Summary: This sermon was preached on the 11.11.07 It is a rememberance Sunday sermon which addresses the issue of a world at war with the ministry of reconciliation being the only way to end the war around and within us all.

2Cor.5. 17-21. A world at war.

I think it is fitting today with it being remembrance Sunday to talk about this world’s greatest need, which I believe is reconciliation I think it is appropriate as we remember those service men and women and civilians who have laid down their lives in the duty of serving their country. Many of whom sacrificed their lives in an endeavour to bring peace to this world. Yet even with all their service and self sacrifice we still see a world at war with itself.

• In fact the Society of International law in London states this incredible statistic: since the beginning of recorded history, the entire world has been at peace less than 8% of the time. Over the last 4000 years of history, only 268 years saw peace that’s 3732 years this world has been at war with itself. Moreover in excess of 8000 peace treatises have been made and broken.

But not only is there war raging in the world around us with nations opposing each other but there is war domestically in family life between husband and wife between partners who live together with 1- 3 families breaking up these statistics shout out to us that family life is at war also. Let’s be honest , who has not been affected by this war at some point in their lives? It’s effects each and every one of us even if you have stayed together through the turmoil. There may even be wars raging in your own heart today?

Then consider the war raging in our teenagers today. Many of whom living lives without any significance at all, unloved unwanted a life without peace in their hearts as a result many turn to a life of drug abuse, sexual abuse, self harm, immorality, violent crime and even to the depths of suicide.

Statistics: Our kids Every day: 1,000 unwed teenage girls become mothers - 1,106 teenage girls get abortions - 4,219 teenagers contract sexually transmitted diseases - 500 adolescents begin using drugs - 1,000 adolescents begin drinking alcohol - 135,000 kids bring guns or other weapons to school - 3,610 teens are assaulted; - 2,200 teens drop out of high school - 6 teens commit suicide every day. Taken from "Right from Wrong" by Josh Mcdowell page 18.

Okay these stats come from America, but our nation is no different…… there is a war taking place in the lives of our teenagers… At the end of the day we could just throw up our hands up in the air in despair and lose all hope. But there is hope for a world at war and it is through the means of reconciliation.

Reconciliation at times being brought to fruition through nations - signing peace treatises

Reconciliation between husband and wives recommitting their lives together

Reconciliation between teenagers and parents …….

The greatest ……Reconciliation is between yourself and God: This is the only hope to a world at war with itself - to God brings transformation in a person’s life where once wars raged they begin to cease you begin to live a life you never thought possible, a life that desires reconciliation for the world.

Paul says, v17 If anyone is in Christ , he is a new creation , the old has gone and the new has come.

This is whats got to take place in your life … Untill this happens you might be living at peace in this world and with your family but seriously you are at war with God and you are in need of reconciliation with God.

Chistians are brand new people on the inside, people who have completely changed, not as a result of their own strength but of God’s transforming power . Many people have many ideas of what makes a Christian from being a good person, going to Church, being baptized or confirmed by an institution, but all this is religion we need a complete re-creation.

• A London businessman was selling a warehouse, and showing a respective client around the place, the building had stood empty for months as a result vandals had damaged the doors and windows, squatters had also made it their home at some point as it was littered with rubbish and human excrement. As he showed the prospective buyer around the businessman went to great length to explain he would repair the windows and door and any structural damage and clear up the place of all its filth. The client replied “Forget about the repairs,” when I buy this place , I’m going to build something completely different . I don’t want this building; I want the site.

What does this story teach us? You see compared with the renovation God has in mind and our efforts to improve our own lives are as trivial as sweeping a warehouse ready for demolition. When we become God’s … The old life is over all things become new. All God wants is the site (your life) and the permission to build upon it.

So at the centre of being a Christian is when God the Holy Spirit demolishes the old life (where wars rage) and begins to build a new one it more than re -addressing something in your life – it is more than a reformation of your old ways – its more than a rehabilitation like a recovering alcoholic - its more than a re-education as a result of simply studying. It’s a supernatural transformation, it is when a person has been re- born John 3:3, re-created (into a completely new creation who is living in union with Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour.

1. God is the Author of Reconciliation. V18 All this is from God

The Bible teaches us that God and humanity are alienated from one another because of God’s holiness and mans sinfulness. Although God loves the sinner Rom 5:8 it is impossible for God not to judge sin Heb10:27. Therefore in biblical reconciliation both parties are affected.

We cant be reconciled to God because He is Holy and we are sinful He cant approach us because he is holy and we are sinful..Yet despite this dilemma God is the one who take s the initiative, he makes the first move, He is the one who wants to blot out our sins, because it was while we were still sinners and enemies that Christ died for us . Here we see that God is the author of our reconciliation to Himself. It is also a completed act, something which has been made possible before any of our human actions of repentance, confession and restitution with God.

God is the Author of reconciliation … His cards are on the table…. He is the one who has sought to end the war between humanity and God (Blessed are the peace makers, God is the author of peace making has he brought the peace in your life yet? Even though you and I have failed in our relationship and for many years may have been at war, and have offended Him, yet He makes the first move not the prodigal but the Father Himself.

2. Jesus is the agent of Reconciliation. 2 Cor 5:18.God Himself has reconciled us to Himself through Jesus Christ .

It is through the work and merits of Jesus Christ that our reconciliation with God is made possible He is the agent v19 in Christ God was reconciling the world v21 God made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us so that we might become the righteousness of God.

His death paid the penalty for our sins, his death broke down the barrier of hostility which exists between a holy God- and sinful humanity: Jesus is our agent of reconciliation He did that which we could never do, satisfy God’s holy standards and sacrifice himself on behalf of others.

Many men and women have fulfilled half of that equation they have been agents of sacrifice through the many wars this world has witnessed and the Bible says John 15:6 that no man has greater love than this that he laid down his life for his friends .

But only Jesus satisfied Gods holy standards. No – man No - women can ever fulfil the demands of God’s perfect law Jesus is the agent of reconciliation his sacrifice stands head and shoulders above all other sacrifices because it wasn’t just for a nation an individual person it was for all of us v14 For the whole world.

• People often ask ‘where is the love?’ In fact the Black eyed peas. Wrote a song….“People killing’, people dying’. Children hurt and you hear then crying’. Can you practice what you preach? And would you turn the other cheek? Father, Father, Father help us, Need some guidance from above. Cause people got me questioning where the love is. The answer in Christ upon the Cross….

There was one a Poet called Elizabeth Barrett a childhood accident had caused her to lead a life of invalid, she married Robert Browning in 1846…… In her youth Elizabeth had been watched over by her tyrannical father and so when she and Robert were married, their wedding was held in secret because of her father’s disapproval. After the wedding the Brownings sailed for Italy , where they lived the rest of their lives . But even though her parents had disowned her, Elizabeth never gave up on the relationship. Almost weekly she would write letters but not once did they reply.

After 10 years, she received a large box in the mail. Inside, Elizabeth found all her letters not one had been opened! Today those letters are among the most beautiful in classical English literature. Source

Had her parents only read a few of them, their relationship with Elizabeth might have been restored. Those letters were shown to be agents of her love towards her parents, yet they failed to open them and here what was on the heart of their daughter who wished for reconciliation and there lies the tragedy.

Friends God has sent a letter of reconciliation to each one of us Jesu the agent of love, a letter signed sealed and delivered at the cross of Calvary. Can I ask you today have you received Him, have you experienced the love of the Father through His Son …..

This isn’t any Junk mail you are receiving this morning – this is the most important t letter you will ever receive, this if from the heart of the Father to a son a Father to a daughter, In and through Jesus Christ you can be reconciled to God.

3. We are the ambassadors of Reconciliation. V20

Here we see that each one of us has a responsibility to be God’s ambassadors to a world at war.. We need to go out into our world being peace makers - representing our King and our Kingdom because we no longer belong to this one and we must extend His Kingdom with our lives. We are not called to sit back and let others take on the role of Gods ambassadors we are called to work in partnership with God we are all called to be His ambassadors of reconciliation.

We have the authority v20 as though God was making his appeal through us.

The ambassador is the official representative on behalf of one country to another, the ambassador has the authority to speak and act on behalf of the king /nation he belongs to He is not like a diplomat who goes to a another country to try and diplomatically sort out differences He is the ambassador with the Kings message and no other, He has the authority of his king as though the King was speaking.

We should be motivated by the love....for Christ love compels us v14

What should motivate us to speak to others about reconciliation? For Paul it was not only the authority given to him but the real motivation was Christ’s love to a world at war with God Pauls says Christ love compels us v 14 to communicate this message.

• This word here for compel here gives us the picture of a funnel and as we pour water down a funnel it is poured into the top it works is way round the top as it does it is compelled to go deeper down into the funnel.

And so it is with the message of reconciliation Paul is compelled to share the love of Christ with others. He could see that Christ died for them as much as he died for himself .. We can see this compulsion in the manner he communicates....

V20 We implore you 6:1 We Urge you not to receive the grace of God in vain .. 6: 2 now is the time of salvation now is the day of salvation.

I wonder does the love of Christ really compel us to reach out to a hurting world with the message of reconciliation. This what God desires us to do ... Do we have the urgency that Paul expresses? Have we somehow lost that love for others is there a blockage in the funnel of our love.

Friends today God offers salvation to all people this is the urgency of the message if you have not received it I Implore you I urge you to take that decision of moving towards reconciliation through repentance and faith . I urge you to do it today don’t put it off don’t delay, some people do – they think there could be a better time – but they fail to understand they could miss the opportunity all together. Don’t let anything hold you back in coming to Christ, accept Him today surrender your life, end the war that is raging in your heart and life.

I think it was Winston Churchil who said something like “this is the war to end all wars.” In regard to the end of the 1st or 2nd world war how untrue is that? Wars still rage in our world, but a far greater war could be taking place this morning a war in your heart still rages and the only end to the real war is when we surrender our lives to God.