Summary: When Jesus faces raw evil, He is always victorious and when He has delivered a person He gives purpose to their life.

The Naked Man and the Pigs. Luke 8:26-39

INTRO.: This story is part of Jesus’ great Galilean ministry. He is busy teaching in towns and villages around Galilee. It is a time of great popularity. People are coming to Him from all over the region. At one time, His mother and brothers are unable to reach Him because of the crowds. He is also giving His disciples some intensive teaching about the Kingdom.

Perhaps seeking some respite, He gets in a boat to cross the Sea of Galilee into Gentile territory. On the way, He is awakened from a nap by the frightened disciples when a storm comes up and threatens to sink the little fishing boat. He speaks to the wind and calms the sea.

They sail on to the other side of the lake, a Gentile area. If Jesus was seeking a place of peace and quiet where He would not be known, He was disappointed. The minute He stepped out of the boat, He was met with a challenge to His compassion and power. Here the story begins and we see:

I. The awful reality of raw evil: Evil is real, and so are the Devil and his demons. 26-31

A. Here is a man possessed by demons and the evil spirits have a fearsome effect on his life and the life of his community.

1. Living naked among the tombs, he is without shame or self-respect. He was a violent man and completely antisocial.

2. We aren’t as aware of demonic activities today because they are more subtle today than they were when their arch-enemy walked in the flesh. We hesitate to believe in the supernatural and seek to write the Biblical stories off as stories of mental illness, coincidence, or mass hysteria.

3. But some extreme evils defy definition in human terms. People who blow themselves up in order to kill others in hope of gaining Heaven are deceived by demons. Remember Jeffrey Dahmer, who killed and ate 15 people? What of those who sexually use infants? Can these ideas arise simply in the minds of men? I think not.

B. The townsfolk had tried to deal with the evil in their own way. The best they knew how.

1. They used physical means such as chains and guards to try to solve a spiritual problem. It was doomed to fail.

2. Matthew says he was so violent no one could pass that way. Matt. 8:28. Mark states no man had the strength to tame him. Mark 5:4

3. Finally, it seems they had accepted the situation, perhaps reasoning, “If we leave him alone he will leave us alone.”

C. Evil fears the Presence of Jesus and His people: 28. The demoniac falls at the feet of Jesus and begins to plead to be left alone.

1. Terrorism and the rise of violent religious cults is the result of the Gospel’s progress throughout the world. Satan will hurl his worst at us to stop this progress.

2. Wherever Satan can, he will destroy Christians and hinder the progress of the Gospel. He does not want people to turn to God.

3. This is why we hear of so much persecution of Christians today. As the Good News sweeps across the world, Satan increases his attacks.

4. This is also why there are such concerted efforts to curtail the activities of Christians in America. As more youth seek Jesus and a spirit of revival spreads, he will try to stop prayer and Bible reading in public places. He will promote the “rights” of those trying to spread the evil.

II. Jesus is more powerful than all the forces of evil: 32-37. I John 4:4 “the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world.”

A. The demons recognized the power of Jesus:

1. They called Him, “Son of the Most High God.” 28. The man fell to his knees before Jesus. We are reminded of Phil. 2:10, 11. Every knee shall bow.

2. The demons know He has power to destroy them and plead with Him not to do so. 32.

3. James writes, “You believe that there is one God. Good! Even the demons believe that — and shudder” James 2:19

B. Notice the terrible destructive force of evil. Evil will destroy whatever it can.

1. The demons drove the man to violence so no one wanted to go near him.

2. Then he was driven to try to destroy himself. Mark 5:5 says he cut himself with stones. Yet, he seemed unable to destroy himself. He is tormented by the evil.

3. When unable to destroy others, himself, or Jesus, the demons will at least destroy the pigs.

C. The reaction of the witnesses is of interest: Luke 8:35-37

1. They have learned to tolerate the evil among them, but the Presence of Jesus is frightening to them. They have no idea what He may do next.

2. Further, they didn’t have the Jewish contempt for pigs and feared the loss of their livelihood. “Hog futures” were no doubt plummeting.

3. Men do learn to tolerate evil and practices that were formerly known to be perverse are gradually accepted as “normal” or “alternate lifestyles.”

4. This is a sad thing about our society. We fight for the rights of those who practice sexual perversion or kill the unborn and view with suspicion any Christian who speaks out against such practices.

III. When Jesus delivers from evil, He provides purpose for living: 38, 39

A. The man from whom the demons had gone was found sitting at the feet of Jesus:

1. This is an expression we use today to mean he was being taught by Jesus. He had become a disciple of Jesus.

2. This is a very useful and necessary process for all those who truly come to know Him. We want and need to know Him better.

3. This is why the Church has Sunday School, Bible studies, and sermons. Every sincere Christian wants to know more about his Savior.

4. Becoming more like Jesus is the Christian’s mission in life. He wants to be where Jesus and His people are, so this man “begged to go with him.” Luke 8:38

B. But, there is more to following Jesus than just learning about Him, as important as that is.

1. Jesus sends this man on an evangelistic mission. "Return home and tell how much God has done for you." Luke 8:39

2. The man did just that. He had found new purpose in life. He would share his new-found joy with others. “the man went away and told all over town how much Jesus had done for him.” Luke 8:39

3. He was an ideal evangelist. He knew both the power of evil and the compassion of God.

4. Formerly possessed by evil spirits, he is now possessed and driven by the Holy Spirit.

5. The townsfolk may not allow Jesus to stay, but they cannot ignore the presence of the former demoniac.

CONC.: Evil is real and so is Satan. We are involved in a life and death conflict for the souls of men and women. The victory is certain for those who know Jesus. He is more powerful than all the forces of evil.

He expects us to “go home and tell how much God has done” for us. This is evangelism anyone can do. It is simply testifying to the experience we have with God. Our experience probably isn’t as dramatic as this man’s, but it is every bit as much a deliverance from sin and a call to service.