Summary: God has established praise, worship and music as a vital part of the church. Ephesians 5:18-20 1 Timothy 2:8 A. Music and praise brings the anointing of the Holy Spirit. 2 Kings 3:15 2 Chronicles 5:11-14 B. Music and praise confuse and defeat the


I. God has established praise, worship and music as a vital part of the church.

Ephesians 5:18-20

1 Timothy 2:8

A. Music and praise brings the anointing of the Holy Spirit.

2 Kings 3:15 2 Chronicles 5:11-14

B. Music and praise confuse and defeat the enemy.

2 Chronicles 20:20-25 Psalm 9:1-3 Psalm 22:3

1. Satan uses music to bring evil. He knows its power and effect.

2. God uses music to bring good and stop evil.

C. The longest book in the Bible (Psalms) is a list of songs and instructions for

worship and praise.

II. We must decide to follow God’s guidelines and instructions for worship, not our

own ideas or traditions.

Psalm 34:1 John 4:23-24

A. God wants us to sing and praise in the congregation.

Psalm 22:22 Psalm 35:18 Psalm 96:1-2

B. God desires for us to lift up and clap our hands.

Psalm 63:4 Psalm 47:1 Psalm 134:2

C. God desires for us to boldly and loudly praise Him.

Psalm 47:1 Psalm 98:4-8

D. God desires musical instruments to be used in praise and worship.

2 Chronicles 5:12-14 Psalm 150

E. God desires His people to dance before Him in praise and worship.

Psalm 149:1-4 Psalm 150:4 2 Samuel 6:14,16,20-23 Psalm 30:11

III. Music has three sources:

A. God

B. Satan

C. The World

1. Songs from the world can be positive or negative.

a. Positive- songs about life, children, and legitimate positive love

between a man and woman.

b. Negative – songs promoting depression, negative love and sex,

suggestive lyrics and so forth.

c. Since music was created to praise and worship God, that is the best

type of music to listen to. Christians can be entertained with positive,

worldly songs, but a steady diet of this listening can never be edifying

or build up the spirit man.