Summary: This sermon looks at the role of Gossip in the Fall of humanity.

Gossip To Death


© 2007 Eric Bain

NOTE: This sermon is available in audio format @

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There is a sin that our society not only embraces, but encourages.

• It seems that when we get a taste of it, we can’t get enough of it.

• It is utterly destructive and yet when we partake in it, we justify it.

• It has the ability to destroy relationships - friends, families, churches - and yet we even invent reasons to be a part of it.

• This sin has been with humanity since the beginning… and it even played a role in the Garden…

• What is this sin? (pause)

Two weeks ago, I talked about the Fall of Humanity, as we studied Genesis, Chapters 2 & 3. At that time, I promised that we would return to this text to focus in on Eve & the Serpent. Today, we are going to do that… and as we do that, we are going to see how this particular sin (that I’ve been referring to) played a role in the Fall. And through that, we are going to think about the role this sin plays in our lives today… and what we might do about it.

If you have a Bible, open it to Genesis, Chapter 2, Verse 15.

GE 2:15 The LORD God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it. 16 And the LORD God commanded the man, "You are free to eat from any tree in the garden; 17 but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat of it… you will surely die."

I don’t know if you’ve ever thought about it, but the garden was not only a place of great beauty and supply… but it was also a place of freedom… there was only one rule in the garden – You must not eat from the Tree of Knowledge. And understand this rule was not put in place by a legalistic-dictator, God… but rather, it was put in place by a relational-creator, God in order to protect the man & his bride.

Because when you eat of the tree of knowledge… you will surely die.

Move down to Chapter 3…

GE 3:1 Now the serpent was more crafty than any of the wild animals the LORD God had made.

#1. The serpent’s crafty = shrewd = smart & determined = resourceful

• He’s going to get his way… and he’s going to use all his resources to do it.

#2. Who made the serpent? (pause) God did!

As we work our way through this text, one of the things that we need to put into our theological crucible… is the fact that God made the serpent.

• Whatever that means

• Whatever the connotations

• Whatever the fallout

Recognize that God… Yahweh Elohim… the relational-creator God of the universe… created the serpent… and knew of the serpent’s role in the garden… before it ever took place. So, you might ask yourself the question, why did he create the serpent? Why did he allow the serpent to deceive Eve? You see, the story doesn’t tell us, but…

• These are great questions.

• And I think they would benefit you tremendously on your spiritual journey – if you haven’t already wrestled through them.

• You see, I think going down these kinds of rabbit trails – expands your mind & helps make your faith more solid. (use a bible)

• Nonetheless, that’s not the focus this morning. Let’s go back to the text….


GE 3:1 Now the serpent was more crafty than any of the wild animals the LORD God had made. The serpent said to the woman, "Did God really say, `You must not eat from any tree in the garden’?"

Question: Is anybody else struck by the fact that what we have here… is a talking snake? How strange is that? That’s pretty weird! I mean, I’ve never seen a talking snake, have you?

But here’s the thing… I don’t think Eve would have thought twice about it. Remember, God did just get done creating all the animals. So put yourself in Eve’s shoes. She’s got a lot of learning to do…

• A sparrow is a bird… it fly’s… Check!

o A dove is a bird… it fly’s… Check!

o An ostrich is a bird… it doesn’t fly… Check!

• A salamander is a lizard… it doesn’t talk… Check!

o A chameleon is a lizard… it doesn’t talk… Check!

o A snake is a lizard… it talks… Check!

You see, according to the story, what we have here is just your average… run of the mill… talking snake!

Cause there’s nothing in the story that leads us to believe that the snake is really anything more than just a snake.

And yet from our perspective - many, many generations later – we know that snakes don’t talk. So what is this voice… this voice that comes from the serpent? Well, according to both ancient Jewish and Christian tradition, the voice of the serpent is Satan himself.

The Apostle John wrote the book of Revelation. In it, he describes a vision that he received from God… He describes it this way…

REV 12:7 There was war in heaven. Michael and his angels fought against the dragon, and the dragon and his angels fought back. 8 But the dragon was not strong enough, and they lost their place in heaven. 9 The great dragon was hurled down--that ancient serpent called the devil, or Satan, who leads the whole world astray. He was hurled to the earth, and his angels with him.

What I want us to realize, is that maybe that snake in the garden was… just a snake. But, somehow, and in a way I can’t explain… Satan was able to speak through that snake… and therefore influence Eve… thus getting her to do something she might not have otherwise done.

Because remember…

GE 3:1 The serpent was more crafty than any of the wild animals the LORD God had made…

And the serpent said to the woman, "Did God really say… `You must not eat from any tree in the garden’?"

Now, think about what’s going on here…

Did God really say that?…

As if… I heard somewhere… through the grapevine… that God said…

That you can’t eat from any tree in the garden?

How repressive!... How controlling!...

Did he really say that?…

Now note, what we have here is bait… It’s a hook… It’s a trap… The serpent was more crafty than the rest. In other words, he has an agenda. And he’s offering something to Eve that he knows she will desire to sink her teeth into… I don’t know if you’ve ever thought about it, but what it is… is Gossip.

Did God really say that?…

Proverbs 16:28 says…

PR 16:28 A perverse person stirs up dissension,

and a gossip separates close friends.

Well, since we know the story, isn’t that what it seems the snake is doing… stirring up dissension between humanity and God… attempting to break the close, relational-friendship between Adam, Eve… & God.

You see, God didn’t really say…

`You must not eat from any tree in the garden’?

Rather, he said…

You are free to eat from any tree in the garden;

17 however you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge

Now, if the words of the snake are the words of Satan… then Satan is a Gossip… and gossip is the trap that Satan held out to Eve… hoping she would bite.

Eve responds…

GE 3:2 "We may eat fruit from the trees in the garden, 3 but God did say, `You must not eat fruit from the tree that is in the middle of the garden…

Well, this is true. However, Eve continues, by adding…

…and you must not touch it, or you will die.’ "

Now… here’s the thing… I don’t remember God saying that. In fact, God didn’t say that. So… that was just a little something extra that Eve threw in… a juicy little detail. Just a small exaggeration, you see. No harm!


One of the things that makes gossip so dangerous… is that when we participate we almost always think… there’s no harm. And yet, what I want us to so clearly see, is that the sin of gossip is one of Satan’s greatest tools.

GE 3:4 "You’ll surely not die…" the serpent said to the woman. 5 "For God knows that when you eat the fruit your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil."

I mean, can’t you just picture this conversation as it oozes with gossip...

• Did God really say…

• Oh, no! He didn’t say that… But if you touch it, you’ll die!

• Surely you won’t die… you’ll just be like God.

Now… I don’t know if you realize this, but what seemed to start out as harmless gossip, now has Eve so upside down in her logic that Satan seems to be the one telling the truth… and God… the liar.

• After all, from what you know of the story, isn’t it true that when Eve eats the fruit, she doesn’t really die?… And isn’t it also true that when she eats the fruit, her eyes are opened?

• And isn’t it a good thing to be more like God.

• Did you know there are some false religions that believe that Satan was the good guy in the garden?


It’s my belief that before Adam and Eve ate of the forbidden fruit – the fruit that would give them the knowledge of right and wrong – before that ever occurred… Adam & Eve did do things that were wrong… things like gossip. But I believe they did them out of ignorance.

ILL – Think of the child that plays with an electrical outlet because they are unaware of the potential danger… and thus far been protected from that danger.

• Emma is in that phase right now (11 months) – She pulls the safety plug out and thinks it’s a pacifier… then thinks the electric outlet holes are a good place to stick your fingers… and she has tiny fingers!

Now, hear me, I’m not trying to say that Adam & Eve were somehow adults, but not intelligent… because that’s not the case. Rather, what I’m suggesting, is that Eve not only had the capacity to partake in gossip – but she did. And it is through that gossip that Satan brought Eve to a point where intellectually, it seemed wise… to disobey God.

QUESTION: Have you ever made a decision that at the time you made it – with the information you had – it seemed to be a wise decision… only later, when you realized the information you had was wrong… it turned out to be a horrible decision?

ILL – Iraq & weapons of mass destruction (be sensitive)

GE 3:6 When the woman saw that the fruit of the tree was good for food and pleasing to the eye, and also desirable for gaining wisdom, she took some and ate it.

Who wouldn’t?... The fruit looks good… tastes good… and it makes you more like God. So, it would seem the smart thing to do… is eat it!

You see, I think we often read the story of the Fall, and wonder… how could Eve be so dumb? But she’s not dumb! She’s doing what makes sense with the information she has! And that’s the problem with gossip…

• It twists the truth

• It exaggerates the facts!

• It makes wrong seem right

• But really, it…

o Causes harm

o Stirs up dissention

o And separates close friends

Listen to the conclusion of today’s text…

6 Eve also gave some to her husband, who was with her, and he ate it. 7 Then the eyes of both of them were opened, and they realized they were naked… so they… 10 hid from God!

Again, Proverbs 16…

PR 16:28 …gossip separates close friends.

• Separated Adam & Eve

• Separated them from God

Humanity will spend the rest of it’s history trying to redeem the relationship between God and ourselves.

I’ve given this message a title, it’s called, Gossip to Death! Cause that is what happened. Satan, Eve… and Adam… engaged in gossip… and it brought death to the relationship between God and humanity. Death to the relationship between the two of them.

I want to spend the rest of our time this morning talking specifically about APPLICATION…

1. First off, let me just say that I am aware that Sanctuary has a Gossip problem.

However, on that note, let me just offer a couple of comments…

• This is not a Sanctuary problem as much as it’s a humanity problem.

• To think that the solution is to find a different church… or perhaps to quit going to church all together… well, to that… your just fooling yourself.

• The truth is, the world has a gossip problem… and the only way Sanctuary is going to ever become better than the world, is if we address this issue head on.

2. The best way for us to address the gossip issue… is to address it within ourselves.

• I always find it ironic when I hear people gossip about the fact that other people gossip.

• This message isn’t about someone else this morning… it’s about me! It’s about my problem!!!

• Again, the best way for me (Eric Bain) to do something about the gossip problem, is for me to get back into proper relationship with God!

• If your not a Christian… become one. Make Christ you’re Lord!

• Confess our sins.

• Confess your gossip.

• Repent

o Turn from our sin

o Stop gossiping

But it’s so hard!

JAS 5:16 Confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.

I want to speak of FOUR more points of application that come from this story. Cause I think there’s a lot that can be said about gossip, but I want us to think specifically about what this story has to say about gossip.

1. Gossip is not just a woman issue!

I myself have, at times, joked about how the fall is really all Eve’s fault. And now that I’ve tied the fall in with the issue of gossip, my fear is that there may be some men sitting out there that are feeling pretty smug!

But let’s not forget verse 6…

6 Eve also gave some to her husband, who was with her, and he ate it.

You see, I think this story gives us an interesting picture. So often us guys are involved in gossip…

o We just use less words. (Oh, we gossip!)

o When our wives are involved in gossip… we take that same information… and we act on it just as much! Note… the consequence for Adam is the same as Eve!

o I think this speaks to the idea – I can tell you, cause you’re my spouse!

2. The root of gossip is Satan!

• Satan desires to remove us from relationship with God… but he also desires to remove us from positive, Christ-like, relationship with each other.

• Satan spoke through the snake… somehow he was able to do that!

• But here’s the deal… sometimes Satan speaks through us… when we gossip!

Perhaps you know the story in the New Testament of when Peter finds out that Jesus is going to have to suffer and die. Peter then pulls Jesus aside and says…

No way! I’ll never let that happen… As if… I’ll fight if I have to!

But how does Jesus respond? He says…

MT 16:23 "Get behind me, Satan!

MT 16:23 "Get behind me, Satan! You are a stumbling block to me; you do not have in mind the things of God, but rather… the things of humanity."

Now here’s the thing, it’s not that Peter was possessed by Satan… Or that Peter has somehow became Satan… it’s that the words he was speaking were accomplishing the work of Satan… rather than the work of God!

But that’s what happens when we gossip!

Our words work for the kingdom of Satan… rather than the kingdom of Christ! That’s a BIG DEAL!!! The sin of gossip is one of Satan’s greatest tools… and he’s crafty!

We need to stop the gossip!!!

3. Truth is an enemy of Gossip… but often truth alone is not enough!

Remember, Eve corrected Satan with truth… but then she should have closed her mouth.

o Just because something is true… doesn’t mean it’s not gossip.

o Often truth needs to be strengthened with silence!

The last application point I want us to see from this mornings text…

4. The greater the juice… the greater the danger!

Remember, Eve was on the right track… until she added the juice!

• Don’t we often add juice?

• Have you ever told a story and added juice? (Talk about why.)

There’s just so much danger… when the story is juicy!

ILL – This week at midwinter talking to Mike Sares about Todd & Karmen.

POINT: If you hear something juicy…

o Go on high alert!

o Make sure it’s true!

o If it’s gossip… stop it in it’s tracks!

If you know something that’s juicy…

o Go on high alert!

o Make sure it’s true!

o Don’t share the juice!

1. Yes, Sanctuary has a gossip problem… but so does the rest of the world.

2. The best way for us to address the gossip problem… is for each of us to address it within ourselves.

3. Gossip is not just a woman issue… it’s a humanity issue.

4. The root of gossip is Satan. Don’t let Satan speak through you!

5. Truth is an enemy of Gossip… but often truth alone is not enough! (Truth & Silence)

6. The greater the juice… the greater the danger.

HOMEWORK: Over the next week, ket an accountability partner and then Confess & Repent.

- PRAY -

© 2007 Eric Bain