Summary: God has made us alive in Christ!

Proposition: We know that we are valuable to God because He sent His Son to die for us.

Interrogative: Why?

I. To show us His love. (vvs. 1-6)

II. To show us His Grace (vvs. 7-9)

III. To show us His workmanship. (vs. 10)


Jesus healed the little girl…Jesus healed Lazarus. What was different about the two? One was dead longer than the other.

Some of us had been dead longer than others. But, regardless of the situation, God loved them both!

Some of us have felt in the past that we are not worth anything. That is simply a lie from the devil, because Jesus felt we were “something to die for.”

So, why did He Save us?

I. To show us his love (vvs. 1-6)

a. What we were:

i. DEAD to right things

ii. DISOBEDIENT always even when we do good.

“But we are all like an unclean thing, And all eour righteousnesses are like 2filthy rags; We all ffade as a leaf, And our iniquities, like the wind, Have taken us away. And there is no one who calls on Your name, Who stirs himself up to take hold of You;” Isaiah 64:6-7

iii. DEPRAVED Even on our best day, we still mess up! We still end up making the wrong choices.

“There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death. Even in laughter the heart is sorrowful; and the end of that mirth is heaviness.” Proverbs 14:12-13

iv. DOOMED- Hell was to be our future home. Without God’s help, we can’t go anywhere else!

b. What we are:

i. GOD’S MOST WANTED-God came after us!

ii. MADE ALIVE to the right things- a new want-to!

iii. GIVEN A RESERVED HOME IN HEAVEN. It’s like we’re already there! Past tense!


II. To Show us His Grace (vvs. 7-9)

a. In receiving His kindness

b. For faith to believe.

c. In receiving God’s free gift of salvation, not by works.

III. To Show Us His Workmanship (vs. 10)

a. What can God Create? 7 Days.

b. We become His workmanship. God makes the change through the Holy Spirit.

c. God gives us a place to serve, and a purpose for living.

d. It was already part of His plan from before the foundations of the earth were formed.


Have you received God’s gift of grace? Receive Jesus as your Savior today!

Have you felt abandoned and unloveable by God? You’re wrong! All of us are loved by God more than we realize. Surrender your life to get closer in your relationship to Jesus Christ, then move on to God’s plan for your life. Allow Him to be the one in charge! He won’t steer you wrong!