Summary: Describes how we need modern day armor bearer’s to stand with our church leaders/pastors


Various Passages


A couple of weeks ago, I preached on being part of the body

You and I have been given special talents and enablements, spiritual gifts to operate in the body of Christ

We all need each other…every member must be a vital part of the ministry of Trinity Baptist Church

Paul says we are all many members…but one body…and Paul goes on to say that in Eph 4:3 that we are to endeavor to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace

Till we come to the unity of the faith and the knowledge of the Son of God

So we must “endeavor” – which means “to make a concerted effort” to keep the unity of the Spirit…to be like-minded in our ministry

But how many of you know that trying to keep unity in a church can be almost impossible

Why? Because there is a battle going on…Spiritual warfare is alive and well in the 21st Century

Now back in the Old Testament…there was a lot of physical warfare going on with God’s people…can I get a witness

New Testament there is still warfare but it is now more in the Spirit

Spiritual warfare is real and the truth is that the average Christian don’t really know all the warring that is taking place in the heavenlies

And in going to battle…how many of you know that Paul tells us in Ephesians 6 to “put on the full armor of God”

Why? So that we can withstand the wiles, or the schemes of the devil

Paul is telling us that we are to put on protection and that protection is God’s armor because it is a fight

It’s a fight to believe God…to stand in faith…to trust His Word

In 2 Tim 2:3 & 4 Paul tells Timothy to wage a good war as a good soldier of Christ

2 Cor 10:4 says, “the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but are mighty in God for the pulling down of strongholds.”

Notice we still have warfare and we still have weapons but they are not carnal…not of the flesh…but for pulling down strongholds (spiritual realm)

So I say all these so you and I can understand that there is still a battle that wages…and we are all in the battle

Our warfare is not with people anymore or with God because He has made peace with me through the way of the cross

But I do war against principalities, demonic forces, against powers and rulers of darkness

Now these are just a few passages in the New Testament that talk about warfare going on

And remember everything in the Old Testament is types and shadows of things to come

And they have come to pass in the substance of Jesus Christ

And if there was an Armor Bearer in the OT that played an important role in warfare…

Then we have to understand there is a ministry of the Armor Bearer in the New Testament warfare and is important to the success of us being fruitful, to us multiplying

I believe our ministry here at Trinity is about to expand but we cannot be effective unless more people are willing to step up to the plate in the ministry of an Armor Bearer


1. What was the ministry of the Armor Bearer in OT warfare?

First, they carried the king’s shield into battle

They protected and guarded the king

They were a servant and a friend to the king

They were loyal and committed unto death

They were courageous and fearless in the battle

Armor bearers were hand-picked among the warriors and they picked the men of valor and who were courageous

Because the armor bearer was assigned to protect the king

You don’t want a wimp protecting the king…you don’t want someone who is going to panic in the midst of the battle and flee

You want someone that will be loyal unto death…and that was the ministry of the armor bearer

Jesus said in John 15:13 “No greater love hath any man than this than to lay down his life for a friend.”

Strong’s concordance defines armor bearer as “to lift up, to hold up, to bear up and to regard and respect”

There were 5 armor bears mentioned in the OT…

Joab had an armor bearer…even though nothing is mentioned in detail

Abimelech had an armor bearer and we are fixing to look at him

Saul had 2 armor bearers…one was David who grew to be King

Jonathan, Saul’s son, had an armor bearer

Let’s look at these now and glean some things from the OT armor bearer and transfer it over to NT armor bearers

Let the Lord speak to your heart, birth in your heart, enlarge in your heart the ministry of an armor bearer

Turn to Judges 9:50-54 and let’s look at Abimelech’s armor bearer

This is king Abimelech who was a sorry king…there is nothing good to learn from Abimelech except don’t do anything Abimilech did

This guy killed 70 of his brothers…he was an evil person…but he had an armor bearer and something very good is said about his armor bearer

Read passage

Now you got to understand at that time, in that culture, to die at the hands of a woman was dishonorable

So we have a war going on…Abimelech has pushed the enemy back into a corner

He goes through a door and a woman drops a large millstone or grindstone on his head and cracks open his skull

So the first thing to understand is that this is a fatal wound…he knows he’s going to die and he fears dying at the hand of a woman

So he looks at his armor bearer and says “kill me with your sword” and he did

So there are some vital things we can learn here from the armor bearer

1. Abimelech’s Armor Bearer

A – The armor bearer was with him in the heat of the battle

Armor bearers stay with their assignment in the heat of the battle

He was right there beside the king…wherever the king went…he was there

A lot of people will stay with you in the ministry while it’s going good

But how many of you know when things are going bad…they abandon ship

Some times we go through fiery trials in the ministry and we have to have people who will stick with us in the heat of the battle to accomplish the purposes of God

I don’t know if you know this but it is a fact: when a ship catches fire…the first thing to get off the ship are the RATS

I think you got that and I will not elaborate

So #1, the armor bearer stays close to the king in the heat of the battle

I will have to stop here and continue this next week because I am running out time


B - He was equally concerned with the Kings honor

Remember, the king is saying thrust me with the sword and kill me because it will be a dishonor to die at the hands of a woman

The armor bearer was equally concerned about the kings honor and we have missed this in the New Testament church at large

And that is, (pause) how Satan wills above all to dishonor Godly leaders

He wants to dishonor me more than anything else in this church

Because if he can dishonor me, if he can dishonor my office…that will hinder you from what God puts in my heart for you

In Mark 6:4, Jesus talked about how, in His own hometown, He could do no mighty work except heal a few sick

And He marveled at their disbelief and vs 4 says “A prophet is not without honor except in his own hometown, among his own house, among his own kin”

See they dishonored the Lord, in his own hometown, and that hindered the power of God through Jesus to minister to them

Satan wants to dishonor pastors, associate pastors, youth leaders, elders, deacons

He wants to dishonor any one that is in the position of authority so that it will keep you from being blessed

Some folks can have a falling out with the pastor…and they can’t wait to tell new folks about what has happened

You may thing Bro Jimmy hung the moon but let me tell you about this and such…and if you had only been here when…

The devil loves to hurt and harm the man of God…not to hurt and harm him but to hurt and harm the people from receiving from the man of God

This armor bearer was equally concerned about the honor of the man of God even unto his death

We must have armor bearers who will honor our church leaders, honor authority, honor positions of authority

And not allow anyone to dishonor them in our midst and never be a party to the dishonoring

Have you ever noticed on TV or the national media, you can have conventions with 70 – 80 thousand men and not a word is spoken about it

Worshiping God…Trying to be better husbands, fathers, leaders, workers, men

But yet let one man of God make a mistake…and it’s on every broadcast

There’s a reason for that…the powers of darkness are warring against the will of God and Satan loves to dishonor men of God because it hinders people from receiving

C. The armor bearer submitted to and obeyed the king

He thrust his sword through the king and killed him

TRANS: Now let’s look at one that seems almost the opposite

Go to 1 Sam 31:1-5…now this is…

2. Saul’s armor bearer

This armor bearer will show another ministry of an armor bearer

D – The armor bearer respected the king and was loyal even to death

Saul died, and his three sons, and Saul’s armor bearer also died

Now that seems to be the opposite…but if you understand the ministry of the armor bearer, he was not afraid as we call afraid, like being scared

The word “afraid” here is used in the Hebrew that of fear like reverence for God…not like afraid or scared

When you handpick armor bearers, you pick ones that are bold and courageous…

Saul’s armor bearer was not afraid but he had a reverence, such a respect for his king he couldn’t thrust him through

Unlike Abimelech, this wound was not fatal…the reason I know that is…

Notice Saul said “lest these uncircumcised men come and thrust me through and abuse me” or if you will, tortures me

He wasn’t fatally wounded…and he was Israel’s first king…so all he had to draw from was the judges…how the Philistines treated the judges

I am sure Saul was thinking about one man that they had tortured and that was Samson

And when the Philistines captured Samson, they gouged his eyeballs out and turned him into nothing less than an oxen

Another reason I know he wasn’t afraid is because in verse 5 he too fell on his own sword

If he was afraid or scared, he could’ve fled but he didn’t

So this armor bearer had a reverence and respect for the king, even unto death

Notice, he didn’t have a plan B…when the King died, he was with him in death

Lastly let’s go to 1 Sam 14 and look at

3. Jonathan’s armor bearer…my personal favorite

E. The Armor Bearer protects the king from rear attacks

There’s another war going on…any where you open the OT there’s a war going on

Jonathan’s is Saul’s son and he just decides that while his Daddy is strategizing on how to defeat this enemy

Jonathan just decides…I am gonna go whip this enemy for my daddy

I like boys like that…and boys will be boys so

Here’s what it says in 1 Sam 14:6-8 (read)

And notice in vs 8, Jonathan is not real for sure what the Lord is going to do yet

But he trusts that God can win the battle whether he has many warriors or only a few

Notice that the armor bearer was with him and told Jonathan in vs 7

“Do what you think is best. I’m with you completely, whatever you decide.”

Now look what vs 11 says (read)

Underline come right behind you…in other words…the armor bearer had his back

Alright, the armor bearer says “Do what you think is best…I’m with you”

He was saying, “You’re called to lead, I’m called to follow and unless you do something that violates the authority of the word or my conscious, I am with you.”

In the Kingdom, God is trying to put together an army and there has to be rank and there has to be order

God is a God of order and not a bunch of confusion

There has to be a point where we are all willing to submit and follow a vision and direction that God is trying to take us

And I want you to notice, the man of God, Jonathan, the leader, is killing these Philistines left and right

And the armor bearer is with him, beside him, and is covering his back

That is a biblical principle of watching, caring for, one another and our leaders

I want you to know that most things that Satan tries to attack me with from the front…I can win the battle because I can see it face to face

But let me tell you where the enemy has gotten me and most men of God throughout this country

It’s not the enemies that attack head on but the ones who flee….and come in the back door or come from behind

Let me give you three things pastors or leaders cannot win against because they always scatter and come from the back…

They hardly ever confront the man of God but try to attack from the rear

1. Criticism –

2. Murmuring and Complaining

3. Accusations

Every time a man of God hears God…begins to release a vision or a direction from God…criticism circles to the rear and attacks

Murmuring and complaining circles to the rear and attacks

Accusations circles to the rear and attacks

Why do these things happen? Because it is a spiritual warfare

We need NT church armor bearers that will protect the rear guard and kill these things that try to attack from the rear


I believe these are some things that we can glean from the OT armor bearer and apply to the NT in today’s spiritual warfare

1. Armor Bearers are with the leader in fighting the spiritual battle

2. Armor Bearers are equally concerned with the leader’s honor

3. Armor Bearers submit to and obey the leadership authority

4. Armor Bearers respect the leadership and with them unto death

5. Armor Bearers protect the leader/leadership from rear attacks

We need more armor bearers in the church and not pall bearers (KILL PREACHER)

We are going to have more and more ministry…and we must have people who are sold out…even unto death…in fighting the spiritual war ------ Pray