, we all have influence with others in some manner.

This message was birthed out of several sources

The Top Ten Leadership Principles of Jesus by John Maxwell

The Management Methods of Jesus by Bob Briner

The Leadership Secrets of Jesus by Mike Murdock

Jesus CEO by Laurie Beth Jones

Leadership begins with Service

The greatest among you will be your servant. Matthew 23:11

There is no way to lead like Jesus without the willingness to serve.

Prioritize your life around your purpose

You must discover your God given purpose, set your priorities around that purpose and then pursue them

Leadership starts through living

Jesus understood that character and integrity are at the heart of being a great leader. Character is not built in a day but is created by our daily decisions.

Go Where the People Are

Before you can lead people you must first be with people. The church is centered on relationships; our relationship with Christ and our relationships with one another.

Take Care of Yourself

Life is demanding and it will sap your strength, if you allow it. Faith exits when fatigue enters. Jesus understood the need to take of ourselves. No one had a more demanding task than Jesus. He was a people person, preaching, teaching and healing.

Then, because so many people were coming and going that they did not even have a chance to eat, he said to them, "Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest." Mark 6:31

We can either enter into the quiet or live in the chaos

1.) Rest – physical needs

2.) Reflection – Apply what you have learned

3.) Remember – Look at what God has done

4.) Refreshment – spiritual needs

5.) Refit – Take something new back to the journey

Challenge People for a Great Commitment

Jesus asked the disciples for great commitment when He said follow me. Commitment seems to be at an all time low in our society.

50% of all new marriages will end in divorce

People claim to have fewer close friendships than the previous generation

Membership to organizations and clubs is falling

The number of people who commit to come to events and don’t show up are climbing

Jesus challenged the disciples for great commitment but made it clear what they were committing to. Jesus never coerced or distorted the truth of their future.

Three Warnings Jesus gave the disciples

1.) Persecution (Matthew 10:17)

2.) Suffering (Matthew 24:9)

3.) Loneliness (Matthew 8:20)

Show Stability during Tough Times

How did Jesus remain stable when everything around Him crumbled?

Jesus guarded His time alone with God (Mark 1:35)

Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed.

Jesus was the master of His time and He made it a priority to spend time alone with God

Jesus remained calm

Jesus never lost His composure in any situation. The world was chaotic around Him but He remained calm and collected.

When the storm raged on the Sea of Galilee, His disciples had to wake Him from a peaceful sleep before He arose to calm the waters. When various people rushed to Him with dire news of sickness or death, His comments were always calming and reassuring and His actions deliberate and helpful. Even in the midst of the most tumultuous hours of His life, during the events leading up to His crucifixion, while others fell apart emotionally. Jesus remained calm – Bob Briner

Jesus settled disagreements quickly

Jesus never compromised who He was or what he came to do. There may be a time to agree to disagree.

Jesus dealt with wrongdoing immediately

Jesus saw the problem, took care of it immediately and moved forward.

When He observed the activities of these extortionists and usurers in God’s house, He didn’t call for a committee meeting. He didn’t put the problem on the agenda for the next board meeting. He didn’t call in the spin doctors to discuss how best to handle the situation. He immediately and forcefully drove the slimeballs out. Bob Briner

Jesus finished what he started

Your exit will be remembered longer than your entrance

Lead on a Higher Level

Jesus lived on a higher level

Jesus You might say it was easy for Him. He was God. Jesus had an incredibly difficult background. Mary was pregnant with Jesus before she married Joseph. Jesus would have been branded with social stigma. Never build your future around your past.

Jesus could have been caught in the mire of His past but He wasn’t. He never looked back. When Jesus looks at your life, he doesn’t see your limitations or your past. Jesus sees you as you can be through His grace.

Stop looking at where you have been and start looking to where you are going.

Jesus loved on a higher level

Jesus loved everyone he came into contact with. Jesus spent time with those whom society despised. Jesus spoke with the woman at the well. Jesus ate with Zaccheus. Jesus touched lepers, healed on the Sabbath, associated with “sinners” and tax collectors. Jesus loved those who desperately needed Him to. Those who deserve our love the least, need it the most.

Jesus loved these people too much to leave them in their circumstances. Jesus showed people genuine love and changed the world one life at a time.

Jesus led on a higher level

Jesus treated everyone the same way, which was revolutionary. He showed no favorites. The poor were treated the same as the rich. The powerless were given the same respect as the powerful.

Jesus saw potential in every person

Jesus was not concerned with status

Jesus ignored social sterotypes

Choose Your Inner Circle

Jesus did not select leaders by those who came to Him. Jesus not only selected those who would be apostles. He aggressively recruited them. The church needs to be in the business of recruiting the right people for the right positions. We need to take the time to both thoughtfully and prayerfully consider who we place in leadership positions.

The best example of this is of course Jesus. The twelve apostles had been selected (Matthias replaced Judas) but James was killed by the Herod Agrippa (Acts 12:2). So Jesus needed another person to fill the role. To say He went all out to get the replacement would be an understatement.

As Saul was traveling to Damascus, Jesus literally knocked him down, blinded him with light from heaven. Jesus then identified Himself and told Saul what he must do. This is aggressive recruiting.

Prepare Others for Success without You

There can be no real success if the people cannot carry on without you.

Jesus developed others by…

Continual mentoring

I – Instruction

D – Demonstration

E – Exposure

A – Accountability

Continual evaluation

High expectations