Scripture: Phil. 1:23
Subject: “Between A Rock and A Hard Place”
Introduction: I can appreciate the frustration Charlie Brown has in the Peanuts cartoons. Like the one where Lucy sharing her philosophy and Charlie is listening. As usual, Lucy has the floor, delivering one of her lectures.
She says, "Charlie Brown, life is a lot like a deck chair. Some place it so they can see where they’re going. Others place it to see where they’ve been.
And some place it in a way so they can see where they are at the present." Charlie Brown sighs and says, "I can’t even get mine unfolded."
More than a few of us can identify with Charlie Brown.
· Life gets rough at times.
· Some of the choices we have to make are difficult.
We find ourselves in a position, like the old saying, "between a rock and a hard place". Stuck between two possibilities where an argument could be made for going either way.
Such a situation is called a dilemma.
Have you ever felt like you were between a rock and a hard place?
Either way you chose to go would be difficult.
I believe Paul was in this kind of a situation.
To go on and be with the Lord meant having to die.
Staying on in this life meant continued difficulties.
I believe Paul lived on “Ready” most of the time because when the time came that he knew he was going to die he said, “For I am now ready to be offered, and the time of my departure is at hand.
I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith.” 2 Tim. 4:6 – 7 KJV
Every day of our life we live under pressure.
· Decisions come at us like machine gun bullets.
· Some of these bullets are going to hit us right between the eyes.
We have to make choices from the time we awake until we close our eyes in sleep.
· Every choice we make carries with it some kind of result.
· These results can be good or bad.
This particular letter was written from a jail cell in Philippi.
· Paul was torn between two powerful desires.
“Sometimes I want to go on living and sometimes I long to be with Christ.”
- What is the subject of this message? – Decisions – Priorities – Choices?
- What is the theme? – “What do I do?”
- What is the purpose? – “How to discover the right answers to life’s dilemmas?”
Paul had examined his situation and had recognized that to go on and be with the Lord in heaven would be far better than to continue as things was at that time.
· What did Paul wind up doing?
· Paul wound up staying because we hear these words, “I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith:” 2 Tim. 4:7 KJV
· Paul wound up doing what he knew was right for the Church and that was remaining here in this life until his time was fulfilled.
Doing what’s right isn’t always the easiest thing to do.
It can be very difficult and costly.
Paul said that for him to go on and be with the Lord would be far better for him, but to remain and continue the work he was doing for the Lord was very needful.
Many times throughout the Bible we will find someone having to make a DECISION that is difficult.
Elijah confronted the prophets of Baal about which God they were going to serve.
· “How Long Halt Ye Between Two Opinions? 1 Kings 18:21
· Daniel and the three Hebrews – Whether to eat the King’s meat or not. Daniel 1
· The three Hebrews – When to bow to the royal orchestra or to face the fiery furnace. Daniel 3:17 – 18
INDECISION is one of the greatest deterrents to Spiritual success there is!
Right on its heels is “Procrastination.”