Summary: God is revealed even in the first verse of the Bible. He is revealed as Creator, As Redeemer, and Sustainer.

Intro: Genesis is a book of beginnings. Of the heaven and earth, of light and darkness, of seas and skies, land and vegetation, moon and stars, sea and air and land animals, of human beings, of sin and redemption, of life and death, of blessing and cursing, of marriage and family, and the list could go on forever.

In this book of beginnings we will examine the beginning statement. Genesis 1.1 “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.”

This is not a probing question but a purposeful statement. A statement of faith and a statement of fact. “In the beginning God.” This is not argument against the atheist, the evolutionist, or any other ist. It is a straightforward acknowledgement and announcement of God.

There is not an attempt to prove God. There is only the presentation of God. There is no proof of God, before you kick me out the door listen. There is evidence of God but no proof. There is no way our finite minds can prove God because He is infinite. Adrian Rogers said it aptly “trying to prove God through the physical is like trying to tear a piano apart to find the Hallelujah Chorus.”

God’s word is evidence that God is real and if we live holy and acceptable unto God or lives will make evident “In the beginning God.”

What should I do if someone says prove there is a God? Well point them to Genesis 1.1 and say prove there is not a God!!

This beginning statement tells us much about the God it reveals. It tells us about God as Creator, it tells us about God as Redeemer, it tells us about God as Sustainer.

I. It tells us about God as Creator

A) His Magnificent Power

You have probably heard the joke about the scientists who challenge God to a contest of creating life. Some scientists go to God and tell Him that we (man) don’t need Him anymore because we have figured out a way to make man without Him, so God says: “Let’s have a contest.” All the scientists agree, and they obtain some dirt and God stops them and tells them, “No, no, you have to get your own dirt.”

1) The Word of creation

The word used here in Genesis 1 to talk of God creating is bara. It speaks of something only God can do. He can create something from nothing. Man can only make something from materials that already exist. God can make something from nothing.

2) The Name of creation

The name used to reveal God in this passage is Elohim. It is a compound Hebrew word that comes from El meaning strong, mighty, unlimited power. The second part of the word means to swear, to keep word.

The God revealed in the creation is a God of unlimited power and ultimate truth.

His truth overcomes all errors atheism and evolution, unbelief and Idolatry

His power overcomes any situation or circumstance

This is the God that our community, state, country and world need!!

So why did such an all powerful God create all there is??

B) His Majestic Purpose

1) For His pleasure

Revelation 4.11 “Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created.”

God did not ask for your opinion or permission. He made all there is for his own pleasure. He asked Job where were you when I made the heavens and the earth? He created all because he wanted to

God also created all things for His praise.

2) For His praise

Romans 11.36 “For from Him and through Him and to Him are all things. To Him be the glory forever. Amen.

The ocean waves thunder on the beach, the flowers bloom, the sun shines, the birds sing their songs all to God’s praise.

You were made to praise God as well. Until you learn to praise God life will be empty and meaningless.

3) For His people

The crown jewel of God’s creation is man. He made all things for man.

Read genesis 1 you find that God gave man dominion, control, over all of creation.

Psalm 37.4 “Delight yourself in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart.”

O friend the God of creations loves you and wants the best for you. He will withhold no good thing from his creation.

His magnificent might and Majestic purpose cannot overshadow His marvelous mercy.

C) His Marvelous Mercy

-- God’s Mercy did not begin at the cross it began at creation!!

1 Peter 1.19-20 “but with precious blood, as of a lamb unblemished and spotless, the blood of Christ. 20 For he was foreknown (foreordained) before the foundation of the world. But has appeared in these last times for the sake of you.”

What a compassionate caring God. God’s perfect plan for man was Christ from the beginning. When sin entered the world God did not stumble and bumble and say oh my oh my!!! He already knew and already provided a substitution a sacrifice.

Oh praise be unto the name of God for his mercies are new every morning!!!

Does that not affect you? The God of the universe created you knowing that you would cause him pain and heartache.

Romans 5.8 “But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners Christ died for us.”

II. It tells us about God as Redeemer

His plan from the beginning was to purchase our pardon. God had determined to forgive everyone who would accept the sacrifice of Jesus. But that raises the question why did Jesus have to die?

A) Universal sin

Romans 3.23 “for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.”

There is not one person short of Jesus Christ who has ever walked earth that was free from the mark of sin.

And God cannot look on sin, Habakkuk 1.13a “Your eyes are too pure to approve evil, and you can not look on wickedness with favor.”

Sin separates you from God. Imperfect man can never attain God’s perfect mark. God hit the mark for us with Jesus.

B) Unlimited love – John 3.16 “so loved the World”

“for whosoever will call on the name of the Lord shall be saved.” Whoever confesses Jesus and trust him with their life can have their sins forgiven.

No matter you age, you color, you size, shape, nationality, intelligence. It is an amazing grace that is given by a loving God. God loves you and offers forgiveness of you sins

C) Unending love

It is awesome that God is the same yesterday today and forever. His love never ends. It is His unlimited and unending love that makes Him concerned about our everyday lives.

Transition: God doesn’t only create, and redeem, he also sustains.

III. It tells us about God as Sustainer

God is not only interested in our salvation but our every day situation.

What a real and a relevant God. Interested in our daily comings and goings. Our ups and our downs.

Our ins an dour outs. A who cares and carries.

Hebrews 1.3a “And He (Jesus) is the radiance of His glory and the exact representation of His nature and upholds(sustains) all things by the word of His power.”

We are given a wonderful promise in Psalm 55.17 “Cast your burden upon the Lord and He will sustain you.”

He wants to provide for our Spiritual needs – Salvation

-- everyone needs God’s grace. It is offered freely but not every freely accepts it.

He wants to provide for our Physical needs – Nutrition

Remember how Jesus taught His disciples to pray in Matt 6.11, Luke 11. 3

“Give us this day our daily bread”

That statement means nothing if God is not a God that sustains.

He wants to provide for our Emotional needs -- Satisfaction

God sustains us through His power and His truth.

Conclusion: How does this apply to Perche?

You may have asked yourself what do we have to offer to people. We can’t keep up with the Jones’. We can’t offer what they offer.

Oh dear friends if you have Jesus Christ Then you have everything you will ever need to offer. A God who creates , A God who redeems, A God who sustains.

Interested in us, in our eternal destination, and our every day situation.

Jesus is all you need to offer.

But If you don’t have Jesus you have nothing to offer.

If you have never trusted Jesus Christ as your lord and savior won’t you today.

He suffered and died on a cross, rose from the dead and is seated at the right hand of God today waiting for you to have everything to offer.

Won’t you today come to Jesus.