Summary: Easter Sunday, evening message, 2007

Title: Peace be with you.


Luke 24:36-39

While they were still talking about this, Jesus himself stood among them and said to them, "Peace be with you." 37 They were startled and frightened, thinking they saw a ghost. 38 He said to them, "Why are you troubled, and why do doubts rise in your minds? 39 Look at my hands and my feet. It is I myself! Touch me and see; a ghost does not have flesh and bones, as you see I have."


Jesus was led away from the Garden of Gethsemane by temple guards, elders and priests. He was taken before the ruling council and questioned. During that time He was beaten and deprived of sleep and food and water. He was then taken to Pilate, who, after learning that Jesus was from Galilee, sent Him off to Herod. Herod had jurisdiction over the Galilean area, and happened to be visiting Jerusalem. Like Pilate, he examined Jesus but could find no basis for the Jews accusation against him. So, he sent Jesus back to Pilate.

Pilate desired to release him, but finally succumbed to the pressure of the Jewish ruling council to crucify Jesus.

Subsequently, Jesus was led out along with two thieves to a place called the Skull and crucified there. After He gave up the Spirit, His body was taken down by Joseph of Arimathea. Joseph, a member of the Sanhedrin, whom the Bible calls a good and upright man, placed Jesus’ body in a tomb that Joseph had purchased for himself.

These events, though briefly described are written about in great detail in the gospels. Additionally, one can find in historical texts and tablets this same event. But, that’s not where we want to focus. What we want to take a look at is His glorious resurrection and what it means to you and me.

Buddha is still in the tomb. Confucius is still in the tomb. Mohammed is still in the tomb. And, all their bones can be found there if you care to look through old musty bones.

But, Jesus on the third day after being placed in the tomb rose again. Like the great light that shone forth on the third day in Genesis 1:14, Jesus, rose from the dead to be a light to all men.

On the third day, the Lord told Moses, in Exodus 19, that He would come down on Mt. Sinai before the sight of all the people. And, when He did the people trembled at the sight of the smoke and the sound of the Lord’s voice.

People still tremble today when they are given the opportunity to put their faith in Jesus. People still tremble today when they are given the opportunity to follow God. Jesus triumphed over death by rising again and loosing Satan’s hold over those that have put their faith in Jesus Christ.

Our scripture focus tonight, Resurrection Sunday, is:

Luke 24:38

He said to them, "Why are you troubled, and why do doubts rise in your minds?


Why are you troubled? You’re free!

Why do you doubt? You’re free!


Why are you troubled? You’re Free!

When the disciples were in a boat on the Sea of Galilee rowing against a strong wind, Jesus came by walking on water. Scripture says that He would have kept on walking by, but the disciples called out to Him. He knew they were in trouble, but they almost didn’t recognize the need to call out for Jesus.

When He came to them, He said “Peace be with you.” The NIV says in the book of John, “Do not be afraid.” Which is essentially the same thing that He says when He appeared to the disciple after His resurrection, “Peace be with you.”

Calm your troubled mind… Don’t be afraid, he says, for He is with you until the end of time.

I want to call your attention to one very important detail concerning the last day of Jesus’ life before His death. When He was arrested in the Garden of Gethsemane, when He appeared before the Jewish ruling council, and before Pilate, then before Herod, then again before Pilate, and as He went to the cross, there is one important thing that is missing. In all of that there is no mention or inference that He doubted, or was afraid or was troubled. The only time when we could possible infer that He might have been afraid is when God had to turn His back on His Son while the sin of the world was laid on Jesus’ shoulders. That was your and my sin, by the way.

Can you picture being without God and His Spirit to guide you? Can you picture being all alone in this world without the Spirit of God to comfort you in those difficult situations? Try as hard as we can, we could never visualize such an occurrence because it would never happen because that is why Jesus went to the cross in the first place!

So, He says to us…He says to you…

Why are you troubled?

The disciples are busy making up contingency plans, “What are we going to do since Jesus isn’t here? What are we going to do since He’s not guiding us in this situation?”

You know what the funny thing is? Many times we act exactly the same way. We draw those contingency plans in our minds, just in case God won’t be leading us in the direction we want to go. We trouble ourselves with senseless planning and thinking when we should step back and listen to those words of Jesus after He rose from the dead, “Why are you troubled?”

Why are you troubled? Because, like those disciples that were straining against the oars in that boat, maybe you didn’t think to call out for Jesus. You didn’t think that He would come and help you out of your situation, out of your predicament. But, He will. That’s why He went to the cross. That’s why He sacrificed His life, so that you and I could be reconciled to God and have the power of heaven to help us in any and every circumstance.

Why are you troubled? Jesus isn’t in the tomb, He’s in heaven making constant intercession on behalf of the saints.

Why are you troubled? Jesus isn’t in the tomb, and He’s given us the Comforter to help us in times of need.

Philippians 4

6 Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. 7 And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

Why are you troubled? You’re free!

Why do you doubt? You’re free!

What is the opposite of faith? Doubt is the opposite of faith. Jesus tells us in scripture that “…if we have faith and do not doubt…”

The disciples when they rowed against the wind on the Sea of that was trouble. But, when Peter got out of that boat and began to walk to Jesus, then took his eyes off of Jesus and began to that was doubt.

These things stand before us today and there should be no doubt in our minds:

Jesus was born of a virgin…do you doubt it?

Jesus led a sinless life…do you doubt it?

Jesus performed miracles on this earth…do you doubt it?

Jesus went to the cross and gave His life for the sin of the world…do you doubt it?

Jesus was laid in the tomb and on the third day rose again…do you doubt it?

Jesus appeared before the disciples, and many more people, and to Paul…do you doubt it?

Jesus ascended into heaven and now sits at the right hand of the Father in heaven and is making intercession for you and I…do you doubt it?

If any of these cause any doubt in your mind, if any of these that I’ve read cause you to hesitate at all, then we will waver and doubt in other things as well. We must accept these as truths or the very foundation of your faith will be shaken and like James says,

(1:6b) “…he who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind.”


Jesus stands before us today alive and full of glory, power and honor, and He might be asking one or two of us here the same question that He asked the disciples almost two thousand years ago, “Why are you troubled? Why do you doubt? I’m alive!”