Summary: A wise approach to Leading in the 21ST century



2 Cor. 13:5

To Reflect - To turn or throw back as rays of light, heat or sound.

- To think carefully or ponder

- To be mirrored as to give back an image

 Reflection is a major key to adult learning – Jam. 1:22ff; 2 Cor. 3:17ff.

 It helps us to see how “we” really are.

 Proper reflection is a product of the word.

1. Our policies or principles or doctrines must emanate from the word not from our experiences.

 The word of God, not our experiences, must stand as our mirror.

 Experience is primarily a tool to teach “others” not the individual going through the experience.

 To benefit from your experiences you must be a student of what the word says about them.

 Experience aids in the process of reflection but it is not the best teacher.

 The Holy Spirit is the best teacher and His text book is the word.

 My reflections have to do with me judging my experiences in the light of the word – not judging the word in the light of my experiences.

2. Passion is a must for success.

 You cannot sell a product you are not convinced about – Philemon 6.

 People need a model to see more than a motto to say.

 Your “passion” is demonstrated by your presence.

Two types of presence:

Spiritual – Col. 2; 1 Cor. 5 – being consumed with the vision/projects

Physical – Showing up

 You can be physically present and not spiritually present but you cannot be spiritually present and not be physically present unless limited by time and space.

 Spiritual Presence is more important; however you need to be both.

3. No man can succeed alone – Ex. 18; Eph.4:16; Ps. 122:1ff.

 Partnership is the key to success.

 God calls us alone but never works us alone – Is. 51.

 It is easier to fail alone than to succeed alone.

 No man no matter how anointed can do God’s work alone.

 As big as God is – He still invited you to help Him – 2 Cor. 6:1ff.

 How big are you not to need help?

4. Negotiate everything.

 We are all “buyers and sellers” – Is. 24.

 All businesses operate by rules and regulations.

 The only rules that cannot be regulated are those that cannot mutually benefit the company and the customer.

 Negotiation is founded on the concept of mutual benefit or partnership.

 Selfishness has no room in it.

 It revolves around the principle of motivation not manipulation.

Motivation – moving together for mutual advantage.

Manipulation – moving together for my advantage.

Negotiation is reflected in the following words:

 Networking

 Compromise – there is a positive side to this

 Synergy – you don’t have or know it all so stay humble. If you are not humble you will stumble.

The world says give and take.

The word says giving and receiving – Phil. 4:15.

Entering the “negotiation table” primarily with what you can offer makes you:

 Credible

 An asset – not a liability

 An ally not an allure

 Bold and confident not timid

5. Appreciate people.

 The people are more important than the work.

 People are your most valuable asset.

 Everybody loves compliments.

 People go where they are celebrated not where they are tolerated.

 People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care.

 If you show interest in people, they will bring you into your rest.

6. Hurting people hurt people.

 Do everything to bring people healing.

 Jesus’ ministry was centered on healing – Lk. 4:18ff; Is. 61:1ff.

 Hurting people can make or break you.

 To make you – you must bring them deliverance.

 To break you – put them in position of authority without first healing them.

 “Heal” them don’t “pacify’’ them with titles/positions.

 Love and Help hurting people but never put them in positions of authority.

7. Leadership is about Accountability – Prov. 24:3; 2 Cor. 13:5; 1 Cor. 11:27ff.

No one can succeed without being accountable.

a. Clarifies vision

b. Monitors progress

c. Identifies status

Two types:

2. Self Evaluation – 2 Cor. 13:5.

3. Corporate Evaluation – Prov. 24:3; Prov. 27:23ff.

Both are necessary in leadership.

Increase Self Evaluation => increased Leadership quotient

Increase Self Evaluation (Insight)=> Increase External evaluation (Oversight)

Decreased Oversight => Increased Leadership Quotient

Corporate Evaluation:

Define people primarily by their unique talents and resources not by their job titles.

People do what you INSPECT not what you EXPECT.

8. Leadership is a process.

 It is not an event but a continuum.

 Everything big starts small – Zech. 4:10.

 Great things are done by bringing a series of small things together.

 Those who despise the seed will never taste the fruit.

 Don’t be afraid of failure.

 Failure is never final and success is never ending.

 Every great leader except Jesus has fallen at one time or another – Pr. 24:16.

 Failure is an opportunity to begin again more intelligently.

 Resilience/Elasticity/Bounce back is a must for every leader.

 Learn to forgive yourself.

 Learn to encourage yourself – 1 Sam. 30:6ff.

 Always find a way to stay ahead – Is. 62:10.

Get up, shake off and move on.

The mentoring process would necessitate correction/confirmation.


1. Do it privately not publicly.

2. Do it as soon as possible - that is more natural than waiting a long time.

3. Speak to one issue at a time. Don’t overload the individual with a long list of issues.

4. Once you’ve made your point, stop, don’t keep repeating it.

5. Deal with the action the person can change. If not, frustration builds in your leadership.

6. Avoid sarcasm; humour does not have to be sarcastic. Sarcasm indicates that you are angry at people and not at their actions. This implies resentment.

Give people recognition

- don’t belittle them

- don’t manipulate them

- be sensitive

- encourage personal growth

7. Avoid words like never and always  exaggerates and distracts from the point and makes people become very defensive.

8. Present criticism as suggestions or questions if possible

9. Don’t apologize for the confrontation meeting - this could signal that you are unsure you did the right thing.

10. Don’t forget compliments.

N.B. Start with compliments, then confrontation and end with compliments.

(Sandwich Mechanism)

References: Developing the Leader within you by John Maxwell

101 Wisdom Keys by Mike Murdock

Copyright© 2004 by Rev. Dr. David Ibeleme

Victorious Faith Ministries