Summary: This series is an examination of what the book of Acts has to say about prayer.

Pastor’s Bible Class Thomas Road Baptist Church

Series: Praying the Book of Acts Dr. Elmer Towns

Lesson 1: What Acts says about prayer September 2, 2007

1. Seeking prayer for power. “Tarry ye in the city of Jerusalem, until ye be

endued with power from on high” (Luke 24:49). “You shall be baptized

with the Holy Ghost” (Acts 1:5).

a. Historical, placed into Jesus’ body, non-experimental.

b. Actual, anointing for service, yielded to receive. “They were all

filled” (2:4).

Anointing for Service

-It’s not automatic, you must ask.

-It’s not natural, you must yield.

-It’s not intrinsic, you are empty without it.

“Be filled with the Spirit” (Eph. 5:18).

2. All waiting. “These all continued . . . in prayer and supplication (diomai)

with the women, and Mary the mother of Jesus, and with the brethren”


3. Daily prayer practice.

a. Public prayers together. “They continued steadfastly in the apostles’

doctrine, and fellowship . . . breaking bread and prayer(s). Why plural?

b. Small group prayer. Peter and John went up together into the temple at

the hour of prayer, being 3:00 pm” (3:1).

(1) Same time each day

(2) Same place

(3) Same group

c. Individual retreat. “Peter went up upon the housetop to pray” (10:9).

(1) Early. “My voice shall thou hear in the morning” (Ps. 5:3).

(2) Noon. “Evening, and morning, and at noon I will pray” (Ps.


(3) Night. “I have cried . . . all night before thee” (Ps. 88:1).

4. Pray when in danger from enemies.

a. Pray for deliverance. “Peter . . . in prison: but prayer was made without

ceasing of the church to God from him” (12:5). “Many were gathered

together praying” (12:12).

b. Fast and pray for protection. “Ye have tarried and continued fasting”


c. Fellowship with God in trials. “At midnight Paul and Silas prayed

(proseuchomai)” (16:25).

d. Praised God in trials. “Paul and Silas . . . praised (humnos) God”


When facing danger/trials

-Expect it

-Rejoice, it shows you are a Christian

-Your godliness converts the unsaved

-Glorify God

-Commit yourself to God

-If God doesn’t deliver you here, He will

reward you there

e. Pray when facing death. “And they stoned Stephen as he was calling

on [God] and saying, ‘Lord Jesus, receive my spirit.’ Then he knelt

down and cried out with a loud voice, ‘Lord, do not charge them with

this sin.’ And when he had said this, he fell asleep” (Acts 7:59-60).

5. Pray when judged by God. Paul “was three days without sight, and

neither did eat or drink” (9:9). “Behold he prayeth (proseuchomai)”


6. Pray when facing problems.

Towns’ Frustration

-Why me?

-Why now?

-Why this?

-Ask, “Why not me?”

a. Pray before problems come. “We will give ourselves continually to

prayer” (6:4).

Three wrong views of problems

-You are unusual

-You are unspiritual

-God has forsaken you

“Man is born into trouble as the sparks

fly upward” (Job 5:7).

b. Pray for wisdom to solve problems. “Whom they set before the

apostles (deacons) and when they prayed” (6:6).

Four problem solving attitudes

-You can’t avoid problems

-You can’t run from problems

-You can solve problems

-The successful person grows as they

solves problems facing them

7. Places of prayer in Acts.

a. Upper room, 1:14; 12:12

b. House to house, 2:46; 10:9

c. Temple, 3:1

d. Outside Jerusalem, 7:59-60

e. House top, 10:9

f. Military officers quarters, 10:2

g. Prison, 16:25

h. By riverside, 16:13

i. By seashore, 21:5

8. Prayer and healing. “Peter put them all forth, and kneeled down and

prayed . . . and she opened her eyes” (Acts 9:40). “The father of

Publius lay sick . . . Paul . . . prayed and laid his hands on him and

healed him” (28:8). The prayer of faith shall save the sick” (James


Pray for Healing – James 5:13-16

-Sickness may be caused by sin, v. 13

-Call for elders, v. 14

-Confess sin (deal with spiritual causes), v. 16

-Anoint with oil, v. 14

-More than one pray

-Ask in faith

9. Pray for ministry

a. God leads through prayer. “As they ministered to the Lord and fasted,

the Holy Spirit said, ‘Now separate to Me Barnabas and Saul’”


b. Workers sent out by prayer. “When they had fasted and prayed . . .

they sent them” (13:3).

c. Appointed leaders by prayer. “Ordained elders . . . and had prayer

with fasting” (14:23).

If you have never really accepted Jesus as your personal Savior, would you do it right now? Do not delay or put it off. If you would like to receive Christ by faith, pray this simple prayer in your heart:

Dear Lord, I acknowledge that I am a sinner. I believe Jesus died for my sins on the cross, and rose again the third day. I repent of my sins. By faith I receive the Lord Jesus as my Savior. You promised to save me, and I believe You, because You are God and cannot lie. I believe right now that the Lord Jesus is my personal Savior, and that all my sins are forgiven through His precious blood. I thank You, dear Lord, for saving me. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

If you prayed that prayer, God heard you and saved you. I personally want to welcome you to the family of God and rejoice with you.

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