Mark 5:1-17
Have you noticed how popular entertainment has made some pretty fearsome, terrible beings into loveable characters?
Real pirates like Black Bart Roberts and Blackbeard were kidnappers, thieves, rapists, and murderers. Not the stuff heroes are made of. [picture on-screen: Johnny Depp in character] But in the “Pirates of the Caribbean” trilogy, Captain Jack Sparrow and his crew are “heroes” who also make us laugh.
When I was a child, trolls were really ugly critters who terrorized innocent billy goats trying to cross a bridge. [picture on-screen: troll doll] But now they’re these cute little dolls and characters in cartoons.
Also, when I was a kid, aliens were terrifying beings determined to annihilate the earth. [picture on-screen: E.T.] But along came “E.T.” who proved aliens really are loveable and kid-friendly.
Of course we all know that dragons are born to incinerate or devour people. [picture on-screen: dragon from “Shrek”] But then we discover in “Shrek” what loyal and loving companions they can be.
There are plenty of creatures and monsters that are captivating to our imaginations for the purpose of entertaining us. But there are real fire-breathing dragons that bring misery and terrorize – emotionally, physically, even spiritually.
Here is the story of a man in misery because of the “dragon” of demon possession, and of the difference Jesus made for him.
Read Mark 5:1-17.
What are some of the dragons that trouble and terrorize?
• Physical disease
• Financial debt, addiction to gambling or spending
• Emotional discouragement, depression, doubt
• Compulsion for alcohol, drugs, food, porn
• Obsessions with gossip, self-doubt, worry, fear
• Explosive temper; verbal or physical abuse
Is there a dragon roaming some region of your life? Are you living in fear, in hiding, with terrible pain and much of life controlled by that dragon?
Today I want to encourage you to embrace Jesus as One with the authority, the power and the desire to slay your dragon.
In the story we read, Jesus showed power over natural and spiritual forces. I’m interested in how people responded to his presence in a crisis.
Matthew sets this story in the context of his eighth chapter. In verse two, a man with leprosy came, knelt before him and said, “Lord, if you are willing, you can make me clean.”
In verse five, the centurion came to him, asking help for his servant who was paralyzed and suffering horribly.
During the storm on their way to Gadara the disciples woke Jesus, “Lord, save us! We’re going to drown!”
But in our story, the people of Gadara asked him to leave. They weren’t moved by His power to say, “Wow! I have a problem. Maybe He can help me too.” No. They said, “Leave us alone!” Why?
The first answer we’d think of is that they lost a lot of bacon, ham and sausage (these people were gentiles).
But I think it goes deeper than that. Sometimes we’re afraid of the changes that come with good health because we’ve found a peaceful coexistence with the “dragon” or an equilibrium that has to be kept in place. Jesus upset that equilibrium because they no longer had this insanity around them that made them feel pretty healthy by comparison. Sometimes we want to leave the dragons alone because they provide an excuse for ongoing failure. So don’t disturb the status quo because it’s familiar and it’s comfortable.
Are there times you just want Jesus to leave you alone? I do. In my morning prayer time I’ll ask His Spirit to help me be strong when I’m tempted or if I find myself doing something that displeases Him. But later, in the moment He comes tapping on my heart, I’ve known myself to say, “Leave me alone. I want this. It’s comfortable, or comforting.”
We all have our dragons – problems we can’t slay on our own. But Jesus can help, and He often does it through other believers. Does pride or fear keep you from seeking help? Do you have to keep up appearances? Or can you say, “Help me”?
Michael Slater tells the story in "Stretcher Bearers" of a teen at the beach with his friends. He was in trouble in the water but didn’t call out for help. A lifeguard noticed his struggle and rescued him. He asked, “You were drowning. Why didn’t you cry out?” The response; “What would my friends have thought?”
Pride often keeps us fighting the waves and current alone when were drowning. It keeps us propping up an outer facade when we’re going to pieces inside.
I understand it all too well. About two and a half years ago everything was going pretty well for me, outwardly. Things were good at home with my family. I had done a good job of getting into better condition and losing weight. The ministry here was going well and God’s blessings were evident in several ways.
But something was happening under the surface. That winter I got sick a couple times with flu and sinus infections. I quit my exercise routine, and didn’t get back at it when I got better. I was eating more, not sleeping and losing energy – mental, physical and spiritual. When I needed to study or read or work on a project, I just couldn’t maintain any real concentration and was experiencing deepening feelings of inadequacy, guilt and hopelessness.
When someone comes to me describing those symptoms, by training and experience I understand here’s a person that’s most likely struggling with depression. And I came to the point that I had to admit to myself I was depressed.
But admitting that to myself proved to be a lot easier than telling someone else, and asking for help. I had thoughts like, “I should be stronger than this. I shouldn’t be feeling this way, thinking like this. I should be able to handle this myself. What will others think?” But I finally did ask and receive help.
My point in telling you this today is not to make some dramatic confession or focus attention on my problem to win any pity. In fact, I’d rather not tell you about this because it can too easily distract you from my real purpose.
And my purpose here is to say that at times we all find ourselves troubled by fire-breathing dragons, and sometimes we fail to seek help from the Lord or His people because of…
• Fear; people will think things I don’t want them to think.
• Pride; I have to keep up an appearance.
• Busyness; I don’t have time to be sick.
• Self-deception; I can handle it myself, it’ll go away. Yes, it may – in time. Meanwhile your trouble is prolonged and you deny yourself a chance to experience Jesus’ mercy first-hand.
Like the Gadarenes, we sometimes tell Jesus to leave us alone.
You’re discouraged or depressed. The kindness and comfort people offer feels good. Jesus says, “I can help you.” And you say, “Leave me alone.”
You’re wallowing in self-pity. Jesus says, “I can help you.” And you say, “Leave me alone.”
You’re indulging in gambling or your spending compulsion. Jesus says, “I can help you to a better way.” And you say, “Leave me alone.”
You’re indulging in a substance that calms your nerves and soothes your mind. Jesus says, “I can help you overcome this.” And you say, “Leave me alone.”
Your seething in anger, or steaming in lust. Jesus says, “I can help you.” And you say, “Leave me alone.”
There is a 12-step program to help overcome every condition I’ve mentioned, and these programs each offer something powerful in their first three steps:
• “We must admit we are powerless over [name the dragon].” I can’t manage it or control it myself.
• “We must believe that a Power greater than ourselves can restore us.” There is a spiritual truth at work here; before God will act, I must first believe he can. “It is impossible to please God without faith. Anyone who wants to come to him must believe that there is a God and that he rewards those who sincerely seek him” (Hebrews 11:6, NLT).
• “We must decide to turn our will and our lives over to the care of God.” A lifetime of self-will can change forever by this decision to bring it all to God.
That’s not the end of it. I’ve only mentioned the first three steps. Every 12-step program has nine more steps. There’s a lot more work to do. But here’s where dragon-slaying starts:
1. Stop telling Jesus, “Leave me alone.”
2. Start saying, “Jesus, please help me.”
He has what it takes: the authority, the power, the desire.
His authority is demonstrated in the story we read. “The demons begged Jesus, "Send us among the pigs; allow us to go into them." He gave them permission…” (Mark 5:12-13). Who possesses authority? The one who must ask for permission, or the one who must give permission? It’s clear Jesus has the authority over the dragon that’s troubling you.
Jesus demonstrated His power on the way across the lake when “He stood up, rebuked the wind and waves, and suddenly all was calm. The disciples sat there in awe… ‘Even the wind and waves obey him!’” (Matthew 8:26-27, NLT). Who of us can stand in the way of a raging flood or roaring gale, let alone, stop them with a word? So can you believe Jesus has the power to put down your raging beast?
Does Jesus have the desire to help you? Just before the miracle in Gadara, “A man with leprosy approached Jesus. He knelt before him, worshiping. ‘Lord, if you want to, you can make me well again.’ Jesus touched him. ‘I want to,’ he said. ‘Be healed!’" (Matthew 8:2-3, NLT).
You know, you have a part in all this, and Jesus has a part. In Mark 9 a man brought his son for Jesus to heal. He was controlled by an evil spirit that didn’t let him walk or talk. It would seize him, throw him violently to ground and sometimes into fire or water. This man said to Jesus, "Have mercy on us and help us. Do something if you can."
Jesus responded, "What do you mean, ’If I can’? Anything is possible if a person believes."
And this dad said, "I do believe, but help me overcome my unbelief!"
That’s our prayer: “Help me overcome my unbelief!"
Lord, we struggle to believe in a lot of ways. Someone here is struggling to believe that you really can slay their dragon. Someone else knows you can but they’re struggling to believe that you really want to do that for them. Then, there are those who have trouble believing they can keep up their own part in seeing real change and they’re tempted to just say, “Leave me alone.”
Don’t let us get away with that, Lord. Make us really tired of propping up facades and worrying that someone else might think I’m weak, because in this part of my life, I am weak. And I know I need help.
I also know you’re the One who can do it. You have all authority and all power. And I believe you want to slay this dragon that troubles my life. Help me when I struggle to believe. I will go with you, do everything I need to cooperate, including asking others through whom you may work to help me.
And Lord, help me to be alert to someone else who may be giving clues that they need help. Put into my heart your compassion and willingness to serve them.