Summary: How do you view your wealth, Paul gave the true purpose of wealth in his first letter to Timothy

Introduction: This past Spring, our church was involved in a spiritual campaign called 40 Days of Purpose. The jest of the campaign asked the question, “What on Earth am I here for?” Each of us has a purpose; God did not design us to drift through life having little or no impact on others. Rather His desire is for us to be difference makers – by living a life with purpose!

Each of us are planned for God’s Pleasure – this expressed through Worship

We are formed for God’s Family – this is demonstrated by Fellowship

We are created to be Like Jesus – The Bible calls this action Discipleship

We are shaped to Serve God – We discovered we each have a ministry

We are made for a Mission – which is lived out in Evangelism

Once we understand our purpose in life we have both clarity and direction to guide us as we do God’s will.

Discovering one’s purpose allows us to focus on the right things of life. We do not drift from project to project nor do we spend our time on frivolous matters which do not amount to much in the grand scheme of life.

Not only do we have a purpose, but as God’s people the area of Stewardship is to have purpose as well. The video we saw a few moments ago showed how our offering makes a difference in the lives of others. While you may see your money as an offering, God sees our money as a way to accomplish His mission. For that reason I am Glad our Church needs Money!

If it did not, there would be no interest in missions. No need to send $48,000 to the mission field to spread the gospel.

I am glad our church needs money; if it did not, there would be no zeal to support the needy. NO COMPASSION! Can you imagine a church that does care for the hurting and helpless in our society?

I am glad our church needs money, if it did not, there would be no youth ministry – NO YOUTH MINISTRY MEANS NO FUTURE. What a dreadful day that would be not to care for the young of our church.

I am glad our church needs money, if it did not there would be no music ministry in the church, no need to make a joyful noise, no Children’s choir, no bell choir, no – GOOD MUSIC ENHANCES OUR WORSHIP!

I am glad our church needs money – because we are a church that has a missionary zeal, a compassion for the poor, interest in youth and a desire to raise our voices in praise to God.


We are in a series of messages regarding stewardship, as I said last week it is the practice of our congregation to take time out of the year to talk about this vital topic. In our series we have looked at TRUE OWNERSHIP & TRUE GENEROSITY

In our first message that focus was on God as the owner, in our second message we looked at what it means to be generous with our resources. In today’s message I want us to focus on what it means to give with a purpose. Not to give indiscriminately or haphazardly but to give with the idea of having a purpose behind what you give.

Our text comes from the last chapter of Paul’s first letter to Timothy. In the letter Paul is encouraging Timothy how to set up and oversee a church. In the 6th chapter he deals with some practical issues of money, note what he says beginning with the 17th verse.

Teach those who are rich in this world not to be proud and not to trust in their money, which is so unreliable. Their trust should be in God, who richly gives us all we need for our enjoyment. Tell them to use their money to do good. They should be rich in good works and generous to those in need, always being ready to share with others. By doing this they will be storing up their treasure as a good foundation for the future so that they may experience true life. 1 Timothy 6:17-19

In this passage Paul deals with the problem, the purpose and the potential of wealth.

The Problem

Paul begins this section of scripture with a warning

Teach those who are rich in this world not to be proud and not to trust in their money, which is so unreliable.

In verse 10 of this same chapter Paul has already warned Timothy about the danger of loving money, For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil. Some people, eager for money, have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs. 1 Timothy 6:10

Money is neutral, it does not have the capacity to be good or evil, but it is the love of money that brings trouble. It is when we focus on money we find ourselves in compromising situations.

In verse 17 he is not warning them about the love of money rather a person’s reactions to money

There are two dangers everyone faces when it comes to wealth

False Pride and False Security – let’s look at both…

Teach those who have money not to be proud or conceited. The word Paul uses in this text means for someone to think of themselves as self important. Money has away of giving us opportunities and experiences that some people may never experience. This can bring out a false sense of pride. Proverbs 28:11, A rich man may be wise in his own eye. Paul says Timothy you make sure people do not become conceited because they have wealth

The second problem may be more dangerous then conceit

Paul goes on to say, Teach those who are rich in this world not to trust in their money, which is so unreliable. Their trust should be in God

Trusting in wealth is foolish. Proverbs 11:28, Whoever trusts in his riches will fall.

Proverbs 23:4-5 reminds us Do not wear yourself out to get rich;

have the wisdom to show restraint. Cast but a glance at riches, and they are gone, for they will surely sprout wings and fly off to the sky like an eagle.

Trusting in wealth is a temptation for most Americans, we have been taught over the years to become self-sufficient. Paul says, wealth is a false security. One should not put their trust in their wealth because of the uncertain nature of wealth. Disasters, Job Loss, Health Issues and Inflation can all take their toll on one’s wealth. Paul says you want true security trust in God – He is the giver of all good gifts.

Once we understand the problems behind wealth we can then see…

The Purpose of Wealth

Just as God has given us a purpose in this life, so God has a purpose for our resources as well. THIS IS THE KEY TO STEWARDSHIP. If the God’s people could ever grasp this concept about resources, I believe the church would be unleashed to do the mission God has had in mind for all of eternity. To often we focus on the problem of wealth False Pride and False Security, But I want us to see not the problem but the purpose of our resources.

Tell them to use their money to do good. They should be rich in good works and generous to those in need, always being ready to share with others. By doing this they will be storing up their treasure as a good foundation for the future so that they may experience true life. 1 Timothy 6:17-19

The Purpose of our wealth is seen in 4 small statements

Use their money to do good

The very first thing we learn about the purpose of our wealth is God wants us to use our money. Money is a tool, a tool for doing good. The phrase do good is only found one time in the NT and it carries with it the idea of a noble or excellent venture. While people may use their money to buy superficial items or spend it in unwise ways – God’s people are to use their wealth for Kingdom purposes. Ministry cost, and when we give our money we are saying we are giving to a noble venture.

Rich in Good Works

Paul now addresses another area when it comes to stewardship. The idea of being rich in Good Works conveys the idea of abundance. Material wealth is not meant to be hoarded or doled out sparingly rather God wants us to give out of our abundance. How do we give out of abundance? It comes from putting God first. When it comes to money our natural tendency is to spend our money at the point of the highest demand. In other words when the bills are due we pay them and if money is tight we pay the bills that demand or cause the most havoc in our life. We pay our mortgage or rent, because we know we need a home. We make it a priority to pay our utilities because we know the hardship of no electricity or water. We are diligent with a car payment because without a car we are isolated. Because of these demands we tend to put giving to the church as a low priority. But the purpose of money is not to skimp by but to lavishly give to noble purposes. Here is my challenge for you for the next 8 weeks why not make God’s work the priority in your finances. Make the first check you write be a check for the work of God, put Him first and see how he blesses you.

The third purpose of wealth is for us to; Be generous with those in need.

Study scripture and you learn rather quickly that God wants us to live in community with others. We are not meant to live in isolation, but in community. The NT gives us 121 one another’s

Share with one another

Bare with one another

Encourage one another

Spur one another on to Good Works

Time after time God calls us to help those in need. In the OT God provided laws that helped meet people’s needs. In the book of Leviticus the people were told not to harvest the outside part of their orchards or fields but to leave them for the poor, the year of Jubilee (50 years) was designed as a time to forgive debts. In the NT offerings were sent to churches to help people overcome famine or other hardships.

God’s people are to use their money to help people in need. Not just help them, but to be generous. Believers are to act toward others with the same generosity God showed them.

One last phrase – Ready to Share

Paul says we are to be ready to share, the focus is on the idea of being ready or available to share our resources. I believe one of the reasons most Christians cannot give like they want to or give the way God desires for them to is that they simply are not ready to share. Their resources are not available. Why are thy not available? They have pledged them toward other things. When God comes into our life, he transforms us by giving us a fresh start all our sins are forgiven. Transformation is not simply a spiritual change he wants to transform our purposes, our resources and our motives. So we can be READY (Available) to do his work. As your pastor I have a fear about our church, God has blessed us this year we have had 62 additions, We have a great spirit in the church and our future looks bright. I worry that as we move to the next level of attendance (300-500) we will come up short because we are not ready (available) to give. We are taking steps to be wise with the resources we have, but we are going to need to step out on faith if we are going to get to the next level. I want to challenge you to look at your level of giving and see if you are ready to share.

Having shared the problem of wealth and the purpose of wealth, Paul now gives…

The Potential of Wealth

Verse 19, By doing this they will be storing up their treasure as a good foundation for the future so that they may experience true life. You may have heard the phrase you cannot take it with you, but you can make deposits in your future destination. Paul says how we handle our wealth prepares us for the future.

The importance of a good foundation

Ask any builder and he will tell you regardless of the structure you build the most important item in the structure is the foundation. Everything rests upon the foundation. If it is strong the building stands strong, if it is weak, the building may not stand.

What is important for buildings is also important for wealth

Paul says storing up for the future helps us prepare for true life. We understand this idea as we have all heard about setting aside for a rainy day. The idea is that when disaster strikes we can handle the disaster because we are prepared. When Paul speaks of storing up, he is not talking about preparing for a disaster. He is talking about using our wealth to make deposits in the kingdom. When we begin to make those kinds of deposits we begin to experience true life.

This is why giving is so important to God’s people.

Giving allows us to be a part of God’s plan in reaching the world for Christ. Every time we give, every time we use wealth for the kingdom, we are saying we believe God’s work has importance, God’s work has merit, and God’s work is important, if we believe this we will make a deposit and in turn build a better foundation for future.

In your bulletin this week is a commitment card for our 2007 budget. But I want you to think of it as more than a commitment card, I want you to see it as a deposit ticket. When you go to the bank you are asked to fill out a deposit ticket, the bank in turn routes the money according to your wishes, stated on the ticket – put it in checking, savings etc. That deposit ticket is the key to your money being put to work. If you do not deposit the money in the back there is not interest earned, no checks written and no wealth built.

It is the same with the commitment card. Your commitment is your deposit slip that says I want the kingdom of God to continue its work in PBCC and around the world through the missions we support. God’s kingdom work will continue regardless if you give or not give. The question this morning is; Do you want to be a part of storing up a foundation for the future? When we use our wealth to further the purposes of God we experience what Paul said is True Life.

This week I want you to spend some time doing 3 things that will prepare you for 2007 and using your wealth.

Pray – Pray about your giving – giving is a spiritual matter, giving asks the question am I going to trust God or am I going to trust myself when it comes to my wealth? Spend some time praying about your giving

Positioning – Lets be honest many of us have positioned ourselves in such a way as we are not able to give as we should. We are either over extended or mismanaging our resources. My challenge to you is to take some time over the next 8 weeks to look at your finances and determine are able to use your resources to make spiritual deposits. If so I believe you will experience a true joy in sharing your resources. If you are unable to share as you desire our church offers a ministry that will help, it is called Crown Financial Ministries, a 10 week Bible study to help you navigate the troubling waters of finances. I envision a day when a majority of our church will have been through Crown. WHY? So that we can make deposits into the kingdom. If you need more information about Crown – please Kerwin Mossiah or Craig Szeman. Next week we will talk more about this vital ministry

Prepare – There are 9 more weeks left in this year. While the commitment cards are focusing on 2007, I want you to know we can prepare for 2007 by using our wealth today. In the past we have asked people to give a few more dollars each week. In our church we have approximately 100 giving units, if every giving unit upped their giving $10, we would see our offering rise $1,000. That would be great – but I do not find that pattern in scripture. Scripture does not teach equal giving. (every one giving the same amount) Scripture teaches equal sacrifice. Therefore in preparation for 2007, I want to challenge you to spend the next 9 weeks tithing – 10% How to do it…

Make it the first check you write

Give it in faith – trusting God – Malachi 3:10 Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this," says the LORD Almighty, "and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that you will not have room enough for it. Did you know this is the only place in scripture where God calls us to TEST HIM!

Be systematic – giving is a habit, when we are systematic, give in a regular basis we develop a habit which in turn makes for a spiritual deposit.

PRAY, POSTIONS PREPARE, I believe if you follow these 3 principles you will discover not only about you making true deposits, but you experience true life as well.
