Scripture: Psalms 51:1 –
Title: “Renewing Your Subscription”
Introduction: Ps. 51 is an outpouring from the heart of a guilt-ridden king named David. David was listed as a “man after God’s own heart.” (Acts 13:22)
The psalm elaborates David’s confession of his sin with Bathsheba after the prophet Nathan came to him.
We find David pleading for forgiveness and cleansing, confessing his guilt, praying for pardon and restoration, resolving to praise God, and continuing to pray for the prosperity of Jerusalem.
What had happened to this man who had such great beginnings?
o David was hand-picked by God
o David killed Goliath with a slingshot
o Became a valiant shepherd as a boy
o Was anointed by the prophet Samuel when just a boy
o Became one of the greatest and most popular kings in the whole world
o Accumulated more victories than all other kings of his day
LAGING BEHIND – “the time of year when kings go to war, David stayed behind”
o Success & Victory can swell the head of even a king!
o Bending the Rules is a sure-sign of trouble in the making!
o No one, not even a king, is above the Law (Of God).
o David created himself a ‘comfort zone’ and it caused him much heartache.
o SLOUTHFULNESS is one of the most dangerous practices one can do.
SIN IN THE CAMP – “My son, Make your confession and tell me what you have done.”
o David was a king & his sin caused ‘death’ – Achan caused death by his sin! (Jos. 6:5)
o We have put a suit & a tie on sin & said it’s O.K.
o We hide sin & act like it’s O.K. (David tried to cover up his sin & it didn’t work)
o Godly sorry worketh repentance unto salvation that needeth not to be repented of.
2 Cor. 7:10 – Revival comes when people get convicted of their lifestyle.
WHEN SIN CATCHES UP WITH YOU – “Be sure your sin will find you out” (Num. 32:23)
o “I (David) acknowledge my transgressions: and my sin is ever before me” (v. 3)
o Nathan the prophet was sent to David by God to confront him of his sin. (2 Sam. 12:1)
o Sin breaks the relationship between you & God, your family, and your church.
RECOGNIZING THE NEED FOR RENEWAL – “My sin is ever before me”
o The inescapable realization of sin. – Feeling dirty – Feeling a heavy burden.
o The knowledge of BROKEN RELATIONSHIP with God! – Fear in God’s presence!
o The ABSENCE of the Holy Spirit’s presence.
o The smallest inconveniences and problems IRRITATES you.
o LAUGHTER is absent from your life.
o You find yourself SNAPPING at people.
o NO JOY in your life.
THE REMEDY OF RENEWAL – “Have mercy on me – Wash me”
o Owning up to the reality you need to renew up!
o Praying to God to blot out our sin, clean us from our sin.
o “CREATE” in me a clean heart.” (Something that wasn’t there before.)
o “Cast me not away from thy presence; and take not thy holy spirit from me.”
o “Restore unto me the joy of thy salvation; and uphold me with thy free spirit.”
“THEN” – This is where we need to be! – “God can’t co-exist with sin!”
o When there is sin within the ranks of the church it prevents God from being able to bless the church.