Summary: In many churches you will find unbalanced Christians: Those who are strong on holiness but weak on ministry. Those who are strong on ministry but weak on holiness. God wants those who are strong on holiness and ministry, the balanced Christian.


(Based on the book by Mike Cope entitled: Living Between Two Worlds)

A. John 17:9-19 (READ)


As you listen to Jesus’ PRAYER you since a DILEMMA in our Lord. At one time He says that His disciples are of the WORLD and then He says they’re not of the WORLD. Of course, He means that even though His disciples are I the world PHYSICALLY . . . SPIRITUALLY they have turned their lives over to God and no longer LIVE for the WORLD.

Jesus’ concern is that since His disciples are in the WORLD, that God keeps them safe from the DEVIL. He is saying, “Father, I have guarded them and kept them safe since I have been with them. But since I am leaving them, please don’t allow Satan to SNATCH them away.”


As a parent you know a little of how Jesus feels when your children start to KINDERGARTEN and you realize that you are no longer the only adult SHAPING their lives. You literally put your children into the hands of STRANGERS who spend almost as much time with them as you.

Then when your children go off to COLLEGE, all you can do as a PARENT is RELEASE them and HOPE and PRAY that Satan doesn’t SNATCH them from God.

B. The concern of every Christian should be, “HOW DO I LIVE IN THE WORLD AND NOT BECOME PART OF IT?”

1. The Bible tells us that we are “STRANGERS on this EARTH”- Hebrews 11:13 and 1 Peter 2:11.


“Our CITIZENSHIP is in HEAVEN”- Philippians 3:21. As AMBASSADORS for Christ, we are to live in this WORLD reconciling others to God, but we are not to become PART of this WORLD.

2. This presents the Christian with a DIFFICULT TASK: “LIVE FOR CHRIST IN THE WORLD.”

a. The Christian is literally living in TWO WORLDS: A CITIZEN of HEAVEN living in the WORLD controlled by Satan the PRINCE of the WORLD.

b. This is not a SIMPLE TASK.


The tension between a Christian and SOCIETY is highlighted in the story Tony Compolo relates as a child who entered his house, not knowing the PREACHER was VISITING. Seeing his Mom, the boy came running in holding a RAT by the TAIL. With obvious EXCITEMENT he choked out: “Look, Mom! Look at this RAT I caught out behind the barn! I SMASHED its head in with a BASEBALL BAT! I threw ROCKS at it! I STOMPED on it! I SPIT on it, and I . . . I . . . I . . .”

He then looked up and saw the MINISTER. Swallowing hard he said, “And . . . and . . . and then the dear Lord called it HOME!”

3. Have you ever felt the TENSION between you and another person once it’s known that you are a



As a preacher I get this quite often. People often ACT differently when it’s known that I am a PREACHER.


I can be at the coffee shop having COFFEE with someone and a friend of the person I’m sitting with will come over and JOIN us. The first thing he’ll say to his friend is, “Hey, John, you BLANKETY-BLANK. What have you been up to?” He would then describe one of the WAITRESSES in graphic and disgusting language. The guy I’m having coffee with is DYING inside out of EMBARRASSMENT for me as a PREACHER.

After awhile the man will ask, “What kind of work do you do?” I calmly reply, “I’m a PREACHER.” At first the guy thinks I’m kidding. But after getting a NOD in AGREEMENT from his friend, he quickly cleans up his act and says something like, “My great-grandmothers goes to church.”

C. It’s an awkward POSITION we Christians are in. We PARTICIPATE in TWO WORLDS. We are in Christ, but we are still in the WORLD.


Is it possible for Christians to relate to those in the WORLD without COMPROMISING their RELATIONSHIP with God? Are we to be a RECLUSE and not have any kind of RELATIONSHIP with those in the WORLD? Are we, in order to RELATE with those in the WORLD, to PARTICIPATE in the things they do even if CONTRADICTORY to God’s TEACHINGS? What’s the SOLUTION? HOW DO WE RELATE TO OUR WORLD?




1. As Christians we are called to be “HOLY”.


We weren’t called to be HOLIER-THAN-THOU, but we are called to be SET-APART from the UNHOLINESS of the WORLD into the SERVICE of Christ. This means that we are not to PARTICIPATE in the EVILS of our SOCIETY, but to LIVE our LIVES for Jesus.

2. As HOLY PEOPLE, we are to be DIFFERENT from the REST of the WORLD.

a. 1 Peter 2:9-10 (READ and COMMENT)

b. 1 Peter 2:11 (READ and COMMENT)

3. We should PURIFY ourselves from everything that CONTAMINATES both BODY and SPIRIT, perfecting HOLINESS out of REVERENCE for God.


1. While our CITIZENSHIP is in HEAVEN, we are now RESIDENTS on the EARTH.


We’re ALIENS or STRANGERS, but while we’re here, we must LIVE with and SERVE the PEOPLE around us.

2. Consider the MINISTRY of Jesus.


He was here to SERVE (Matthew 20:28) and to help SINNERS (Mark 2:17), and He called on us to do the same thing. Our place is not in a MONASTERY. We are not to HIDE in our CHURCH BUILDINGS and RELATE only to those whom come out of the BAPTISTERY.

3. Our PURPOSE, as was Jesus’, is to be out in the world SERVING as MINISTERS.

a. 1 Corinthians 9:19-23 (READ and COMMENT)

b. You don’t have to PARTICIPATE in the WORLDLINESS of others to MINISTER to them.


Both HOLINESS and MINISTRY are important. To be HOLY, our VALUE SYSTEM and ACTIONS are to be DIFFERENT from those in the WORLD. To MINISTER we must be out in the WORLD letting the INFLUENCE of Christ be FELT.



What happens if we have HOLINESS without MINISTRY, or MINISTRY without HOLINESS? What happens if we have BOTH? Let’s consider these QUESTIONS.

A. HOLINESS without MINISTRY (Mike Cope, in his book: Living In Two Worlds, refers to these Christians as “UNBALANCED REJECTIONISTS”)

1. This is the person who has HOLINESS and SEPARATION to the point of RADICALISM, but he lacks MINISTRY—he doesn’t IDENTIFY with the WORLD.

a. This was the PROBLEM with the PHARISEES during Jesus’ time. In fact, the name “PHARISEE” is taken from a Hebrew word that means “SEPARATED”.


This group of RELIGIOUS LEADERS were formed to help bring the Jewish people back to the LAW of God. Although their INTENTIONS were good, they lost sight of MINISTRY—of the need to REACH out to people who were HURTING and STRUGGLING and gently bring them back to God. They began to look at themselves as being BETTER and more RIGHTEOUS than others and quickly JUDGED others and SHUN AWAY from them without taking any interest in them as PEOPLE.

When it came to KEEPING the LAW they got an A+ (no one did it better than they), but when it came to MINISTRY they failed MISERABLY.

b. Listen to Jesus- Matthew 23:23 (READ and COMMENT)

2. There are those Christians today who still follow the example of the Pharisees to a lesser degree.


These Christians want nothing to do with non-Christians. They don’t MINISTER to their PHYSICAL NEEDS. They are quick to JUDGE, but do very little to REACH OUT and MINISTER to their SPIRITUAL NEEDS with the GOOD NEWS of Christ. They ISOLATE themselves from the people of the WORLD endeavoring to maintain their PURITY.

3. I think one reason for this ISOLATION is that some Christians misunderstand passages like . . .

a. James 4:4- “You adulterous people, don’t you know that friendship with the world is hatred toward God? Anyone who chooses to be a friend of the world becomes an enemy of God.”

b. 1 Corinthians 15:33- “Do not be misled: ‘Bad company corrupts good character.’”


These passages don’t teach that we can’t ASSOCIATE with people of the world, but that we are not be INFLUENCED by their WORLDLINESS. HOLINESS is not ISOLATION. No one is more HOLY and PURE than Jesus, but he was a FRIEND of SINNERS.

B. MINISTRY without HOLINESS (Cope refers to these Christians as “UNBALANCED IMMERSIONISTS”)

1. This is the Christian who is big on MINISTRY and INTENSE IDENTIFICATION.


He’s out in the WORLD. He’s where the PEOPLE are. He’s HELPFUL when people are in NEED. He’s UNCRITICAL and UNDERSTANDING of people’s MISTAKES. He’s a CHAMPION to those who are HURTING. The problem is; he is very LIGHT on HOLINESS.


I believe that most everyone in this audience remembers Jim Jones of the Peoples’ Temple Church, or at least have read about him or saw the movie about him. The reason he had so many FOLLOWERS when he began his MINISTRY was because he had CONCERN for people—a GENUINE CONCERN. He showed them ACCEPTANCE, FORGIVENESS, LOVE. He helped with their NEEDS. He made people who had been REJECTED by SOCIETY and by their own FAMILIES feel SPECIAL and WANTED. He was BIG on MINISTRY.

However, when it came to HOLINESS—PURITY—Jim Jones fell way short. His IMMORALITY and his THIRST to be ACCEPTED and LIKED by others became His DOWN-FALL. All the good he had ever ACCOMPLISHED ended TRAGICALLY in MASS SUICIDE and MURDER.

2. Ministry is the most appealing aspect of RELIGION, and makes the greatest IMPACT on people.


People want to WORSHIP in a church where they feel others really care. A church strong on MINISTRY attracts others to it. But MINISTRY alone doesn’t SAVE SOULS. We can express our LOVE to people and HELP them with every PHYSICAL and EMOTIONAL need, and they may still be LOST.



It’s VITALLY IMPORTANT that we MINISTER unto people, but as we go about DOING GOOD for OTHERS they must SEE us striving to IMITATE the SINLESSNESS of Christ.


1. This is the person who is out in the WORLD helping people, but he’s also one who lives a GODLY LIFE in the presence of others.

a. Although he knows it’s extremely important to be a SERVANT of people, he will never COMPROMISE his CONVICTIONS and LOVE for God.

b. This is the way that Jesus RELATED to people.


He was out among the people MINISTERING to their needs: FEEDING the hungry, HEALING the sick, COMFORTING the disheartened, ACCEPTING the outcast, GIVING HOPE to the sinful. For this reason people FOLLOWED Him by the THOUSANDS.

In His SERVING people, at no time did He COMPROMISE His BELIEFS or RELATIONSHIP with His Father. Jesus walked CARINGLY among the people of the WORLD and still remained SINLESS.


Paul presents us with three ingredients necessary to living the BALANCED Christian life in the world:

A. TEACHING- 1 Thessalonians 2:1-6 (READ)

1. Paul presents URGENCY in SHARING the gospel of Christ.


Despite all the HARDSHIP he went through, Paul didn’t hesitate to share the GOOD NEWS of Jesus. Why? Because he knew that people were LOST and DYING APART from Christ. And the only way they can be SAVED is to HEAR what God has done for them. Romans 10:17- “Faith comes by hearing the Word of Christ.” It comes no other way.

2. However, the term “TEACHING” can be intimidating.

a. We hear that word and we think we have to be BIBLE SCHOLARS in order to TEACH someone about Jesus.

b. By “TEACHING” I mean simply, SHARING your FAITH.


You can do this by simply using your EVERYDAY CONVERSATION to tell people what Christ has done for you. You don’t have to have a DEGREE in BIBLE to SHARE the GOSPEL, you just have to have a LOVE for PEOPLE and for JESUS.

B. MINISTRY- 1 Thessalonians 2:7-9 (READ)

1. Although TEACHING or SHARING your FAITH is vital to bringing people to Christ, TEACHING alone will not make much IMPACT in the LIVES of people.

a. Paul- “Not only did we SHARE with you the gospel of Christ, but our LIVES as well”- v. 8.


By that Paul is saying, “We got involved in your lives. We developed a FRIENDSHIP, a COMPANIONSHIP with you. It wasn’t enough just to PREACH, we also wanted to SERVE. You weren’t just another notch on our BIBLES, you were people that we deeply CARED for.”

b. Paul- “We were gentle among you like a mother caring for her little children”- v. 7.


Paul is referring to how he dealt with people. He wasn’t HARSH. He wasn’t CRITICAL. He wasn’t JUDGMENTAL. He was GENTLE with them. Gently taking them from where they were in the WORLD and MOVING them closer to God.

2. This is how we are to RELATE to people.


A church that genuinely CARES for and MINISTERS unto people—helping them with their PHYSICAL, EMOTIONAL, and SPIRITUAL needs, will be a church that will GROW.

C. HOLINESS- 1 Thessalonians 2:10-12 (READ)

1. Paul realized that TEACHING and MINISTRY by themselves would not develop BALANCED CHRISTIANS.

a. A person can TEACH the TRUTH and still not LIVE by the TRUTH.

b. MINISTRY, by itself, HELPS people but it doesn’t SAVE SOULS.

2. Paul- “We TAUGHT, we MINISTERED, but we also lived HOLY lives before you.”


Paul knew if he was to teach the Thessalonians to GIVE their lives to Christ, then he had to SHOW them what it mean to LIVE for Jesus.

Paul knew that he couldn’t teach on PURITY if he wasn’t PURE. He couldn’t teach on FAITHFULNESS if he wasn’t FAITHFUL. He couldn’t teach on FORGIVENESS if he didn’t FORGIVE. He couldn’t teach on LOVE if he didn’t LOVE.

3. Paul- “Like a father we ENCOURAGED, COMFORTED, and URGED each of you to LIVE your LIVES worthy of God.”


Paul was not only like a “Mother tenderly CARING for her CHILDREN,” but like a “Father who ENCOURAGED, GUIDED, CORRECTED, and DISCIPLINED” the people to help them LIVE their LIVES pleasing to God.

4. When people of the world cannot see a VAST DIFFERENCE between us and them when it comes to LIVING HOLY LIVES for God, then there is something terribly WRONG.