Summary: How many times have we heard someone say as an excuse to the way they act, "That’s just the way I am and I can’t help it"? Christ is concerned with the way we act, and there are certain characteristics he wants us to develop in our lives.


A. Have you been in an UNCOMFORTABLE situation where you didn’t know how to ACT?

1. Undoubtedly we all have at one time.


It could be that you started work at a new JOB and you had no idea what you were supposed to DO or how to ACT.

When you went to COLLEGE you were so CONFUSED as to WHERE to GO and how to ACT, that you spent the first day in a DAZE ROAMING the CAMPUS thinking, "Did I make a MISTAKE coming here?"

Maybe as a TEENAGER you liked this girl at school, and you tried for weeks to get up enough courage to ask her out on a DATE. To your delight she said "Yes," but before she could GO you had to meet her PARENTS. Finally the big occasion comes and you go to her house and ring the door bell. Then you hear this deep voice from inside say, "COME IN IF YOU DARE!" (And that was just the MOTHER!) You nervously walk in and her Father, this BIG, BURLY guy stands there and says, "Sit down!" So you DROP to the FLOOR. And he says, "No, I mean in the chair." So you SIT there for 30 minutes thinking, "Be calm! Don’t DO or SAY anything wrong! Just be COOL." You really don¡¦t know how to ACT!

2. When I was in Bratislava, Czechoslovakia on a MISSION trip a few years ago, I was placed in a situation where I didn’t know how to ACT.


Juraj (pronouced "George in English"), one of my students at the English Bible Study Center where I, along with others, was TEACHING conversational English using the Bible as a TEXT, INVITED me to his place for DINNER. As we got on the TRAM to go to his APARTMENT, he said that I might not like what he had PREPARED for me. He then explained that he was a VEGETARIAN, and that he had PREPARED a complete VEGETARIAN MEAL. I told him that was fine. (Paul said, "we are to become all things to all men to save some." So I became a VEGETARIAN that day.)

We sat down at this COFFEE TABLE where he had all kinds of food spread out. There were raw RADISHES, EGG PLANT, and CAULIFLOWER. (My favorite. Yea, right!) He served two kinds of UNCOOKED BEANS that he SOAKED in water until they SPROUTED. (Yummy!) He did have some English Walnuts and Roasted Peanuts in a shell. There was also plenty of WHOLE WHEAT and RYE BREAD.

To top it off, he brought from the refrigerator a MIXTURE of CURDS, ONION, GARLIC, and some other stuff that was UNRECOGNIZABLE. Juraj then asked me what the English word is for this MIXTURE. The word "YUK!" came to mind, but I didn’t think that was APPROPRIATE. I replied, "Well, I guess you call it DIP." But then I looked around and couldn’t find the DORITOS.

After sitting down, Juraj pointed to the FOOD. "Go ahead and eat, Fred." I had no idea how to EAT that STUFF. I didn’t see any eating UTENSILS. "After you," I said. He took the bread, broke it in two, put the DIP on top and began to eat. I did as he did, and ENDURED the MEAL.

B. We may be concerned with how we ACT in these and similar situations, but Jesus is more concerned with

how we ACT in the world and how we RELATE to people.

1. Sadly, there are church leaders who are more concerned with DOCTRINAL ISSUES than with the way Christians ACT--Jesus is concerned with BOTH.


He made it quite clear that certain PERSONALITY TRAITS are not only to be DESIRED but also to be DEMANDED for the Kingdom’s sake.

2. More guidance needs to be given in our churches to help people know what PERSONALITY that God wants them to have.


For too long we’ve heard people say and we have said, "That’s just the way I AM. I’ve always been this way and that’s the way I’ll always be." For too long we’ve heard people (even CHURCH LEADERS) say the same thing in order to overlook a particular problem: "Ah, that’s just the way he or she is."

If this is a matter of being PATIENT while a person GROWS in the Lord, that’s one thing. But when it becomes a DIVERSION enabling us to ESCAPE our RESPONSIBILITY to each other and to God, that’s a different story all together.

3. The fact is, the Lord was very SPECIFIC about some of the PERSONALITY TRAITS we should GROW into.


I. GROW IN HUMILITY- Matthew 18:1-4 (READ)

A. Jesus stands a CHILD before the disciples and TEACHES them a valuable lesson on HUMILITY.

1. Can you imagine the kind of IMPACT that Jesus must have made on this BOY?


Think of the stories he could have told his GRANDCHILDREN. And think of the EMOTIONS that person must have felt every time this Scripture was read! Do you think that as an ADULT he continued to be an example of HUMILITY? I would like to think that this child’s ENTIRE life would be CHANGED because of the TOUCH of the Master.

2. Notice that Jesus is very definite about the fact that His followers should be CHILD-LIKE!


Now understand that there is a vast difference from being CHILD-LIKE and CHILDISH! CHILDISHNESS is best represented by SELF-CENTEREDNESS. This is the person who says, "I want things done MY WAY, and only MY WAY."



The wife who says, "I know one thing. If he doesn¡¦t take me to the RESTAURANT I want to go to, he SLEEPS on the COUCH tonight."

The husband who says, "If she thinks we’re going to her favorite RESTAURANT, she’s sadly MISTAKEN. I’ll show her for not allowing me to have the SUPER BOWL PARTY at our HOUSE--my CASTLE."

CHILDISHNESS can be seen in the BOSS who gives you EXTRA WORK because you DARED to question his INTEGRITY in a SUSPICIOUS BUSINESS DEAL.

It’s seen in the EMPLOYEE who SLACKS off at WORK because he doesn’t like the way the NEW BOSS does things.


The ATTITUDE of CHILDISHNESS is so PREVALENT in our SOCIETY that it has PRODUCED an unprecedented epidemic of all kinds of FAMILY and SOCIAL PROBLEMS in

record-breaking proportions.

b. Sadly, CHILDISHNESS can also be seen in today¡¦s CHURCHES.


In the SISTER who says, "I don’t like the DIRECTION the elders are leading this church, so I’m going to WITH-HOLD my CONTRIBUTION."

There’s the BROTHER who at a COMMITTEE demands, "This church will either do it MY WAY, or I’ll cause PROBLEMS."

CHILDISHNESS can be seen in the PREACHER who THREATENS to LEAVE unless he gets a new OFFICE.

It’s seen in ELDERS who are AFRAID to DELEGATE certain RESPONSIBILITIES fearing that some will "USURP their AUTHORITY."

It’s seen in Christians who can’t LOVE each other and be UNITED as BROTHERS and SISTERS in Christ because of PETTY DISAGREEMENTS.

B. The trait that Jesus is looking for in His disciples is HUMILITY.

1. Luke records that they were ARGUING among themselves about which one was the "GREATEST in the Kingdom"- Luke 9:46-48


Here are these grown men ARGUING over who’s the GREATEST, and Jesus calls this little snot-nosed KID to Him and said, "Do you want to know who is the GREATEST in the KINGDOM? Unless you CHANGE and BECOME like CHILDREN, you can’t even ENTER the KINGDOM of Heaven."

2. These aren’t people of the WORLD He’s talking to--these are the chosen 12.


Can you imagine how they must have felt when they heard Jesus’ words! Here they were acting CHILDISH, and Jesus said, "You can’t get to heaven by acting CHILDISH, but only by being CHILD-LIKE -- HUMBLE."


Jesus didn’t like the way the DISCIPLES were ACTING, so He said that they needed to CHANGE!

We aren’t to make EXCUSES for the Christian who is SELF-CENTERED, BOASTFUL, or ARROGANT saying, "Overlook him. That’s just the way he is." Jesus doesn’t overlook that person and says, "It’s just a PERSONALITY QUIRK." Instead He says, "You better change!"


A. As we grow in HUMILITY, then we become more RESPONSIBLE in the way we ACT toward others and before others- Matthew 18:5-7 (READ)

1. The "LITTLE ONE" that Jesus talks about is the disciple who "HUMBLES himself like a CHILD."


Jesus is saying that we are RESPONSIBLE for each other! As FAMILY, we have a RESPONSIBILITY to see to it that we ALL get to HEAVEN.


a. We are to HELP each other keep from SIN.

b. Under no circumstances are we ever to ENCOURAGE sin or intentionally INFLUENCE someone to SIN.



MARRIAGES and RELATIONSHIPS are shattered because of sin. FAMILIES fall apart because of sin. CHILDREN are NEGLECTED because of sin. CHURCHES split because of sin. HEARTS are BROKEN because of sin. BODIES are ABUSED because of sin. PEOPLE are eternally LOST because of sin. The DEVIL rejoices because of sin. JESUS went to the CROSS because of SIN.

B. Because of the DEVASTATION of SIN, we are RESPONSIBLE for the way we ACT toward and before each other.

1. Jesus- "If we cause believers to SIN or STUMBLE, it would be better for us to have a large MILLSTONE hung around our neck and DROWNED in the depths of the SEA."

a. Have many of you have ever come close to DROWNING?


When I was growing up, my family went CAMPING at Lake Ten Killer near Tulsa, Oklahoma every year. One year before my OLDER BROTHER and I knew how to SWIM, we

put on our LIFE-JACKETS and WADED out into the LAKE.

We were getting farther and farther out into the DEEP, but we weren’t worried because our LIFE-JACKETS kept us AFLOAT. But then my brother’s JACKET became WATERLOGGED and he started to GO UNDER. Well, the only way that he thought he could SAVE himself was to use me for a FLOATER. Needless to say, my LIFE-JACKET couldn’t hold us both, so I was the one being SHOVED under the WATER.

I FRANTICALLY tried to get back to the TOP, but as soon as I RESURFACED my brother PUSHED me back UNDER. It came to the point where I was taking in more WATER than AIR. Finally I went UNDER and stayed there. The next thing I remember was my brother-in-law PULLING me out to SAFETY. (One of the most FRIGHTENING experiences I ever had. And to this day, I don’t know if my BROTHER was trying to KILL me or NOT.)

b. Can you imagine having a HEAVY OBJECT tied around your NECK and being thrown into DEEP WATER to HELPLESSLY DROWN?


What a TRAGIC way to DIE! Yet, Jesus said we’ll be BETTER OFF dying that HORRIBLE death than being GUILTY of INTENTIONALLY causing one of God’s CHILDREN to SIN!

2. Have you ever known a Christian who INTENTIONALLY caused another Christian to sin?


When I was a kid attending Camp Rock Creek Christian Camp just outside of Norman, Oklahoma, my cabin counselor urged us boys to go break-in and STEAL soda-pop and candy from the CANTEEN in the middle of the night. A CAMP COUNSELOR--a DEACON of the Church! This went on three or four nights until some of the boys were finally caught.

3. Instead of urging people to SIN or being the wrong kind of INFLUENCE that may cause others to sin, we have a RESPONSIBILITY to keep each other from getting involved in sin. Let’s take it SERIOUS!


A. Growing in HUMILITY not only helps us to become more keenly aware of our RESPONSIBILITY in keeping the SAVED SAFE, but it also helps us to become more SENSITIVE to those in the church who are STRUGGLING and LOST their way- Matthew 18:12-14 (READ).

1. Jesus, in using the analogy of a SHEPHERD searching for the LOST sheep, is describing what we should DO and how we should ACT toward a fellow-Christian wandering from the family of God.


Usually when we read about SHEPHERDING the FLOCK of God, we think about ELDERS and their RESPONSIBILITY. Certainly "ELDERS are appointed by the Holy Spirit to

SHEPHERD the FLOCK where they serve"- Acts 20:28.

However, nowhere in this chapter is Jesus talking solely about ELDERS, but about the way that every Christian should ACT toward one another.

2. This calls for SENSITIVITY on the part of every Christian toward those who are HURTING PHYSICALLY, EMOTIONALLY, or SPIRITUALLY in the Lord¡¦s church.

B. Have you noticed how INSENSITIVE some Christians are?


I think about the teenage boy who comes forward during the invitation CONFESSING sin and asking for the PRAYERS of his FAMILY. This sin is really a PROBLEM for him. It makes the third time that he¡¦s come before the church with the same STRUGGLE.

While most of his FAMILY in Christ are EMBRACING him and telling him how much they LOVE and CARE and are PRAYING for him, another Christian comes to him and says, "Son, you must not be very SINCERE about your REPENTANCE or you would¡¦ve quit committing that SIN long ago!"

(Do you think the next time this young man STRUGGLES with this or any sin, that he’ll come before his brothers and sisters CONFESSING it and ask for their help?)

C. Here, Jesus is more concerned with the SENSITIVITY shown toward a Christian who STRAYED from the FAITH.

1. Sometimes it’s our INSENSITIVITY that actually causes one to LEAVE the Family of God in the first place.

a. Often we look at some Christians as being as STRONG or GROUNDED in the FAITH as we and then become INSENSITIVE to their needs, which may result in them leaving the FAITH.

b. Romans 15:1- "We who are STRONG ought to bear with the failings of the WEAK..."


Instead of "BEARING" with the WEAK we sometimes DESTROY them with our INSENSITIVITY.

2. Jesus wants us to be SENSITIVE to the NEEDS, HURTS, and PROBLEMS of others.

a. When it comes to SEARCHING for and RESTORING the one who has STRAYED away, it takes a person who is SENSITIVE to the STRUGGLE of the one who STRAYED.

- Gal. 6:1- "Brothers, if someone is caught up in a sin, you who are SPIRITUAL should restore him gently . . ." (God forbid, but if I ever leave the faith please don’t send an insensitive and unspiritual person to bring me back.)

b. When SHARING our FAITH with others, we are to use SENSITIVITY.

- I Peter 3:15- "Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with GENTLENESS and RESPECT."

c. Even when in OPPOSITION with another regarding the TRUTH, we must be SENSITIVE to that person while handling that situation- II Timothy 2:23-26 (READ & COMMENT)


A. The next time we catch ourselves saying, "That’s just the way I AM!" let’s remember that there is only three places in the Bible where someone says that He is the "I AM"--and we’re not Him.

1. If the "WAY I AM" and the "WAY YOU ARE" do not CONFORM to the "WAY OF JESUS," then we better quit making EXCUSES and start making some CHANGES!

2. In a moment we’ll be singing the song: JUST AS I AM.


That song teaches that when I come to Jesus JUST AS I AM, I come to Him knowing I need to CHANGE--that I need to be more like Christ. Christ will take us JUST AS WE ARE, as long as we are willing to BECOME LIKE HIM.