A. Writer: The Apostle Paul
B. Date: 62 A.D.
C. Purpose: To beseech Philemon to receive his unprofitable servant, Onesimus, whom Paul had led to the Lord.
D. Key Verse: “If he hath wronged thee, or oweth the ought, put that on mine account.” vs. 18
A. Paul the Prisoner - 1-7
1. The Book of Philemon, as well as Ephesians, Philippians and Colossians, is a prison letter of the Apostle Paul
at Rome.
2. Paul is writing to Philemon, acknowledging the good works he had done in the past.
B. Paul’s Plea - 8-16 It is believed that Onesimus himself brought this epistle to Philemon without accompaniment
from anyone. Onesimus, as we know, had run away from Philemon and had gotten in touch with Paul at Rome.
There Paul led him to Jesus Christ. Paul instructed Onesimus to do exactly as he had written in his epistle to the
churches concerning the slave’s attitude and behavior toward his master. Although a slave might be a Christian,
yet he must recognize and obey the laws of the empire. The Lord might have set his free from the bondage of
sin, but he was still a slave of his master by the law. Paul appeals to Philemon on Onesimus’ behalf, fully
acknowledging his guilt and the seriousness of his crime. He reminds Philemon that he would not only be
receiving his runaway slave, but also a brother in the Lord.
C. Paul’s Payment - 17-21
1. If there was any indemnity to pay, Paul said put it to his account, and he would repay every bit of it.
2. This truly pictures the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ.
3. The sinners is the slave who has runaway from God, and it is Jesus who has found him
4. It is Jesus who becomes the Intercessor between God and the sinner, appealing to the Father through the debt
of his Precious blood on the the Cross.
D. Paul’s Prayer - 22-25
1. With these words Paul expresses his desire to visit Philemon in the future.
2. Those with him send their personal greetings, wanting to be remembered in prayer by this man of God.
A. Writer: The majority of Bible expositors believe the writer to be the Apostle Paul. There are some internal
proofs that lead us to say that Paul is the writer of this epistle:
1. The statement “in my bonds” in Hebrews 10:34 characterizes the life of Paul.
2. The Author states in Hebrews 13:23 “Our brother Timothy”
3. Surely the author was a Jew, knowing the history and insitiutions of Judaism.
4. The Author, under divine inspiration, taught the same doctrines as the Apostle Paul
B. Date: it is unknown, but we know that it was written sometime before the destruction of the Temple in A.D. 70,
as the book states that sacrifices were being offered there.
C. Theme: The Eternal Priesthood of the Lord Jesus Christ. Hebrews 7:25
D. Purpose: It is not to denouce Judaism, but to show that, where Judaism is good, Christianity is better!!!
E. Key Word: Better
F. Key Verses:
1. “Who being the brightness of his glory, and the express image of his person, and upholding all things by the
word of his power, when he had by himself purgedour sins, sat down on the right hand of the Majesty on
high.” Hebrews 1:3
2. “Neither by the blood of goats and calves, but by his own blood he entered in once into the holy place, having
obtained eternal redemption for us.” Hebrews 9:12
3. “So Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many; and unto them that look unto him shall he appear the
second time without sin unto salvation.” Hebrews 9:28
4. “Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the
cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.” Hebrews 12:2
A. The Preeminence of Christ
1. He’s Greater than the Prophets 1:1-3
2. He’s Greater than the Angels 1:4-2:18
3. He’s Greater than Moses 3:1-4:7
4. He’s Greater than Joshua 4:8-13
5. He’s Greater than Aaron 4:14-5:10
B. The Progression of Believers
1. Milk for the Growing - 5:11-14
2. Meat for the Grown - 6:1-12
C. The Perfection of the Priesthood
1. Substantiated by the New Order 6:13-7:28
2. Seated upon the New Convenant 8:1-13
3. Serviced over a New Tabernacle 9:1-11
4. Satisfied by the New Sacrifice 9:12-10:39
D. The Program of the Ages
1. There has been only one plan of salvation proposed by God, and that is salvatio by grace, through faith.
2. It matters not which time period you look at, it’s still grace.
a. The Old Testament saints were saved by faith, looking to the coming of Christ and his work upon Calvary.
b. The New Testament saints are saved by faith, looking back to Calvary.
3. In all times in the history of this world it has been salvation by grace, through faith.
a. In the time of Creation - 11:1-3
b. In the days of Abel - 11:4
1. Abel’s sacrifice was of blood, and is the first mentioned sacrifice of Genesis.
2. It’s a Type of the sacrifice of the Lamb of God
c. In the days of Enoch - 11:5-6
1. We are told that Enoch so plased God that he not die, but was translated to heaven .
2. Vs. 6 emphasizes to all men that God places faith ahead of all things, even works.
d. In the days of Noah - 11:7
e. In the days of Abraham - 11:8-19
1. Here as in Romans and Galatians, we find that Abraham was justified by faith alone.
2. From the Genesis account we know that Abraham proved his faith, so much so that God intervened and kept him from slaying his son.
f. In the days of Isaac - 11:20
g. In the days of Jacob - 11:21
h. In the days of Joseph - 11:22
i. In the days of Moses - 11:23-29
j. In the days of Joshua - 11:30
k. In the days of Rahab - 11:31
l. In the days of Heroes - 1:32-40
1. This Galaxy of heroes includes all the men of faith from Joshua’s invasion until the cross of Calvary.
2. These men were saved by faith, yet they did not have the perfect salvation we have.
3. They were under the Old Covenant with its Law, sacrifice and temple. The knew not what it meant to have a once for all sacrifice; they knew not what it meant to be indwelt by the Holy Spirit.
4. We ought to be thankful for the New Covenant that we have today.
A. Writer: This great book was written by a man namded James, not the Apostle James, for he was slain soon after
Pentecost; but rather, one who was well known by all Hebrew Christians, the half brother of Jesus.
B. Date: 45 A.D. The general epistle of James probably is the earliest of the New Testament writings. It was not
written to an assembly, but to the twelve scattered tribes of Israel.
C. Purpose: The Epistle of James as far as justification is concerned, is a contrast with the Book of Romans.
Romans presents man justified by faith in the sight of God, while James presents man justified by works in the
sight of Man.
D. Key Verse: “Therefore to him that knoweth to do good, and doeth it not, to him it is sin.” James 4:17
A. Tidings from James 1:1-2
B. Testing of Faith 1:3-12
C. Temptation by Lust 1:13-16
D. Truth in Deed 1:17-27
E. Terrible Tongue 3:1-18
F. Testimony to the World 4:1-17
G. Trusting about Tomorrow 5:1-20