Summary: What is a church’s vision to accomplish its purpose? How do we accomplish God’s plan? Do we see the need? Do we respond with concern? Do we respond with action?


For the past several months, we have been involved in discussions, research, and prayer regarding the Future of this Church. In 2 Business Meetings, you approved and asked the leadership to determine the feasibility of moving.

First, I want to thank you for your cooperation, participation, discussion/questions and prayers during this process. Today, we come to present the results of that work so that YOU can agree on the Vision Behind the Purpose that God has in store for us.

Our Purpose is as Jesus commanded to “Go and Make Disciples”.

The Vision to accomplish that Purpose, is what I am asking you to decide and become a part of today.

Normally, when I share a message, I am speaking to you as individuals & not as a church. Today, I come to you as a member of the Body. Specifically New Horizons!

A. Proverbs 29:18 (KJV) 18 Where there is no vision, the people perish: …”

MY definition of ‘Vision’ is ‘the ability to see beyond the obvious.’

What about YOU? “What is Your definition of Vison?”

I also ask this of Vision: “What is YOUR Vision for this Church?”

ILL: Boy & Baseball Bat

A Man approached a little league baseball game one afternoon. He asked a boy in the dugout what the score was. The boy responded, “Eighteen to nothing—we’re behind.” “Boy,” said the spectator, “I’ll be you’re discouraged.”

“Why should I be discouraged?” replied the little boy. “We haven’t even gotten to bat yet.”

The POINT here is that you have to be able to see beyond the obvious IF you are a person of vision.

There are 3 Types of people when it comes to Visionary People:

1. Those who CAN’T SEE the Vision

– understanding; care; worldly; distractions;

2. Those who CAN SEE the Vision, but don’t want you to accomplish it

a. By doing nothing – no steps of faith

b. By actually trying to distort the vision

3. Those who CAN SEE the Vision.

a. Want to do their part!


Do you look at the cup half-empty or half-full. Do you look at the church’s current picture as that of a downward spiral or do you look at it NH as a Body of Believers Determined to Grow The Kingdom regardless of what is thrown in the path.

Are you an Optimist or a Pessimist? Is your faith in our Vision that of “Show Me How We can Do This” or is it “Let’s Be Realistic”! Do you Step Out in Faith when God Gives you a Door of Opportunity or do you Wait until It Makes Sense or As Long As This Person or That Person Doesn’t Leave.

1. “What is YOUR Vision for NHBC?”

2 “What is it that determines YOUR Vision?”

What ABOUT YOU? What is YOUR Vision for NH?


A perfect example of a Man of Vision (when the odds were against another) is the story of NEHEMIAH. As best I can, today we are going to touch on the surroundings of his story!

The Israelites have been in Assyrian and Babylonian Captivity for 70 years.

God has seen fit to allow some of them to return home to Jerusalem – 1st group to return is about 50K and under leadership of Zerubbabel.

The group attempted to rebuild the city only to be forced to stop.

The prophet Ezra brings in a 2nd group of about 15K and the temple is restored but not the walls, gates, and watchtowers. Again, from pressure, they are stopped.

Again, they are laughed at, sneered against, talked about, judged, and disgraced!

Now the stage is set for Nehemiah.


Nehemiah, a cupbearer to the king, is a person of statue who has the responsibility of testing and tasting the king’s wine so as to prove it has not been poisoned.

Nehemiah receives a report from his brother, Hanani, regarding the condition of Jerusalem – but specifically to “The Vision” of the Israelites rebuilding the city:

TRANSISTION: The stage is set for Nehemiah. That brings us to the 1st of TWO POINTS


In the day of Nehemiah, a kingdom was established from Territorial Rights determined from which Army was the largest, strongest, and best equipped.


Knew the WALLS were the 1st Line of Defense for the City.

Knew with the walls down, the People Were Defenseless.

Knew there were No Watchmen to guard; No Watchtowers for Guards to stand.

The Need was REAL.


To make matters worst, there were individuals who did not want the walls to go up:

READ Chapter 4:1-3 (let’s notice some comments)

‘he ridiculed the Jews’ – It amazes me what others do to distract those who want to make a difference. Is that of God? Do you think?

‘those feeble’ – Not strong enough, too small, no money, not good enough.

‘will they offer sacrifices?’ – Will we worship?

BEC– “When the enemy laughs at what God’s people are doing, it is usually a sign that God is going to bless His people in a wonderful way”!

‘can they bring the stones back to life’

– I may be backwards here, but if past frustrations do anything for me, it is strengthen my resolve to push forward for the King!

Verses 4:11(READ)

They were “right there” – ‘organizing’ – to stop the work of God.

They were Vision Stoppers – They wanted God’s people helpless - … defenseless; … w/o vision! It hasn’t changed much I’m afraid. That are always some!

Unlike Nehemiah’s Situation,

We are not ‘organizing’ as a means of protecting a city.

Rather - We are ‘organizing’ to DEMONSTRATE GOD’S GLORY!


A. Nehemiah Saw a Need

B. In Response, Nehemiah Stepped Out in Faith

People who lack vision, SEE the need, BUT they never move past seeing the need.

Again, “vision is the ability to see past the obvious”.

a. You might see a hurt or distraction in the church and simply feel bad.

b. You see a need in the church and you even can relate to that need.

- worker, teacher, singer, greeter, financial – you understand the need.

c. THEN vision confronts you with the question, “what am I going to do?”

C. Nehemiah Responded With A Vision

1. Vs. 1:11 ‘let your ear… give your servant success’

There was never a question because “God’s Purpose” had never changed.

Nehemiah asked God to use him to Accomplish The Purpose!

Nehemiah didn’t just realize and pray – He Saw the Vision and wanted a part!

2. He turned to his King

a. He approached the king in Chapter 2: 4, 7-8

b. The King’s approval was confirmation that God Was Involved!

3. Read 2.11-12 – Arrival in Jerusalem to survey the city and the need.

4. Read 2.17-19 – After researching the need, the Vision was Reclaimed - V. 20

v 19: The more the visionary works – the more Satan tries to distract.

Some will talk; Some may not stay; – Does it change the Vision?

It may not be as we think it should be – But is it God’s plan or our plan?

D. Nehemiah Acted on That Vision

1. Those living in Jerusalem knew the condition but did nothing – Lost the vision.

Knew the walls were crumpled and burned.

Knew the city was open again to attack

Knew what needed to be done & were disgraced

The knew the Purpose of the Vision

2. Church, We Know God Began This Church for a Purpose – Has it Changed?

We saw the need and we began to work.

But like the Israelites, some (including me) have gotten distracted

The need didn’t change – but distractions got in the way.

Our walls & gates began to crumple.

3. Like Nehemiah (v.17b); I am calling out to you - as God has reminded me:

“Friends and Family, The temple is in tact, but our walls have been burned.




Sometimes small churches look at themselves and say, “Oh, we can’t do this and we can’t do that because we are too small. We don’t have the resources.” And their vision gets limited by their circumstances and instead of taking giant steps of faith, they take baby steps.

I’m reminded of the story of a man who had done something wonderful and the king called him in and told him he could mark off as much of the kingdom as he wanted and it would be his.

The man took his staff and traced a line in the dirt around himself. The king watched as he finished and said, “Is that all you want? Just what’s in that circle?” The man said, “NO. I want everything OUTSIDE the circle.”

1 Chronicles 4:10 (NIV)

10 Jabez cried out to the God of Israel, "Oh, that you would bless me and enlarge my territory! Let your hand be with me, and keep me from harm so that I will be free from pain." And God granted his request.


What if we drew a line around this building and said we want to claim all the territory beyond this place for God? Jabez looked FAR beyond where he was and what he WAS CAPABLE of doing and instead looked at WHERE GOD WAS and WHAT GOD COULD DO.


Instead of asking the question, “What are we capable of doing”,



Tony Miano said it perfect in talking about the vision for the church he was pastoring:

"As I look ahead, far ahead, two to three years down the road, I do see God doing it, even though I may not know all of the details today. But that’s what vision is. Vision is not a crystal ball or hearing audible voices.

It is the belief in one’s heart that God is going to do something that is consistent with His Word and His will, and believing that what God is going to do will have an amazing impact on one’s life.

Having vision is having the confident belief that the promises of God are going to be realized in the future of our church." ~ Pastor Tony Miano

1. Are YOU a Person of Vision? Do you see the need? .. enough to be part of ..

2. Do YOU believe God is ABLE to Accomplish this Vision so much YOU are willing to BE PART OF THE VISION? (I assure you it will be uncomfortable)