Summary: Becoming the mighty me and women of God

The Power of God is inside us.

1st Peter 1:5 Revelations 2:10

As a child of God, we grow and transform into the image and likeness of God. We are given the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit of God. Truthfully, we belong to God. However, we do not belong to Him just because He made us. We belong to God because we chose to put our faith and trust in what He has already provided for our salvation. We belong only to God. We are called His special children. We live and walk by faith. We believe that God is. We are the redeemed of God. We are set aside for the Holy Spirit of God to empower us to do the works of God. Nevertheless, being a child of God is not the easiest job. We are called to live opposite to the world. We are taught that the world’s way of existing does not lead to righteousness. A child of God is often looked upon as peculiar because we are not guided by the same set of principals as the rest of the world. The world constantly denies the ways of righteousness. The world constantly presents a struggle for the child of God. Nevertheless, in the midst of this struggle to stand, we are empowered with the presence of God to stand us on our feet.

When we study the Scriptures and allow the Holy Spirit to teach us, the forces of God is revealed to us. We are not in this struggle alone. Our help comes from God. Therefore, nothing should keep us from doing what God has recreated us to do. The Scriptures teaches us that God has always come to the aid of His people. God empowered Abraham to rescue Lot. God empowered Moses to lead Israel out of Egypt. The Scriptures teaches us that God has promised this same help to us. God will be a constant help in times of trouble. Nevertheless, we must chose to remain faithful and obedient to Him. The only way the Holy Spirit can work in our lives is through our faithful obedience to God. 1st Peter 1:5 tell us that God has shielded us by His power and empowers us to become all God has in store for us. Romans 8:31 states ‘If God be for us who can be against us.’ Therefore, because of our faithful obedience to God, we are empowered by Him.

Moreover, the empowering presence of the Holy Spirit of God continues to build or form us in our position as the children of God. As we study and mediate upon the Scriptures, the Holy Spirit of God guides us and forms us into the body of Christ or the Church. We are empowered with real power. This same power was in Jesus. We are given this power so we can do the works of God. We are more than conquerors. We can do all things through Christ who strengthens us. Because of our love and the presence of the Holy Spirit, all things work together for our good according to God’s purpose. As we grow and continue to mature in our relationship with and to God, we develop into powerful men and women of God. This is why we are told to study and mediate on the Scriptures daily. We study to find information about God. We study to find out information on what God has done for us. We study to understand the nature of God’ s power and to uncover the purpose for it. We study to understand why we need God’s power. Foremost, we study to understand how God wants us to use His power.

Our need to know these things is instrumental in our development from the children of God into the men and women of God. Ephesians 6 states, ‘our fight is not against flesh and blood.’ Our enemy is Lucifer and the millions of unholy spirits, principalities, powers, and evil forces. Our enemies are also those that are under his influence. The children of God face a real and active force each day. These forces are destined to draw us off the path of righteousness. These forces are lead by Lucifer, a fallen angel made by God. God made him and empowered him. However, his pride got him put out of heaven. Regardless, Lucifer did not stop being an angel. He can be a snake, act like a lion, or appear as an angel of light. His purpose is to deceive and accuse the brethren. His strategy is to steal our attention in order to get us off the path of righteousness. He desires to destroy any chance of us growing up in our relationship to God. He wants to kill us before we can mature into the mighty men and women of God.

As we mature into the men and women of God, we are equipped and empowered to battle the enemy. We are able to see the traps and snares that are set for us. Because of the indwelling Holy Spirit of God, we see them and we do not stumble. Lucifer is the father of all lies. He tries to deceive us any way he can. The Scriptures tells us to be aware because false doctrine and fake teachers will try to seduce us. We are warned about becoming lukewarm in our attitude toward God. If we are found in sin, God will remove us from His kingdom. If we start to care more for the world, than for God, we will become undesirable to Him. The enemy put many traps and snares along the pathway to trip us up. As the mature men and women of God, we must rely on the Scriptures and the Holy Spirit of God to guide us. We are given a way out of every trial and temptation. We are the mighty men and women of God. We are empowered by God to overcome and conquer the enemy.

Therefore, we must understand the gifts of the powerful presence of the Holy Spirit of God. We must understand the power behind the gifts is God. Lucifer will try to take the very blessings that God gives us and use them against us. He will try to lure us into a false sense of security. We will start to seek after the prosperity and the notoriety of being a child of God. We will start to love the positions and the blessings. Before long, we will be lifting our eyes from Hell. 1st Peter 5: 8 –10 ask us to be sober and watchful. As mature men and women of God, we must remain sober and unaffected by the things around us. We must remain watchful and alert to the movement of the enemy. We are to seek God through the study of the Scriptures. We are to resist Lucifer’s attempts to get us off the path of righteousness. Lucifer, the enemy will flee. He will flee because we are able to resist him by the power of the presence of the Holy Spirit of God. The Holy Spirit of God perfects us into the correct image of God. He establishes us in our belief in God. He restores and strengthens us as we continue to mature into the mighty men and women of God.

As the mature men and women of God, we are more concern about our spiritual well being than our material well being. We are able to stand against the wiles of Lucifer. The men and women of God are completely dependent on God for the strength to stand. We are completely dependent upon God to take care of us. The Scriptures tells us that God will never leave us or forsake us. We believe it. God has promised never to forsake the righteous nor let his seed go begging. We believe it. Because of this belief, God continues to develop us into the body of Christ. When we study the Scriptures, the Holy Spirit of God teaches us the truths of Jesus life, death, and resurrection. The Holy Spirit guards, guides, and instructs us in the ways of God. He helps us to avoid, overcome, and endure everything Lucifer does to make us fall. The Holy Spirit fits us together with other men and women of God into the Church. We are placed in the church or Body of Christ because we are more than conquerors. Our confidence is not based in the world. We are the mighty men and women of God. We stand confidently for the things of God. We stand for God and He stands with us. Because of our acceptance and the indwelling of the Holy Spirit of God, we now stand secure in our relationship with God. We are assured through the Scriptures that no one can snatch us from the hands of God. We are promised that nothing can separate us from His love.

However, this only applies when we remain in our relationship with God. This is the reason we are not to forsake the gathering together with other believers. We are to continue to study and mediate on the Scriptures. Because of this, we will remain strong in our relationship with God. We are told to grid up the loins of our minds and to discipline ourselves. We grow stronger in our relationship with God as we continue to study the Scriptures and allow the Holy Spirit of God to lead us. We become rooted and grounded in Christ. We are the mighty men and women of God. We must take advantage of every activity that helps us to grow and mature in our relationship with God. We must continue to do the things of God that His Spirit encourages and empowers us to do. Foremost, we must continually examine our walk and ourselves to see where we are in sin. The light of the Holy Spirit will guide us and show us where we need improvement. Once sin is revealed we confess it and completely trust God to take care of it. Through the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit of God we are established, strengthen, perfected, settled, and restored into our relationship to and with God. We mature into men and women of God. We are completely dependent and obedient to God. We remain faithful to God because we are the mature men and women of God.