Summary: We need a change in our attitude.


Genesis 6:1-8 & Matthew 24:36-42

As read, my text this morning is taken from Genesis 6:1-8 & the Gospel according to Matthew 24:36-42. In your leisure, please read both texts in their entirely. Now as I was listening to the Church School lesson on these particular texts the past couple of weeks, I was led to go back the first sermon I ever preached…which was also my trial sermon for the ministry. Being, “Business As Usual.”

Now, we all know that everyone has read the story of Noah and the ark, but permit me, if you will to speak concerning the things the Lord has given me. For you see, in this day and age, some folks go about their lives business as usual with no real thought or understanding of what God is doing or what He wants to do. They get up every morning and go about their day as if it was no tomorrow.

Oh, they go about their lives doing their own thing, saying and doing what ever they see fit, you know just going through the motions, maintaining a façade of being a true Christian but not really knowing anything of true Christianity, as a power to change lives. They even resent anything and anyone that can help draw them a little closer to God. They won’t listen to what the preachers preach nor read what the teachers teach. I mean, even within our churches, there are those who feel that, “Any way the wind blows is cool with me.”

Not taking anything in this Bible serious, due their falling away from the Faith, that will soon result in the breakdown of life itself. And as we know, this situation is occurring throughout the world in such an extent, that believers are betraying and hating one another at a rate that we can’t even comprehend. Well, as it is now…so it was in the days of Noah.

For in this 6th Chapter of Genesis, we find that even though Noah was a preacher of righteous, the folk paid no attention to him or the warnings that God had given of the coming disaster, because evil had filled the thoughts and imaginations of everyone’s heart. They had become sensual and worldly in all their eating, drinking, and marrying, for these things had become there delight, as if their lives had no intent but to live for their own desires. And since the population of the world had increased, the men proceeded to look on the daughters of mankind, and saw that they were pleasing and desirable.

They took wives, not based on spirituality, but on what was physically pleasing to them, and continued to reject God’s Word with moral corruption and violence. You see, these things they did, when they should have been repenting and praying, especially since it was in defiance of all the warnings given by God, through Noah’s ministry. So the Lord said, “My Spirit shall not always strive with man, for he is indeed flesh.”

See, they had been called to weeping and mourning rather then to joy and gladness. And became so engrossed in their own plans, that the Lord became sorry He had ever made man. Only because, they continued working at being more and more corrupt, thinking that this day, would be the same as any other day…and went about their life, “Business as Usual”, not caring about anything, and was soon caught unaware when the flood came. And once the door was shut, it was too late for them to enter the ark, and avoid the judgment.

Oh, they have become so secure, but careless; for it says they knew not until the flood. But that’s because they didn’t know the day and the hour. For they had fair warning from GOD, by Noah; but they knew not, because they believed not. And they might have known, but didn’t want to know. Now listen to me, the reason why the people were so eager in the pursuit, and so entangled in the pleasures of this world, is because, they didn’t have the faith to know, or believe, or consider. So those that didn’t have the faith to know, was made to know by feeling, which was the wrath of God revealed from heaven against their ungodliness and unrighteousness.

But it says, “Noah found grace in the Lord eyes.” For he is identified as being a just man, by maintaining a close relationship of faith, fellowship and obedience. You see, he was walking with God as Enoch did, but instead of taking Noah to heaven, He left him here to continue the human race.

But notice, that there were only two classes of folk in Noah’s day, those that believed and those that didn’t…well…so it will be when JESUS come again. For in this same application concerning the old world, the Book of Matthew, now gives to us saying….so it shall be when the Son of man comes. You see, early in this chapter, the disciples had asked Jesus about the time of His second coming Jesus went on to described, that the destruction of Jerusalem, among other things other things, would be one of the troubles that would happen before His coming, but because the schedule of the end-time events, remains unknown and unknowable.

He further emphasized the sudden and unexpected nature of His coming by comparing it with moral decline during the days of Noah. He then advised His disciples to be alert at all times and ready.

For in such a way, will He find people of today, at ease, doing our own thing, eating & drinking…marrying & giving in marriage, and not expecting Him, you know til we’re ready for Him to come, only concerned with the affairs of the world. For that same security, and sensuality, that the folk had in Noah’s day, is now at epidemic levels…because just as they did, we’ve focus our attention on pleasing others, rather than pleasing God. And as it was then, we now see a similar increase in corruption and violence as we are approaching the judgments prophesied to follow the Rapture of the church, for folk are now open in their sinful lifestyles and are encouraging others to join in.

For the Word has already told us in 2 Timothy 3 stating, “In the last days, it is going to be very difficult to be a Christian. For folk will love only themselves and their money; they will be proud and boastful, sneering at God disobedient to their parents, ungrateful to them and thoroughly bad. They will go to church, but won’t really believe anything they hear for they will prefer good times to worshipping God. Now it ought to be easy for us to hear old Rev. Noah crying repent, repent for the end of times is at hand.

We’ve even got to the point where we allow other folks and other things, to take charge over our thoughts & beliefs, such as television & the movies. Just look at the man who killed his wife and children and the 12 year old that stab the thirteen year old to death. Tell me old Satan ain’t on the loose. All the sex, violence and now even cursing on what they called prime time, when it’s really anytime. We got the children, telling the parents now…what’s good for them and what’s not….where they can go and where they can’t. And don’t beat up on me now, if they should go to Church or they shouldn’t. I know, this should sound familiar to a whole lot folks.

Then you sit back and wonder why they are seeking salvation with the gang-bangers, rather than with Jesus. They’re afraid to go school, for fear they might not make it back home. Babies having babies, and what’s that thing used to be in somebody’s else house, that’s now in a whole lot of houses…oh yes INCEST. Then, look at the people we have selected to run our cities, states, and country. Even those ones that come off as mentors, classified as Superstars, dictating how we should live our lives, but I don’t I heard any of them say, “To The Utmost Jesus Saves.”

And we always hear about the men who date young girls, but what about those women who date young boys. Ahh, come on you know, the ones we hear about everyday, but continue to go about our lives, “Business as Usual.” Oh’ yes the flood is coming. For, we even got some women who are still experiencing flashbacks from a past we need to forget. Then every time something goes wrong, they blame it on “PMS.”

And what about those men, who are so frustrated because they married, “Sweet Sally” but still have their thoughts on, “Burning Betty.” That’s because of their “PMS”, too…you know, “POWER, MONEY and SEX!” For, these are the real issue that men and women struggle with today; by accepting the truth of God for a lie. And if we don’t be careful, we’ll soon find ourselves starting to make excuses for being a Christian.

I tell you, we need to stop and ask ourselves, if we are really living by the wisdom of God or that of man. For there are still some, who allow old friends to involve them in activities that would lead them back into their old way of life. Even some family members may feel threatened by the changes you are making and did what they can to discourage you. But church, we can’t allow the approval of folk to become more important than the approval of God.

Nevertheless, we have been warned of this day when God will all folk accountable. For suddenly, Jesus will appear, and those who are absorbed in the own plans for life will be caught off guard and unprepared. And, this will be a day of separation, for Jesus has already indicated that at the time of His coming, folk will be going about their everyday lives, “Business as Usual”, with believers working alongside unbelievers.

He says in verse 40 & 41that, “two men will be in the field, one will taken and the other left. Two women will be grinding at the mill; one will taken and the other left. Well, it really isn’t any different than two preachers preaching from the pulpit…one saving souls and one professing to saving souls; or two members sitting on the pews…one soul being saved and one professing to being saved, but once again, one will be taken for that great meeting in the air, and the other left to suffer the judgments of God. So, the point should be clear, that some will be ready spiritually and some won’t. Meaning, His coming will be the sudden and unexpected separation of the righteous and unrighteous. And because of the success of the preaching of the Gospel, some have believed but, there are still some who won’t.

Now, I know you’ve heard many people say, “I’m not ready to be saved”…or…“I will, in my own time”…or “I’ll just wait until tomorrow.” But do you realize that what you do today, will affect what you do tomorrow.

And don’t you know that the reason so many end up in trouble spiritually, is that they never prepare for tomorrow with their faith. They don’t continue to study the Word or maintain fellowship with God in praye

In Joshua 3:5, he told the folk, “Sanctify yourselves, for tomorrow the Lord will do wonders among you,” which means that you must prepare ourselves before witnessing the mighty works of God…then set yourselves apart and be totally submitted to God. But, in order to do that, we must rid ourselves of all that excess baggage that we sometimes carry in our lives. And, we all have baggage…I don’t care how money you got or what cliques you belong to, it won’t mean a thing to Jesus.

My brothers and sisters, God wants a personal relationship with all of us today, so we must begin to pray more effectively and live spiritually today. So you can’t forsake assembling with other believers today, and expect to be spiritually strong tomorrow…which means simply means, since we usually become like the company we keep, it should be important to us to have friends that Loved the Lord.

For, we need a whole new life, with God as our foundation. And didn’t Jesus sa, when we follow Him, we’re like the man who builds his house on a rock. Even though the storms of life are constantly upon us, we must stand firm. And if were you, I wouldn’t think of this as being an option, but a certainty. For there is nothing in the Scriptures that indicate we as Christians, will escape these test. And God, sent me to tell you this morning, that you are not here just to exist; and if you continue to build your life upon the wrong ideas and the wrong principles…you won’t stand the test of time.

You see, you have to start doing effective spiritual warfare in order to discern between who’s the enemy and who’s not. Then take that word fear and replace it with FAITH, FOR God didn’t give us a spirit of fear. And on the basis of much study, and my own personal experiences, I do believe that Scripture has revealed four main spiritual weapons of attack…which are: Prayer, Praise, Preaching and Testimony.

Prayer because, there is no limitation of time or distance and because Jesus even prayed. Praise, because it silences Satan, and everything that has breath should praise the Lord. Preaching because, there’s tremendous power in the preach Word of God…whether you are giving or receiving it. Even though we have been warned that not all will receive the truth.

Then Testimony, because we overcome Satan when we testify personally to what the Word of God says the Blood of Jesus has done for us. And as disciples of Christ, it is now up to us to take back any ground the enemy has stolen.

This must start from the pulpit to the pews. For even in the pulpit the things that was taught us, most of them don’t do themselves anymore. See, I’ve heard say, “I’ve paid my dues, but their dues are not paid until the Master calls them home.

Sometimes I wonder, if we really heard the theme of our former Bishop saying, “Unless Souls are Saved, Nothing Is.” Well from what I heard, he practiced what he preached by starting his conferences daily with early morning prayer, praise, and preaching. And if God wasn’t trying to tell us something doing that week, then we are truly living our lives, “Business as Usual.” And as it was said then, I am now saying to you, we got to get the hell out of us, if we have any intent on going to heaven.

And please don’t get angry with me, for I’ve already told God that some folks might get angry because I even standing up here, but He told me, “Better them than He.”

So if you are waiting on tomorrow, you must remember…what you do today will affect you tomorrow. So, we have to begin in our homes today in order to keep a true godly relationship with our families…that is by continuing to talk to the Lord about our loved ones, and then talk with your love ones about the Lord. And we must begin in our Churches today, because the success of our local churches, depend upon the success of our personal lives.

For it has been said, “a chain is only as physically strong as its weakest link, and the church is only as spiritually strong as its weakest member.” We are urged therefore, to witness, watch, and pray.

For Jesus, has already made it clear, in verse 42 that neither we as believers nor the unbelievers will have any advance warning of the day of His coming. Oh but we do have the Word of God, and have read time and time again to be watchful, alert, and strong everyday against the temptations which might rob us of our crown. And our preachers and teachers have often explained that we have a Great Commission to fulfill, and must do the work assigned to us from God. That’s because God is always certain about His promises, and there will be no excuse for those who are caught unprepared. Therefore, we should be ready at all times and not allow anything to distract us.

That is, we are to always let our conduct be worthy of the Gospel, aqnd lay aside all habits, thoughts, or actions that remain from our old life. For haven’t we read that, “if anyone loves the world, the Love of the Father is not in them.

Well, I say to you this morning, pray, and pray then pray some more, that God would remove that, “Business as Usual” attitude, for if it didn’t help the folk in the days of Noah, I promise you…it will not help you today.

Then be Faithful in your ministering, to the needs of others, through the gifts and ministries of the Holy Spirit. For, HE who is in you is greater than He who is in the world…and he who endures will be saved, and will hear our Master say, “Well done, good and faithful servant, you been faithful over a few things.”