Summary: Part 4 focuses on the Eagle

Buzzards, Bats, Bumblebees and Eagles Part 4

Are You Living Like The Eagle?

Scriptures: Exo. 19:4; John 13:15; 14:15-17; Rev. 19:16; 2 Tim. 2:11-12;

Isa. 46:3-4; 33:16 Psalm 57:1; Matthew 7:22-23


Previously in this series I discussed the buzzards, the bats and the bumblebees. With all of their capabilities and gifts, each when faced with certain adversities would give in to the adversity which would sometimes lead to their death. The buzzard needed running room in order to take off and fly thus when placed in a smaller pen, it would not even try to fly. The bats needed extra space to throw themselves into the air in order to fly and if placed on a flat surface they would remain there. The bumblebee with all of its flying capabilities would stay in a regular drinking glass if placed into the bottom of it, never figuring out that it could fly out of the top of it. In each case we realize that we too face situations that in our own minds we believe are impossible to deal with so we just sit there in the situation without trying to come out of it or believing God to deliver us. This morning we will examine the positive and negative traits of the eagle, a majestic bird that truly rules the air. As with the previous three messages, I want you to consider if you are living like the eagle or living with them.

I. Negative Traits of the Eagle

For all of its majestic qualities, the eagle has many evil qualities that can also be found in the lives of men. Although I will not dwell on all of the eagle’s negative traits, I want to provide a few so that when we discuss the positive traits you will be able to see the importance of making choices of what we want to be present in our lives. One of the first negative traits of the eagle is its looks. The eagle is neither fair nor comely in its appearance. It looks like what it is, a bird of prey, and a killer. The eagle fulfills what it looks like and when other birds see it, they know to stay away. Have you ever met someone who fulfilled what they looked like by choice? What about that person who looks dangerous but is not. I remember watching the movie "The Green Mile" and the main character was so big that everyone just assumed that he was dangerous. But within, he was a very gentle soul. The eagle fulfills it’s image, but we have the ability to take on another image.

The eagle has no sweet voice and when she speaks she bring fear to any animal within hearing distance. Do you know anyone like that? They do not possess the ability to speak calmly, to comfort and or make someone feel better. They thrive on using words to hurt. The eagle is very quarrelsome, preying and devouring. It’s ability to cause problems for other animals is great. The eagle is a solitary and envious bird. Although it desires to be alone, it is very envious of others. There are many people who do not have friends and prefer to be alone. Then there are those who are so envious of others and what they have that they cannot have friends. The only friends they desire are those that have less than they do and then they can feel comfortable around them. Another negative trait of the eagle is that it is proud and lofty and an enemy to peace. Remember earlier I told how the eagle is quarrelsome; the eagle does not like peace. It cannot remain in harmony with other birds. All other birds are subject to being attacked and eaten. The eagle being very proud and lofty considerers itself high above all others, just like people do. Finally, the eagle is very crafty: she fills her wings with dust and gets upon a stag’s horns and beats the dust and sand into his eyes until she blinds him and soon conquerors him. The eagle plans out the best way to attack and be victorious, coming across as harmless until it attacks. Again, people have these same traits. When you consider the negative traits of the eagle do you see why there are people who hate the United States – the eagle represents us. In many ways, some of our traits as a nation are captured in these negative traits of the eagle.

So, with these negative traits, why did I choose the eagle for our example? The answer is found in God’s word for in His word there are many references to this majestic bird. For example, when God brought the Children of Israel out of Egypt, He said to the people "You yourselves have seen what I did to Egypt and how I carried you on eagles’ wings and brought you to Myself." (Exodus 19:4) The eagle is used in many examples of the interactions that God (and Jesus) has with His people. The eagle also has characteristics that are very appropriate for our consideration as we continue to develop into the person God has called us to be. For example, the eagle trains up her young to be like herself and to mount as she mounts. Jesus does the same with us. He has given us His Word so that we may be able to walk, to mount, to accomplish just as He. Jesus said in John 13:15 "I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you." In other words, He gave us an example to follow and we should be about following His example. The eagle has some very convincing positive traits that are characteristic of our Lord and Savior and therefore some we should pay close attention to. Consider these positive traits:

I. Positive Traits of the Eagle

Royal Bird: The eagle is a royal bird, the prince or queen of all birds of the air. When we think of a bird that exemplifies power and royalty, we think of the eagle. Among the birds of the air, there is none that rivals the eagle. As the eagle is among birds, so is Christ amongst men and angels. He is the King, the Lord of lords. Revelations 19:16 says "On His robe and on His thigh He has this name written: King of Kings and Lord or Lords." He is King. Now comes the good part, because Christ rules, we rule. We are inheritors with Him and therefore those things that He has are also available to us. We have the rights of a prince or princess but we must choose to walk in it. When God made man, He made man to rule. Man gave up that power but Jesus returned that power to us. You are a ruler; you are not some piece of dirt that has been cast to the street. The eagle does not doubt it status in the bird kingdom; Christ never doubted His place or authority and we should not doubt ours. We reign because Christ reigns. Please note what is recorded in 2 Timothy 2:11-12: "Here is a trustworthy saying: ’If we died with Him, we will also live with Him; if we endure, we will also reign with Him…….." This is a promise for all those who will endure to the end, but the benefits of "hanging with Christ" starts now, in this world.

Eagle’s Eye: Have you ever heard the term "his/her eyes are as sharp as the eagle?" The eagle is known for its eyesight. The eagle has very piercing eyes. When it is flying high, it can see down to the earth and behold small fish in the sea. The eagle’s ability to see so well enables it to identify its prey without the prey ever knowing it is being watched. Jesus Christ has a wonderful piercing eye that sees not only from the highest clouds where the eagle mounts, but from the highest heaven. He can look into the secrets of every man’s heart; although we may try to hide our secrets deeper and deeper from His sight, we cannot escape His omniscience, for He sees what we are doing. We know Christ has the ability to see all, but how does this apply to us? The Holy Spirit dwells in all believers and therefore enables us to see spiritually what we cannot see physically. The Holy Spirit speaks to us when we do not understand. Have you ever heard someone say "Something told me to do that" or "something told me it would all work out"? That was not a "something", that was the Holy Spirit of God talking with His servants, teaching and sharing insight that they needed for the moment.

Jesus sent the Holy Spirit to dwell with and within us. John 14:15-17 records "If you love Me , you will keep My commandments. And I will ask the Father and He will give you another Helper, that He may be with you forever; that is the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive because it does not behold Him or know Him, but you know Him because He abides with you, and will be in you." The word "helper" is also translated "counselor" which means "one who is called alongside." It conveys the idea of an encourager in the sense of a legal counsel. Just as Jesus had encouraged and assisted His disciples, He assured them the Holy Spirit would be there for them as well. The Holy Spirit operating within us is the equivalent of the eagle’s sharp eyes. Whereas the eagle can see clearly from a distance, the Holy Spirit, if we listen to Him, will give of insight into what lies ahead. This insight will enable us to make choices that will lead to life versus death. When the eagle sees its prey from afar it does not doubt what it is seeing. It trusts its eyes. Do you trust your eagle’s eye?

Protects its Young: We have heard many stories about how God took care of someone and how He made a way out of no way. These are not just stories, but true acts of God’s nature. Historians tell us that the eagle bears and carries her young upon her wings and shields them when necessary beneath her wings. God does the same thing with each of us. Remember what God said to the Children of Israel when He brought them out of Egypt? He told them that He brought them out on eagle’s wings. Isaiah 46:3-4 also says "Listen to Me, O house of Jacob, all you who remain of the house of Israel, you whom I have upheld since you were conceived, and have carried since your birth, even to your old age and gray hairs I am He, I am He who will sustain you. I have made you and I will carry you; I will sustain you and I will rescue you." Isaiah was relaying God’s message to His people that He was the one who sustained them, from the time they were born until their old age. The definition of sustain is "to keep in existence; maintain or prolong; to carry the weight of…" Are you starting to see this picture? David also understood what it meant to be under God’s protection for he fled to God on several occasions for shelter. David said in Psalms 57:1 "Be gracious to me, O God, be gracious to me. For my soul takes refuge in Thee; and in the shadow of Thy wings I will take refuge, until destruction passes by."

The Eagle also, for protection, hides her young in high and mighty rocks, where her nest is. These rocks are often inaccessible to other animals that would endanger the eagle’s young. The eagle understands what is necessary to protect her young and she ensures that all precautions are taken. Spiritually, God does the same with us. Consider what Isaiah said in Isaiah 33:16: "….His refuge will be an impregnable rock." If you are situation high upon a hill fortified with rocks, it would be extremely difficult for your enemies to attack you successfully from the ground. The rocks would make it almost impossible to climb with any great success. Like the eagle protecting her young, God is protecting us. We may not always be aware of everything He is doing, but He is very active in our lives. There is one final trait of the eagle that I want to share with you and this trait has to do with how the eagle identifies its own.

Eagle Can Look Directly at the Sun: Historians say that the eagle can look on the sun in its brightest splendor without being dazzled. This is one of the traits that separate the eagles from other birds. In bringing up her children, one of the ways in which she determined if the young ones are her true offspring is if they too can do the same thing. If they cannot behold the sun without winking or their eyes watering, she kicks them out of her nest and disowns them. Just as the eagle, Christ will determine which offspring is His. Jesus said in Matthew 7:22-23: "Many will say to me on that day, ’Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in Your name, and in Your name cast out demons, and in Your name perform many miracles.’ And then I will declare to them, ’I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness." There are many people who believe they are Christians because they have been baptized, but their lives and their hearts remain far from Christ.

This past Wednesday evening we were continuing our discussions from Revelations chapter three. In the fifth verse of chapter three, Jesus speaks of erasing names from the book of life. As you know, the book of life is the book which holds all the names of those who belong to Christ. When you give your life to Christ, your name is written in the book. No one can remove your name from the book EXCEPT you. Although your name goes into the book, what you do after that point determines if your name remain. We cannot live anyway we please and expect to live forever with Christ. As the eagle verifies her offspring by their ability to look at the sun, Jesus will know His own by our ability to look at and follow Him. As it is with the eagle that transfers her genetic makeup to her offspring, so it is with Christians. When we accept Christ, we begin to take on his genetic code. It does not happen all at once, but as we continue to grow in our relationship with Him. On that day when we stand before Him, if we do not have any of His genetic code evident within us, we will be lost forever. And just so you understand, that genetic code is not how well you do things in Church or how often you go. It is about your love for Him, love for others and your motivations to serve. You must have faith and through your faith, God’s love shines through.


When you consider the buzzard, bat, bumblebee and the eagle, which one do you identify with more? What is it about your life, where you are right now, that if given the opportunity you would change? If you are not spiritually where you want to be, what changes do you need to make in order to get there? We have a very unique opportunity that was not available to the Christians of biblical times. We have the ability to learn from history, what they actually walked through. We have the beginning (the Old Testament) and the end (The New Testament). We have the knowledge and insight as to where things are going and how we as Christians will end up. With all of that information, we are in a unique position to make a decision that will lead to life. This is the first day of the rest of your life, what you decide today begin to mark your future. What are you willing to do to be closer to your Lord and Savior? Think about it and make the decision to do it. May God forever bless and keep you.