Summary: An investigation into heaven and hell...answering the questions of who, what, where, when, why, and how.

Ok, I would like to ask everyone to look up here and take a look at the hat again...remember what we said last week...we are doing an investigation in this series...we are after the truth...and we are seeking the truth on heaven and hell. Again I’m going to remind you of the basic questions that we are attempting to answer...who, what, where, why and how. Last week we answered the "what" question...we answered the question of what exactly makes Heaven so great and Hell so terrible...and we came to the conclusion that it is the presence of God that makes all the difference in both places. It isn’t the streets of gold or the is quite simply whether God is present or absent.

Today we’re going to move on to the question of "who" and I have to tell you...there are several different ways that we can take this question. We could ask the question of "Who will be in Heaven"...which leads to the question of "What are the requirements." That’s how it works in an investigation...often the "who" questions lead into the "what’s" and "whys." So, if we took our investigation in that direction we would be looking at the "requirements" for entrance...who will be there and what did they have to do to get to either place? You know, maybe one of the requirements is to be able to spell...listen to this:

Three people from different parts of the country passed away at the same time. All were met at the gates by St. Peter. The first was an architect from California. Peter said, "You’ve built beautiful buildings and served men on earth, but before you come in you have to pass one small test, spell God". "G-O-D," replied the architect and St. Peter waved him through.

The second person to approach was a rancher from Texas. Peter looked at him and said, "You’ve served man upon the earth by providing food through the cattle you’ve raised but before you come in there’s just one small test, spell GOD". "G-O-D", said the rancher and Peter waved him through.

The third person was an attractive businesswoman from New York. Peter said, "You’ve served the world of commerce, but before you come in you’ll have to pass one small test." At this the woman interrupted, "Oh come on now Saint," said the woman, "I’ve had to fight for every promotion I’ve ever gotten. I’ve had to take lower pay for the same job as a male colleague, and I’ve been continually harassed by bosses and peers for one reason, my gender. And now here I am and you’re giving me a hard time too; what kind of test? Let’s get it over with."

Peter thought for a moment and said, "Spell Czechoslovakia"

So, if you aren’t able to spell....maybe you won’t make the cut...or maybe there are other criteria. But, for what it is worth...we’re not going to go that specific direction this morning and there are two reasons that we’re not going down that path. First, the question we are going to answer will answer that question in a roundabout way...we’re going to touch on the answer without going to far into it. So, in a way, we are going to kill two birds with one stone. The second reason is that we have already semi-covered it in our series on the parables. Remember the parable of the banquet....who did we say that God was looking for...who did we say would be at that banquet? Misfits...that’s what we decided...those who are down-trodden, who aren’t "religious", who are not relying on themselves...who recognize that they are not holy...they are not part of God’s chosen people because of simply who they are...those are the ones who will be at the banquet. No, today, we aren’t going to directly address the question of who will be in either place.

Today we are going to attempt to answer the question of "who decides the destination of each person." Or, to put it more simply, who is the one responsible for sending someone to hell or sending someone to heaven. Now, I have given my opinion on this before...and if you already know it then don’t zone out on me here...because I’m going to go much deeper into this than I ever have before. In fact, I’m going to give you the answer to our investigation before we even begin. Have you ever heard of a detective conducting an investigation...or maybe you have seen it on TV...and they say that they know someone did it and they just have to prove it? They have a suspect...they already have the answer to the question that they are asking...they just have to prove their case. So, today, we’re going to start out that way...with the answer and then prove our case. Here’s the answer...the one responsible for where a person goes when they die...the one who actually does the is the person themselves. One day all of us will stand before God...and our eternal destiny will be based on one decision we made in our lives...kind of scary, isn’t it? We have only decision to make and that will determine our eternity. You see, sometime in our lives...we are presented with the choice of what do I do with this God-man named Jesus? What am I going to do with what I have been taught....what I have learned....what his Holy Spirit has impressed upon me. Turn over in your Bibles to John chapter 3.

While you are turning you might be thinking to yourself: Mike, sounds like your giving the invitation before the sermon really gets started....and that may be true...but, let me tell you...if you know that you need to make that decision...then feel free to stop me at anytime...we’ll take care of business at that very moment. And it is true...this probably does sound a lot like a time of invitation...but it is really important for the sake of our investigation that we all understand this answer that we are starting off with...the one who decides the eternal destination of each’s not is the person themselves…and here is where we prove our case…in John 3: 14-19…to set the stage a little bit…Jesus…he’s talking here to a member of the Jewish council, Nicodemus…and he’s telling him the way to salvation…but Nicodemus…he thinks he knows already…it’s the law…it’s Judaism…and then Jesus drops this bomb on him: (Read verses)

This is a passage that has probably the most famous verse of the whole Bible in it...even those who know nothing about the Bible know at least John 3:16...they may not know what it says...but the guy in the end zone at football games has made sure that everyone at least knows John 3: 16. Let’s break down what Jesus is saying a little bit...

There are three key words in this whole passage...ones that you absolutely have to get into the original language in order to fully understand them. The first is the word that is translated here in your text "believe"...but this means much more than "believe." I checked every translation of the Bible that I had access to...the NCV...the NLT...the NIV...the NSRV...the KJV...all of them had this same translation: "believe." You see, we don’t have a single word that can stand alone and have the meaning that Jesus was saying here...this it is used means to trust in Jesus "as able to aid either in obtaining or in doing something” is a saving faith. Now, you might be thinking that I am playing in semantics here...that I am splitting hairs....but there is a difference in believing in someone or something and being a believer. Let me give you an example. Turn over to James chapter 2...I realize that I rarely use more than one scripture...but this is going to illustrate our point here really well....James 2 and we will only read verse 19.

So, wait a minute here...Jesus says in John 3:16 that those who believe in him...they won’t perish...but have everlasting life....then James, his of the fathers of the church in Jerusalem....he says that even the demons...they believe in Jesus...and....guess what...the Greek word used is exactly the same one that is used in John’t Jesus saying that even the demons will be saved...because, after all, the words are the same. Well, that’s not exactly English they are the Greek...they are different. The one in is an indicative verb....meaning that it is merely recognizing the "denoted act or state as an objective fact." other words...the demons...they acknowledge...they believe that Jesus is who he says he is...but they aren’t believers. There is a difference between being a believer and just believing, isn’t there? Guess what? That same Greek word in is a participle....meaning that it, even though, it is a shares qualities with nouns...and it is also in the nominative case...which in Greek means it is the subject of the sentence. So, in short and to make it simple...that word in John could probably be better translated or at least more clear if it said "believers"...and as we said...there is a difference, isn’t there?

The story is told of an expert tightrope walker whose tightrope was extended across Niagara Falls. Of course, to fall from this rope would mean instant destruction. Balancing his long pole lightly, he steps upon the rope and starts across. The crowd is silent. Finally he triumphantly places his foot on the farther bank and a great cheer rises even above the noise of the falls themselves. The man then turns to the crowd and makes a thrilling proposal. He offers to recross the falls with a man on his back! But who is to be the man?"Do you believe I am able to carry you across?" asks the ropewalker turning to a likely individual."I certainly do," at once responds the one addressed. "Will you let me?" inquires the waiting hero. "Will I let you? Well, hardly. You don’t think I am going to risk my life like that, do you?" and he turns away. "And what about you?" as he asks another man who was standing by. "I believe. In fact, I have no doubt about it at all." "Will you trust me?" "I will!" Breathlessly the people watch as he climbs onto the tightrope walker’s back and they begin step by step. At last they are over; their final step is taken and they stand once more on firm ground!

Now, which one of these guys believed...and which was a believer? Do you see the difference?

Now, on to the two other key words in this passage and in English they are very similar...perish and condemned.

The Greek word here for "perish" is apollumi...and it does mean perish or total destruction. It is the same word the disciples use when they are in the boat and the storm comes up...what do they say to Jesus...Don’t you care if we perish? It is the same word...but here...again...the tenses....they make all the difference. The word is a is aorist...and it is subjunctive. Aorist means that it refers to an action...particularly one in the past...that has no indication of completion…and that includes if it has been completed in the past or will be completed in the future. Subjunctive is a verb mood that typically expresses many things....and one of these things is judgment. So, here, we find that the perishing...Jesus says through the tenses of this Greek word that it is already happening...and there is no indication that the perishing will ever be...and he goes on and says it very plainly in verse 18...those who don’t believe...they are already condemned.

The Greek relates to judgment passed by a judge in a legal setting...and...given what Jesus says...what would we expect the tense to be...that’s too, is aorist and subjunctive. We have already been judged...we are already doomed to destruction....there is no indication that this suffering will ever be completed and the only way to avoid it is to not just believe in him...but be not just think he can walk across those falls on that tight rope but to not be afraid to get on his back and let him carry us across.

Let me personalize this just a little bit. When I die and stand before God...I will have to answer him when he asks me...what did you do with my son Jesus? And, there is no lying here...this isn’t a trial by jury where I hire a great attorney and try to pull off some great legal strategy to get myself out of it if I haven’t accepted Christ...there will only be me and God. And, unlike, a jury, God...he knows the truth. You see...I can say all the right things...act like I’m a everything right...and yet have not truly accepted Jesus. I can believe without being a believer. So, when I am standing there...I will have to tell God...either yes I trusted Him for my salvation or that I did not. There will be no one else I can one else I can point to....and no way in this world or in that world that I can accuse God of being unfair. My eternal lies in my hands and not anyone else’s...not yours...not God’ is totally up to me. Now, I know that it is God that saves was Jesus who paid for me...but the decision to accept is mine and mine alone.

The same goes for you and every person who lives upon this Earth who has heard the Gospel....they are going to have stand there before God and tell him...if they didn’t accept Jesus...they are going to have to admit it and then acknowledge who the Lord and King of this Universe is. That is so important that you get that...for those that are here in church today and for those that are listening later on radio...let me tell you....whether you are saved or day, if you have heard the gospel but never accepted day you will stand before God and admit your hard-headedness, doubt, scoffing, procrastination, apathy, lack of realizing what was important, visions of self-importance, visions of self-sufficiency, pride, and the list goes on and on...whatever the excuse...whatever sounded good to you as a reason to reject will admit that before will admit your will admit that you were given the opportunity and for whatever reason you ignored it...and will acknowledge who indeed is the Lord of this Universe...but it will be too late. If you don’t know Jesus…that is a scary thought…but I think for those of us who do know him…it should be even scarier because those people that you love…your family members who don’t know Christ…they are the ones facing that…your unbelieving friends…neighbors…co-workers…they are the one’s that will have to face God in that manner…and, if we are aware of their failure in heaven…don’t you think that we will wonder why we didn’t do more to reach them? Why we didn’t tell them of our concern…why we didn’t befriend them…mentor them…disciple them? True…it is their decision and you can’t force them into it…but…someone has to tell them…and the question is…have you?

Man, Mike, you’re probably thinking...I’ve never heard you get worked up like this...the impression I hope you have of me is that I am a positive thinker...that I try to make a difference...and I preach the grace and love of the gospel...but....during this investigation of heaven and hell...if I don’t get worked up...especially during this message concerning answering the question "Who?"...then I might as well quit preaching the Gospel...because with the positives of God’s love comes the negatives of hell. You can’t have one without the other....if there is no hell...then why did Jesus even come? Why would he leave the life of a humble carpenter...and then die the most horrible death possible after being beaten in the most horrible way? It would be just a waste of his time and our coming would be a waste of our time.

The fact of the matter is...there is a hell...and the only way to avoid it is for you and me to accept the work of Jesus on the cross…to not just believe…but become believers. know...that’s not what the world thinks, is it? That is not what our culture today says...we hear over and over again that there are many ways to God...that all roads lead to him...that we should be tolerant of others beliefs...and be accepting. I have to tell’s not a matter of intolerance...I happen to be one of the most tolerant people that I know...I respect the right of anyone in this world to practice whatever religion they live the type of lifestyle they want as long as it is not illegal...I hold these beliefs because of two reasons...first because it is guaranteed in our Constitution and because I love this country...if I am going to have my freedom to live how I choose as a servant of Jesus Christ then I have to allow others to live the way they want...and, more importantly, because God does the same thing. He gives men the right to choose or reject live in sin or to live for Him...and we have to be willing to do the same. So, I am a very tolerant person...but, friends, I have to tell you...if the destination we are trying to get to is Louisville and I have the map to Louisville and I look and another person has a map to Atlanta but they think it’s a map north....are you catching the directional analogies here...North...South. Anyway...if I see a person with that map...I’m not going to condemn them...I’m not going to force them to look at my map...I’m not even going to smack them up the side of their head with my map to try to get them to go the right direction…but I wouldn’t be much of a brother to them at all if I didn’t try to show them the right map and the right way North, would I? Jesus said that he is the Way...he is the Map...he is the only way to Louisville...and I owe it to him to tell as many people as I can and let them decide which direction they are going to go.

The truth of the matter is…some people…their on the wrong road…they’re trying to get to Louisville…but, they are actually headed to Atlanta, but if you ask them…all roads lead to Louisville. Listen to these statistics from Barna research:

There is a growing tendency to believe that all good people, whether or not they consider Jesus Christ to be their savior, will live in heaven after they die on earth. In 1999 the public is almost divided on the matter: 53% agree, 40% disagree. This represents a significant change since 1992, when 40% agreed with this notion and 1994 when 46% agree, 47% disagree.

Half of all adults (51%) believe that if a person is generally good, or does enough good things for others during their life, they will earn a place in Heaven.

Of those who have made a personal commitment to Jesus Christ: (1999)

63% believe that they will go to Heaven when they die because they have confessed their sins and accepted Jesus as their savior.

11% believe that they will go to heaven because basically they are a good person.

10% do not know what will happen to them after they die.

7% believe that they will go to Heaven because God loves all people and will not let them perish.

5% believe that when they die they will go to Heaven because they have tried to obey the 10 commandments.

2% believe that when they die they will not go to Heaven.

Isn’t it amazing that only 63 percent of those who say that they are Christians know the Way? It makes me sad…all you have to do is believe…that is it. Mike, you might say…it’s a lot more than belief…and I agree…it’s about being a Believer. If we had time we would go into what James says later on…we only read that one verse. He goes on to talk about a part of your belief…it’s works. All these things we associate with being a Christian…baptism…love…joy…peace…long-suffering…when you are a believer…those things come as a part of the deal. There are times that they aren’t quite natural because after all, you are human…but you can’t be a believer and not have these signs in your life.

So, as we wrap up our investigation today…I gave you the answer to the question before I gave the proof…so, let me ask you….have I proved my case? This is the time where on those lawyer shows you hear the lawyer saying that they rest their case…and it’s in the hands of the jury…and whether you are here today in church or listening later on the radio…you, my friends, are the jury. So, did I prove it to you that, when you die or when Christ returns, whichever comes first…your fate…it is in your hands?

Let’s back up for just a moment…we said that the Greek word “krino”…it relates to judgment just like we find in one of our courts of law. Let me ask you….when a defendant stands in front of the judge to be sentenced….who is the reason that he is there? Is it his parents? His wife? His kids? Is it the judge? Or is it him? Now, when a judge sentences someone…why don’t we hear…how can he send someone to jail? That’s what we often hear about God…how can a loving God send people to hell? The answer is, he doesn’t. Just like the judge here on Earth…he merely honors the choice they have made themselves. We would not think an Earthly judge to be just and good if he didn’t do this…why do we give God…the most just judge of all…a hard time for doing the same?

But…unlike an Earthly judge…God…he put the punishment upon his own son….his own Son…he paid the price coming to each one of us. We mentioned it last week at communion…when Jesus cried out “teleo” from the cross…”It is finished”…he was saying that your sins…and my sins…had been paid in full. Can you imagine a judge here on Earth…doing the same…and, even more unimaginable…could you imagine someone standing in front of that judge and being offered to go free…to just accept the payment of the judge’s son…saying “no.” I don’t know of a single person who would go to jail instead…and we’re only talking about this temporary life. Why…why won’t you do the same? The ball is in your court…no one can make this decision for you. If you don’t know Christ…you’re on your way to Atlanta…but you can be on your way to Louisville today…but to do so…you got to not just believe…you got to become a believer…and the first step is confessing his name and being baptized. If there are any here this morning who were once on the right road…but you’ve taken the wrong exit or maybe you just broke down on the side…you can be back on your way today as well…or maybe you’ve just slowed down on your journey but you want to get back to where you once were…no matter what decision you have to make…I want to invite you to make it now as we pray and then sing.