I. DEAR ABBY LETTERS – How To Dress In Church
Dear Abby: May I respond to your reply regarding attire in church? As a priest and pastor, I’m appalled at how some people come dressed for Sunday worship. You said that “Dress codes have been greatly relaxed in recent decades,” which I find to be inaccurate. What has become relaxed is the attitude, the respect and reverence people have for worship and church buildings. From brides walking down the aisle chewing gum to funeral pallbearers wearing tennis shoes, to members wearing flip-flops, shorts and tank tops on Sunday, the lack of respect and reverence to worship is disgusting.
Dear Abby: More important than what people are wearing is the reason for being in church in the first place. Maybe it would be better if we could all enter God’s house blind. If we can’t see what people are wearing, we can leave our judgments and prejudices outside and use the time to learn more about God’s purpose for our lives.
Dear Abby: My pastor says no one would consider dressing casually if they were going to be in the presence of our president or any other dignitary. Why would we consider anything less for our Lord? Makes perfect sense to me.
Dear Abby: Church is where you go to give praise to the Lord, not checkout what others are wearing.
Dear Abby: Satan wants to embarrass the church, so he sends people dressed any kind of disrespectful way. They’d be sent home from their jobs if they dressed like that. Women: Cover up! You are worth more than your skin.
Dear Abby: Isn’t it funny that the ‘devil is sending people to your church to embarrass the church’ (because of the clothes they are wearing)? Never mind the fact that there’s an actual soul who needs Jesus underneath those scantily clad bodies. Actually, it’d be nice if we could keep all kinds of riff-raff out of the church… you know, all the adulterers, fornicators, liars, cheats and gossips out of the church as well to save the church embarrassment. Unfortunately, many of the people who are upset about how people dress in church would be gone if we did that.
A. Object Lesson / Illustration (From Waist Up, Undress Top Two Layers Of Clothing To Reveal A White T-Shirt With An Iron-On Transfer Image Of The High Priest’s Breastplate)
1. Some like to dress up - wear a three-piece suit – that’s okay
a. “oh, they’re only wearing that to impress other people – show off”
b. careful, caution, you don’t know what’s in their heart
2. Some like to dress casual – polo shirt, t-shirt, cakeys, blue jeans
a. “oh, they don’t respect God, the church”
b. careful, caution, you don’t know what’s in their heart
3. Whatever you wear, be sure that behind it all you’re wearing this (Reveal T-shirt with iron-on High Priest breastplate)
a. Tuxedo or T-Shirt…
b. Prom Dress or Polo Shirt…
c. Dress Shoes or Tennis Shoes…
… whatever you do, be sure you’ve got this on!
B. Breastplate = Most Important/Critical Thing Worn In OT by that One Appointed To Approach God – This High Priest
1. We can learn from it how we are to dress when we come before God
2. Each one of us are invited to approach God – priesthood of believers
3. To enter into His presence - through prayer, worship, devotions
C. Whatever You Wear, Wear This!
A. Breastplate Represented Every Part Of The Hebrew Nation Before God
1. Twelve Different Stones – 12 Tribes - different shades, different colors, different densities - all brought before God
2. God invites you to bring your entire life before Him
a. different parts of our lives – family, our work, our finances, our goals, dreams, strengths, weaknesses, ideas, thinking
b. different shades & colors, densities & values
c. good, bad, ugly – not just the glorious & beautiful
d. bring it all before Him
e. “come all ye weary & heavy laden, I’ll give you rest”
f. “his strength made perfect in our weaknesses” – how can He manifest his strength if we don’t bring our weaknesses
3. Bring it all before God. You can’t shock God. He cares!
a. sometimes your mind will drift in worship or prayer
b. instead of beating yourself up – recognize that if it’s important to you, it must be important to God – and yield that up to God as well.
B. Breastplate Was Worn Front & Center
1. Outside, not inside / Front side, not backside
2. Bring your whole self – but put it front and center
a. don’t try to hide things from God
b. “be sure, your sins will find you out”
c. Achan’s sin – defeat at city of Ai (after Jericho victory)
d. David, “Search me, O God, and know my heart…”
e. Worn over the vital organs - Vital matters of life
4. Stones firmly attached in front
a. tempting to detach parts we aren’t proud of
b. defense mechanisms
c. detach ourselves from what we hate in ourselves by
- denial – “that’s not me”
- minimization
- blame shifting
- self-justification
C. Breastplate Called “Breastplate Of Judgment” (Exodus 28:29)
1. “Judgment” = verdict (favorable or unfavorable)
2. God…judge me. Render the verdict, conviction, and the change
3. What’s relationship between this & “Breastplate of Righteousness” (Ephesians)?
a. I’m not sure, but may I suggest a thought
b. wear “Breastplate of Judgment” – listen to God& obey – then Breastplate of Judgment turns into Breastplate of Righteousness
c. 1 John 1:9 “If we confess…cleanse us from all unrighteousness”
D. Breastplate Was Comprised Of Precious Stones (God Does Not Hate You)
1. Each tribe (large or small, pretty & ugly) represented by a different gem
2. I feel so unworthy – hide from God
a. you are his workmanship, created for good things (Eph 2:10)
b. (Mal 3:17) I make them My jewels (firmly set in gold – pure love)
c. (Deut 14:2) For you are a holy people to the Lord your God, and the Lord has chosen you to be a people for Himself, a special treasure
d. you are His – chosen, loved, adopted, redeemed
E. Breastplate Contained The Sacred Lots, The Urim & Thurim
1. Folded in half – pouch/pocket – hollow place
a. was empty except for the sacred lots
b. the Urim or Thurim stones of decision
2. When seeking the Lord, making important decisions
a. grew up in a church said, “Selfish to pray for yourself”
b. it’s okay to pray for yourself – Biblical – encouraged to do so
c. decision bearing down on you – come, let’s pray
d. don’t come with your mind already made up – filled
e. rather, a hollow place, a welcome place, not already filled or a mind made up or biased or pre-decided
f. but open and ready to be filled, ready to be answered, ready to be willingly directed
3. Prov 3:5-6 Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths.
A. This Morning:
1. You all look pretty good
2. How the garments that clothe your spirit, your heart, what matters most?
B. Invitation: Put On The Breastplate
1. Bringing your whole self, not in part, but the whole
2. Front and center, nothing hidden, firmly attached
3. Willing to let it be breastplate of judgment
4. Recognizing who you are before Him – loved, not hated
5. Mind open to God when facing tough decisions