Summary: When we look at the Christmas story in the Bible we find several different ways people responded that first Christmas.

When we look at the Christmas story in the Bible, we find several different ways people responded that first Christmas. Today we find people respond to Christmas in various ways much like on that first Christmas.

Some People are Preoccupied.

Everyone, then, went to register himself, each to his own hometown. (Luke 2:3)

We have this romanticized picture in our mind what it was like on the first Christmas. We sing, silent night, holy night, all is calm. Ok, it was a holy night, but not silent and not calm. It was a madhouse, that first Christmas. It was more like a crowded modern day shopping mall than the calm night we think of.

The more accurate picture is that everyone was rushing frantically to get to their hometown to register for the census. Even though Joseph and Mary did not need to be traveling just prior to delivering Mary's baby, they had to because of the census. It was like traveling during the modern holiday season.

It was busy; there were traffic jams (camels were backed up for miles I would imagine). There was confusion and congestion. There was not a vacancy to be found anywhere. That’s why there was no room at the inn. You could imagine tempers flaring and people arguing trying to get any vacancy they could find.

The Entire Roman world was rushing around for a census and that made people preoccupied. They did not have their spiritual antenna up looking to see if God was doing something great in that busy time. They just wanted to get to their hometown and get registered for the census.

The towns were so preoccupied with the census there wasn’t even a decent earthly place for Jesus to be born. No room in the inn. People were rushing here and there to get to where they could register. There was so much activity that first Christmas day that had nothing to do with Jesus.

Could you imagine going to a birthday party where the birthday guest was sitting in the corner ignored. It was sort of like that the first Christmas morning. By and large the people were too preoccupied to pay any attention to the birth of Jesus that first Christmas morning.

Today it is not much different. Christmas is associated with frantic activity, traffic jams and crowds. You are hard pressed to get an airline reservation, the roads are congested. Everyone is trying to get to their hometown to be with family for Christmas. Even today we find the crowds too preoccupied to give attention to “Jesus, The Reason for the Season”.

We can get preoccupied and lose focus. It is good to get to a quiet place and read the Christmas story from Matthew and Luke. The Christmas story is so simple. It would take some deliberate effort if we are going to have an, “all is calm” time at Christmas to really focus in Jesus and why He came that first Christmas morning.

Some People are Disturbed by Jesus.

When King Herod heard about this, he was very upset, and so was everyone else in Jerusalem. (Matthew 2:3)

It is not surprising Herod was disturbed. Herod did so many terrible things. He even murdered his own family members out of fear of his throne. All Jerusalem was disturbed with Herod. Herod being disturbed, yes, that makes sense, but why all Jerusalem?

Jesus causes disturbance. Jesus says, I am the way the truth and the life, no one comes to the Father but by me. That exclusivity disturbs people. Jesus is the divine son of God, now that disturbs people. Jesus says worship no other God. That disturbs people.

He disturbed the religious leaders so much that they wanted to stone him to death. You being a man make yourself out to be God. He disturbed the crowds and they yelled crucify him, crucify him, we have no king but Caesar.

Some People are Curios about Jesus.

The news about these things spread through all the hill country of Judea. Everyone who heard of it thought about it and asked, "What is this child going to be?" (Luke 1:65-66)

The first story Luke tells in his Gospel is the story of Zechariah, a priest who was burning incense in the temple. During that time an angel appeared to him and proclaimed that his wife Elizabeth would give birth to a son. He was told to name the boy John. He was told that his son would be strong and mighty like the prophet Elijah, and he would get the people ready for the Lord (Jesus).

His wife Elizabeth had been barren for a long time and Zechariah and Elizabeth were getting old. Because of this Zechariah could not believe the message the angel declared. He wanted a sign. He received a sign that he would not speak until his son was born.

He did not speak again until eight days after his son was born when they went to the temple to circumcise their son. The circumstances surrounding the birth of John the Baptist made everyone curious. The curiosity spread and everyone was talking about it. Everyone was curious.

There is still a curiosity at Christmas time. People talk more about Jesus at Christmas time than at any other time. More people attend church, go to Christmas programs, hear Christmas carol singing and send and receive Christmas cards. At Christmastime even the retailers have a Christmas message for the shoppers.

All this talk about Christmas makes people curious. They need to be told the good news of great joy that Jesus came that first Christmas morning for all people.

As soon as he got his voice back Zechariah told all the curious people what all this meant. He told his people that they will be saved by having their sins forgiven.

To give his people the knowledge of salvation

through the forgiveness of their sins,

78 because of the tender mercy of our God,

by which the rising sun will come to us from heaven

79 to shine on those living in darkness

and in the shadow of death,

to guide our feet into the path of peace.” (Luke 1:77-79)

We need to take opportunities to tell curious people all this Christmas activity is really about the birth of Jesus. Jesus died on the cross to brings salvation. This is the good news of exceeding great joy. When we put our faith in Jesus, we find forgiveness of our sins. Tell them Jesus is your personal savior. Christmas is the time of spreading this good news.

A Few People Respond in Faith to Jesus.

The angels said this is good news for all the people. Always a few respond in faith:

A few shepherds respond in faith. A few wise men respond in faith. A couple of old people in the temple respond in faith. That first Christmas morning, for a few, there was room for Jesus.

For my eyes have seen your salvation (Luke 2:30)

People have not changed in 2000 years The crowds won’t change. People are Preoccupied, Curious, disturbed, but a few always respond in faith.

That first Christmas there was no room in the inn for Jesus. It’s ironic that there is no room for Jesus in the world He made.


Have you any room for Jesus, He who bore your load of sin?

As he knocks and asks admission, Sinner, will you let Him in?

Room for pleasure, room for business, But, for Christ the Crucified,

Not a place that He can enter, In the heart for which He died?

Room for Jesus, King of glory! Hasten now, His word obey.

Swing the heart’s door widely open, Bid Him enter while you may.

Jesus is the reason for the season. Respond in faith to Jesus. (a song by Daniel Whittle)