Video clip: The Lake House
Hospital Scene: Father is reminding architect son about the importance of and difference in light depending on location and environment.
Window of the Soul: Our Eyes
• Motives
• Virtues (generosity, stinginess, envy/jealousy, )
• Actions (lamp gives light!) Proverbs 22:9 talks about a “good-eyed man” or a generous man is blessed because he gives his food to the poor. Fanning the flame.
• Relationships (Jesus drives the point home by saying if there is darkness then great is that darkness). (Good deeds reflect a good heart). Generosity. Legacy. What do they leave behind?
What might I do?
• Live on less to keep desires in check
• Live below our budget (rather than at or above it) (this allows for extra resources to share unexpectedly)
• Discipline our spending
• Not focus on trusting in our savings
• Time to do what is most important (sometimes it is not a matter of what is bad and good but what is good, better & best)
• Seek wisdom (wisdom comes when we learn the seeking the material is immaterial)