In order to see folks, healed, we have got to get them to the doctor, Dr Jesus To be specific.
Today, we are having a healing deliverance service. Not brought on by my own need today, but I know in my Spirit that there are others
here who need a healing touch in their bodies.
beloved the truth of his day is: There is healing available, in Jesus Christ.
If we will but come to Jesus and lay aside the feelings or doubt and distrust (or the feelings or our own adequacy in handling your lire).
All we need to do is just trust and believe in Christ’s ability to heal and deliver and meet you at the point of your felt and your known
Remember God Heard you the first time you cried out to Him.
Know that God wants you whole
He wants a healthy vessel. He wants a vessel He can use for His service, so stop thinking that it’s just not His will for your healing.
There needs to be an attitude or the lady with the issue or blood /Mark 5:27. If may touch the Hem or his garment, and I will be made
It doesn’t take someone screaming exciting pump you up phrases in order for you to Get a breakthrough.
It doesn’t take the well-known Evangelist, to call you out and lay hands on you, either.
All these things are good and well
and they have there place. This morning those who need healing and deliverance this morning, will have the chance to be anointed with
oil. And with their own mouth confess their healing, and then be prayed for. In agreeance to their confession.
It’s that kind or faith that presses through the crowd.
A faith that doesn’t worry about the talkers.
A faith that pushes past the pride.
A Faith that touches Jesus, FAITH MOVES GOD.
Get Ready for your breakthrough, virtue breaks down barriers.
Folks, healing was provided for us by the stripes that were placed on Jesus back, all 39 or them! The price He paid going to
Calvary, was sufficient for our healing both Physical, and Spiritual. He didn’t allow man to shred his body for no reason. You and I are
that Reason.
Healing has already been provided for us. It’s done, It’s ours, It’s up to us lay hold or that hope, or attain that amount or faith in order
to claim our healing. I will share some healing scriptures this morning
I. Psalm 118:17 "I shall not die, but live, and declare the works or the Lord".
Spiritual health club members see this as the only reason for living. To declare the mighty works or the Lord.
He can heal your mind. I know He can. Just lest Him manage your thoughts and your stresses. And concerns. He knows how to Help
you, Just Let Him.
2. Luke 4:18" The Spirit of the Lord is upon me Because He has anointed me to preach good news to the poor. He has sent me to
proclaim freedom for the prisioners.and recovery or sight to the blind. To release the oppressed, to proclaim the year or the Lord’s
Though Jesus quoted this old testament verse it was pertaining to Him. We too can claim the same anointing, and see healing and
deliverance to the Glory or God. It’s with in our grasp.
Go for it.
"Greater things shall ye do in My name". Jesus said!
But, we must take authority over these things that are hindering us.
Matt 16:19-1 will give you the keys or the kingdom or heaven; whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven We got to bind and
rebuke the devourer or our souls.
James 4:7 says submit your selves then to God. Resist the devvil and he shall flee.
Youve got to rid yourselves or doubt If your going to pray don’t doubt if your going to doubt, don’t pray.
Eph 4:27 Neither Give place to the devil
If we don’t take authority we allow place for the devil to get in and place doubt inour minds if that happens we ought not even to pray
for healing.
(Chorus:) We have the Power.
2. Physical healing:
Mark 1:41: And Jesus moved with compassion, put forth His hand and touched Him and saith unto him I will, be thou clean.
Exodus 15:26, I am the Lord that Healeth Thee.
Psalm 103:3. Praise the Lord O my soul and forget not all his benefits who forgiveth all your sins and heals all your diseases.
There re many Miracles Jesus performed. We should not doubt His power or ability to heal today. He Has not changed, His
power is still the same Let your faith rise.
Chorus: Hallelujah, I am The Lord that Healeth thee., He touched me. O it is Jesus Deliverance:
Psalm 79:9Help us o God or our salvation. For the glory or thy name. And deliver us. for thy names sake.
(Take authority here as well) Many deliverances are from oppressive possessive spirits
that we have allowed to occupy our souls, and lives.
(Take authority) over any evil Spirit in the house.
You might as well get nervous now, because I’m here to serve notice on you satan you are under attack by some HOLY Ghost filled,
Blood washed, Blood bought, saved,
children or God, You are under arrest.!!! Now Get Out!!
In the name or Jesus we have the victory.
Concl Jesus is in the house today to Heal, deliver, set free.
Come and receive what you need.