God’s requirements for His people
Deuteronomy 10:12 - And now, Israel, what doth the LORD thy God require of thee, but to fear the LORD thy God, to walk in all his ways, and to love him, and to serve the LORD thy God with all thy heart and with all thy soul,
Intro: As we consider this verse this morning, I want us to understand that God just as he spoke to Israel and expected certain things of them. God also expects certain things of us as well. In my opinion I believe this is a question that must be asked of God’s people if we want to be found pleasing to the Lord God Almighty. If I want to know how to perform a job well then I need to ask my supervisor how that job should be performed. For example, If I am working at a factory I will know how to do my job by following the instructions that my boss has given and If I do not understand those instructions I should ask for an explanation until I do understand. This is the same way with the Child of God. God is our supervisor in this life that we live and if we are going to know how to perform our duties then we need to ask God. God gives us his guidelines in this verse in Deuteronomy 10:12.
Now the liberals and the modernists will look at this verse and they will try to twist and turn it every way that they can until finally they get it the way they want it. We as God’s people are to take the Word of God literally as it is written. When anyone tries to twist and turn God’s Word then literally they are wresting the Scriptures unto their own destruction. Beloved, God’s people should never try to explain away the word of God. Because God’s Words are his standards for His Children.
I. Whom is God speaking too?
A. Interpretation: Israel, God’s chosen people.
B. Application: All that have been saved by the grace of God; the
elect. Romans 11:6,
II. What does God expect of them?
A. Fear God:
1. Require means what is expected, something that is not
optional, Ecclesiastes 12:13.
2. This does not mean that we are to be afraid of God as we to be
afraid of a maniacal gunmen.
3. This does mean that we are to reverence (respect) Him as our
B. Walk in His ways:
1. What does it mean? It means that in spite of popular opinions
of men, God is still right; In spite of what my friends and family
say I am still obligated to obey God.
2. What it does not mean? That since I am saved by the Grace of
God, I can do whatever I want to do.
3. Some things that I am obligated to do so that I can walk in His
ways: Be saved, baptized, separated, and faithful Church
C. To love him:
1. What does this mean? That we are to put God before
everything else; jobs, family, money, popularity.
2. True love is shown by sacrifice. Jesus illustrated perfect love in
his voluntary death and suffering on the cross of calvary; John
3:16, John 15:13, Galatians 2:20, I John 3:16. True love is a
characteristic of someone that is truly saved John 13:35, 15:12.
True love puts everyone else first, I Corinthians 13, Matthew
22:39, I Peter 1:22.
D. To serve the Lord:
1. What does it mean to serve the Lord? Simply this, putting God
E. With all thy heart and soul:
1. How is this done? With absolutely everything that is within us.
2. We are not to hold anything back when it comes to our service
to God. For instance, you look at a pro football team the
successful teams are the teams that each player gives of them
to the team’s purpose and goal with reckless abandon. With no
thought for personal safety they give themselves totally to their
coach and to each other. Folks, successful Christians are the
same way. They give themselves totally to the service of God
and for the betterment of their brothers and in Christ.