Summary: Focussed on how God’s dreams for us are further revealled through prayer

I have a question for you today

How is your prayer life?

I ask this question because I am interested in you thinking about three things:

Are you praying regularly?

What and who are you praying for?

And how is prayer affecting the rest of your life?

Are you praying regularly?

What and who are you praying for?

And how is prayer affecting the rest of your life?

And the reason I am raising this is that prayer is one of the spiritual habits

Spiritual disciplines

That is important to our Christian life

That is important to our relationship with God and with other people

On most occasions when I pray to God

I am not just praying in relation to issues or things concerning myself,

But also others

If you look at our Gospel reading again

From Luke 18, verse 1

We hear Jesus clearly saying that I am about to tell you a story that demonstrates why it is essential,

why it is necessary,

why it is important

that you keep on praying no matter what and never give up

To better understand the story

It is helpful to jump back a few verses and see in what context Jesus told this story

In Luke 17 verse 20 we hear that there were a group of people

The Pharisees

Who were impatient, (you don’t know anyone like that do you?)

And they wanted to know when the kingdom of God would be coming

Now why do you think they asked this question?

Could it possibly have been that what they were experiencing something in their lives at that point in time

That did not feel like, did not look like, did not resemble what they believed God’s kingdom should be!!

Do you ever feel that way?

That there is a huge difference between how you are living now

With the problems and issues we hear about, encounter and face

To how life should be with God

Well I do and we should

Because Jesus has not returned, so our lives are a mixture of blessing from God and sin affected issues

What we experience as reality now

Is not how God intended life to be

It is not what God wants us to be experiencing

Now we often criticize the Pharisee’s but they got this right

They recognized that there was something wrong with life as they knew it

It was not Godly

And they knew that the Kingdom of God offered something far better, far more, far superior

to the current broken, tarnished reality of life they were experiencing

And they wanted to know when it was about to become reality

Do you ever wonder when God’s kingdom

When you will see a little bit more of heaven on earth?

Well Jesus in answer to the Pharisee’s question and to our question

Jesus responds first by saying

be ready and not to turn back

And then with the parable we heard today in Luke 18

Where Jesus encourages us to keep on praying

And there is a reason for this!!!

When we pray…

We are not bound to today’s reality

Yes we experience it

But when we pray our thoughts are on the future God has prepared for us

We are communicating, talking with God about our life and his dreams for us

Isn’t that a great opportunity, a wonderful privelege?

Being able to talk to God about your life, your concerns, your worries, your joys

and also His dreams for you

Now there is something that is helpful for us to remember

Communication works best when you are not the only one talking

But when we also listen

A good friend of mine is constantly telling people in sales training

Hey you have two ears and one mouth

Use them proportionally

And he says the same when it comes to prayer

And this part of the key of understanding this parable

Prayer is not just about us jabbering to God

About us talking to God and then concluding with Amen

And going on with life

And wondering when or why God hasn’t answered my prayer

Prayer is far more than this

Prayer involves talking to God

And then listening to how God responds

This may take time

This could involve allowing a set time for prayer each day

Talking for only 1/3 of that time, then reflecting on what you prayed and listening to God interjecting into those prayers

It may also involve testing and experimenting

It definitely involves opening up your bible

And it involves allowing God to question you, to respond to you through many different situations and people

Every week I find prayer with God as one of the most beneficial and helpful things I do

Sometimes my prayer times is quiet and very solitude

And sometimes I get frustrated with God,

And when I am by myself I express this frustration out loud and phsyically

“God why has this or that problem gone on for so long, help us fix it?”

ever been like that

One of the things I have discovered is that often when I have been praying for an issue for some time that God:

uses this time to help me see some other perspectives of this issue,

some other approach,

a different perspective about the things, issue or people I may not have considered if He had answered prayers immediately

And something else also often happens

He helps me see how I as one of his believers should be involved in being part of the answer to the prayers I have prayed

On Friday and Saturday I spent the day at the Leadership Summit

One of the presenters was a gentleman called Richard Curtis

Anyone know him?

Heard of the films Four weddings and a Funeral, or Notting Hill

What about the tv show Mr Bean

He wrote the scripts for them

However one of his other great interests and passions in life

Is using his gifts, contacts and talents to help people in need

He is one of the founders of Make Poverty History campaign, Live 8 concert

As part of the interview

He made a very profound statement that hit home

After praying about poverty for some time

He woke up one morning and realised that maybe when he prays about something

That he may be part of the answer to the prayer

That God may wants him to do something about what he is praying for

Now think about your prayers

What have you been praying for recently?

How are you allowing God to use you to help your prayers be answered?

Interestingly that just after the Pharisee’s pestered Jesus in Luke 17 verse 20,

In verse 21 Jesus makes an interesting reply,

A reply the Pharisee’s and many don’t get

His reply is the kingdom of God is within you!!

What does that mean for you and your prayer life?

When we pray God has the opportunity to reveal to us how life should be

And being persistent in prayer means rather than just being focused on what we perceive to be today’s reality

God begins introducing His dreams for us and the world, to us

This brings me to another point

If Jesus told this parable in relation to the Pharisees asking

When is God’s kingdom going to come?

Maybe we need to ask the following about our prayer life

How many of our prayers are in relation to God’s kingdom coming about?

How much of your praying is focused on the people you know being connected to God’s kingdom?

And how often do you ask God to change you so His kingdom is becomes more obvious in you, in this congregation, in the parish and in the community?

In his explanation to the Lord’s Prayer, Martin Luther picked up this very point….

He says something along the lines of God doesn’t need our prayers to make His kingdom come, we do because when we pray this line we are praying that God’s kingdom will come in us.

And this takes time

Anyone who has experienced a change by God…it takes time

Most of you know Abubakar….he was baptised in our parish some 2 years ago

I thought wonderful…look how God has used us

Do you realise that for over 12 years the Holy Spirit has been touching him through many different other Christians

And many of these Christians have been praying for him during this time

And so keep praying for people

And keep revealing God to them

Also in yourself…

Remember it takes time to change

Sometimes the Holy Spirit does it instantly

Other times God is patient with us….

and helps us through the process of change

There is one final point we should look at in relation to today’s Gospel reading

That is in the area of justice

Justice is an important issue

Justice also takes time

Search through the stories of justice and you often see how long justice can take

Nelson Mandella was 27 years in jail seeking justice not for himself but for all black people in South Africa

And eventually it came about because of the perseverance of himself and many others

And as Christians we seek justice not just for ourselves but for others

Justice on earth is something God uses us to bring about

As an insight or sample of his love and how much he cares

And if we are going to be involved in praying for and bringing about justice

We should understand a little of what God means by justice

Listen to Isaiah chapter 1 verse 17

17 learn to do right!

Seek justice,

encourage the oppressed. a

Defend the cause of the fatherless,

plead the case of the widow

Listen to that again

and from Isaiah 30 verse 18

18 Yet the LORD longs to be gracious to you;

he rises to show you compassion.

For the LORD is a God of justice.

Blessed are all who wait for him!

Justice is not primarily about attacking the wrong doer,

but helping those who have been wronged

I have to admit I have a problem with many activists…

For some years I couldn’t work out why

Their causes are often good,

at times I agreed with them

But one day it hit me after reading scripture, in particular the passage from Isaiah chapter 1 verse 17 that the problem I have is their approach

Often they came across as being more focused on hurting the wrong doer than really addressing the problem or issue of helping those who have been wronged

In today’s Gospel reading the widow never gave up seeking justice from an unjust and uncaring judge for herself

But what Jesus wants us to know from this story is

That God is not like this unjust judge…

who had no intention of giving justice

God promises you justice

To fix the wrong that has happened in your life

Infact he has already dealt with the major wrong in your life

But we haven’t fully seen it

Yet we will

God promises that you will be welcomed into heaven

That he has prepared a place for you

That you will experience a place where nothing perishes, spoils or fades

And to make sure this has happened

Jesus has already paid the penalty for everything that would you prevent you from receiving this from God

So keep on praying

Keep praying for others, yourself and justice

No matter what is happening, because God always has something better prepared for you

and he will deliver