Summary: To live our lives within the context of the eternal purposes of God and understand that we are called to be Kingdom Builders.

Kingdom Sacrifice


We have been talking about being …

Kingdom minded people and

having a Kingdom heart, for the

purpose of building God’s Kingdom.

Been studying this out of Ezra- continue today.

What do we mean by the Kingdom of God?

What does it look like?

Kingdom- a country, territory, governed by a king.

Kingdom of God- a place …

governed by God, where God’s will is fulfilled.

Mtt 12:28 "But if I cast out demons by the Spirit of God, then the kingdom of God has come upon you. NASU

God wants to come in and rule our house- every room.

Rom 14:17 for the kingdom of God is not eating and drinking, but righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. NASU

The Kingdom of God begins first in our hearts-

Does God rule- our thoughts, affections, attitudes, actions- are they aligned w/Bible?

Once God’s Kingdom has been established within us, then we are vessels He can use to take His

Kingdom to the hearts and minds of others.

2 Cor 4:7-12

I let myself die, you raise up what you want in me.

When a people are ruled internally by God- will be reflected in- gov’t, education, business, culture.

Ez 3:1

The Jews returning to Jerusalem had to band together to be successful in accomplishing God’s purposes.

Acts 2:46 Day by day continuing with one mind in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, they were taking their meals together with gladness and sincerity of heart, NASU

Illustration: soda can demo

God- not called us to walk alone- we can accomplish more together than alone, safer together than alone

Ez 3:2

They returned to the Word of God …

Once they rediscovered what was written in God’s Word there was no longer any controversy.

Bible- must become- our authoritative source which governs our thoughts/affections/attitudes/actions.

Illustration: (Honda manual) new car comes w/owners manual written by the creator of that automobile.

Ez 3:3

They built an altar to God …

Burnt sacrifice- Jesus Christ and His sacrifice for us.

Christ offered Himself and died in our place.

As they came together to offer a physical sacrifice, the church gathers to lift up Christ.

Altar- the cross of Jesus Christ.

As Christians we are called to die to our own ambitions and live our lives for God.

Rom 12:1- presenting ourselves- living/holy sacrifice.

Gal 2:20 "I have been crucified with Christ; and it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me … NASU

How do we do this? How do we put God first?

Ez 3:8-9

To build- foundation of temple, the temple itself, and the walls of the city- required they worked together

We must work (serve) together, build together, fight together, study together, pray/worship together.

Ez 3:10-11

They came around their victories and celebrated together, offered thanksgiving to God together,

they testified together of God’s goodness.


Christians are called together, in the local church, to participate in building God’s Kingdom.

First in themselves, and then in the world around them

… the very fact that God gives us the privilege of prayer tells us He desires we participate with Him in the transformation our world.

(Francis Frangipane)

One person- earnestly praying- can alter the future of-

their life, their family, their church,

the future of their community or their nation.

Eccl 9:15 But there was found in it a poor wise man and he delivered the city by his wisdom. Yet no one remembered that poor man. NASU

One man delivered His city from harms way.

Heb 11 (By faith … ), 32-34

When we become kingdom minded men and women, we become God’s servants, available for His use.

Let me make it plain: at this point in time God is not raising up “ministries,” He is raising up bondslaves! After we recognize that the goal is not ministry, but slavery, then we will begin to see the power of Christ restored to the church. (Francis Frangipane).

As we become bondservants of Christ- we are no longer trying to fulfill our desire for our life,

but His purpose for our life.

We suddenly become available to Him- here I am God

Jn 3:30 "He must increase, but I must decrease.

I cannot tell you-what Kingdom looks like in your life

It is different for each of us- for a mother w/young children- imparting to them- Kingdom perspective-

you were born to know God,

to walk with God, and to serve God,

you are special to God, He loves you,

He has a purpose for your life- calling, destiny.

For others- may be more radical- Chris Schoff- sitting in church, God impresses a country on his heart.

You go on a short mission trip, and suddenly realize God is calling you to minister in a foreign country.

For many- probably something in between.

Is God urging you to get involved in the Downtown Ministry, Lydia’s Place, or Friday Fest?

Perhaps- need to put your oar in the water/start rowing

There are many ministry opportunities here at church, serving the people of God.

Hospital visitation, hospitality- taking meals to people

Intercession, praying for others/church/revival.

Attending a House Church where you learn about God, meet others, and have opportunities to serve.

Thousands of people gathered in Nashville …

to repent for the sins of our nation/to pray for it.

As a church we have been in a 70 day season of prayer/fasting- fast- Fri 12 midnight- Sun 12 noon.

Testimonies- what did God do in you or teach you?

what did God show you or speak to you?