Summary: This sermon helps simplify what Salvation IS.

The Commission

Part 2 – What is Salvation?

Pastor Bruce A. Shields

House of Faith –


† Family Movie Night “One Night with the King” – Tonight at 6:00PM

† Good Friday Evening Service – April 6th at 6:00PM

† Sunday Morning Resurrection Day Service at 11:00AM

† Open House on Saturday April 14th from 1:00PM – 6:00PM


God has led me to this series focusing on the Commission of Christ to us. We will examine over the next few weeks true conversion, some parables of Christ, and what exactly we as His followers are supposed to be doing.

Today we are looking at Salvation and what it is.



Acts 13:47-49

“For this is what the Lord has commanded us:

”‘I have made you a light for the Gentiles,

that you may bring salvation to the ends of the earth.’" 48 When the Gentiles heard this, they were glad and honored the word of the Lord; and all who were appointed for eternal life believed. 49 The word of the Lord spread through the whole region.”



Salvation – Greek #4991 : sõteria = Rescue, Save

In seminary, this term was entitled “Soteriology”, or the study of our salvation.

Salvation – Hebrew #3444 : Yeshooaw = Save, saving. Where we get Joshua.

1. The plan of Salvation is of the Lord.

† Demonstrated with Adam & Eve (Genesis 3:21)

† Demonstrated through sacrifice for sins in the Old Testament

† Illustrated through Jonah (Jonah 2)

† Illustrated through Abraham & Isaac (Genesis 22)


† Lazarus raised from the dead (John 11)

2. There are elements to Salvation NOT steps!

† Steps imply a guarantee of salvation

† Steps imply salvation is a process of your works

† Salvation is a free gift from God offered to all


1. Recognize your need for forgiveness

† This was the point for the Law and 10 Commandments

† God gave the Law to Adam, Adam broke the Law, was penalized as God said he would be, and then given the means to Salvation by God.

† Adam was told by God why he needed this redemption.

† We must recognize that we are already condemned, Jesus said so. He came so that we could be rescued from this condemnation. Once rescued, we help others recognize their need for God’s forgiveness.

2. Ask for forgiveness through confession to the Lord

† We MUST ask the Lord to forgive us.

† Just because you recognize your sin, doesn’t mean you have been forgiven of it.

† You must confess that you are sinful and ask the Lord to forgive you of your sins.

† Without confession, there is no forgiveness.

3. Repent of those sins you’ve recognized

† To be forgiven, we must stop doing that which we have asked forgiveness for.

† We will still sin, but we must not LIVE in that sin.


Recognize the sin + Confess the sin + Repent of the sin = Forgiveness

If you leave any part of the equation out, it will not equal forgiveness!

Recognize the sin + Confess the sin + Repent of the sin = Living in sin

Recognize the sin + Confess the sin + Repent of the sin = Living in sin

Recognize the sin + CAN’T Confess the sin + CAN’T Repent of the sin = Living in sin

When you live in sin, you are in a state of unrighteousness, and God cannot hear your prayers, nor can He bless you, protect you and you miss out on all of the benefits of living in the Kingdom of God.

The Kingdom of God is here and now, and if you are living in sin, you cannot take part of the kingdom!

To prevent living in sin, we must read God’s word, have a relationship with the Lord through prayer and meditation on His word, and listen to the Holy Spirits leading on matters in our life.

When we recognize a sin, we should immediately confess it, ask for forgiveness, repent and be freed from that which is causing us to live in sin & a state of unrighteousness.

We repent, or turn away from that which is sin because we know that whatever is sin causes us to break our relationship with the Lord, and lose our place in the Kingdom of God and all the benefits that come along with it, including our prayers being heard.

You can recognize your sin through other believers, reading of God’s word, as well as revelation from the Holy Spirit.

If you recognize sin, confess it to the Lord asking to be forgiven, repent, or stop doing the sin, then you are forgiven, the Word of God promises that!

This is what Jesus told the disciples in Matthew 28, after He told them to “GO”, He instructed them to “TEACH ALL NATIONS”, what are they teaching? How to be saved! They are teaching Salvation!

He then instructed them that after they taught those HOW to be saved, Jesus said Baptize them in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

So Jesus instructed we should be baptized.

Is this necessary to be saved?

† The thief on the cross wasn’t baptized. (But you are not on a cross!)

† Jesus did not receive the Holy Spirit until He was baptized.

† Why do you need the Holy Spirit? Gifts, Fruits, to understand and teach the word of God. The thief had no need for the Holy Spirit because the Holy Spirit is for our service here in the Body of Christ. The thief was saved, but was not going to serve in the Body of Christ, therefore there was no need for him to have the Holy Spirit.

† But we NEED to be baptized if we are going to serve in the Body of Christ.

Jesus then told the disciples, After you have taught them how to be saved, and you have baptized them in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, they will be ready (because they have received Salvation and the Holy Spirit) to be taught all the Jesus has commanded.

Until that point and time, they would not understand the teachings of Jesus because they did not have the Holy Spirit.


Without it, we are already condemned.

Condemned to what? Eternal fire; Gehenna, where there will be wailing and gnashing of teeth, and the worm that dieth not who will devour you for eternity.

We are instructed by Jesus to be a light to the Gentiles!


† Bring Salvation to others!

† Teach them WHY they need to be saved.

† Teach them HOW to receive the FREE gift of Salvation.

† Encourage them to be baptized so they too can receive the Holy Spirit and serve in the Body of Christ to save others!

† Either teach them yourself, or make sure they attend a Bible believing, Christ centered church so that they too can understand the teachings of Christ and be part of the Body of Christ.


Have you recognized the need for forgiveness in your life?

Do you recognize your sin? If so, have you confessed to the Lord?

Have you asked for His forgiveness?

Have you been Baptized so that you too can have the Holy Spirit?

Without the Holy Spirit, you cannot serve in the Body of Christ, you cannot receive the Spiritual Gifts God has for all believers, you cannot understand the Word of God, you NEED the Holy Spirit.